Subject:  Re: isotropic flow design
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 07:07:58 -0400
From:  David Thistle <>

Thank you for your message.  I am located in the Oceanography-Statistics
Building room 513, which is across Call Street from the Science Library.  I
could meet with you on Tuesday afternoon.  I propose that we meet at
3:00.  Please let me know if that time will work for you or propose another.

At 07:16 PM 9/13/2000 -0400, you wrote:
Hello, my name is Arnett Flowers.  I am part of the four person team
that has been assigned to work on the capture device from last year.

Please let us know your availabilities and office hours (if you have a
course) so that we can schedule a meeting with you.  Also where is your
office or laboratory located?

We hope to provide creative solutions to the this project.

Thankyou for your time,

Arnett G. Flowers
Sr. in Mechanical Engineering C.O.E.


Subject:  Re: isokenetic flow design
Date:  Mon, 18 Sep 2000 07:10:32 -0400
From:  David Thistle <>

Dear Mr. Flowers,

         I look forward to our meeting at 3:00 Tuesday.  Here are some
answers to your questions.

1.  It is "Dr."
2.  To approach the Oceanography-Statistics Building from the direction of
FAMU, go west on Gaines, turn north on Woodward, and left on Call Street at
the bottom of the hill.  The landmark is a large parking garage on the left
(there is a light).  Parking is available for visitors on the top floor of
the garage.  The Oceanography building is across the street.

3.  I have had a talk with the machinist who is building the isokinetic
sampler.  He thinks that most of the problems have been solved.  Therefore,
I propose that the team consider my second project, design of a
heating-cooling system for my seawater flume.  The flume is at the FSU
Marine Laboratory.  If we decide to go ahead, you would need to visit to
see the device, its situation, and make measurements.
4.  I can meet with you for 1-2 hrs, but I suspect that the initial meeting
will be about an hour.

         Best,  David Thistle


Subject:  Re: specifications
Date:  Mon, 09 Oct 2000 13:17:46 -0400
From:  David Thistle <>

Dear Mr. Flowers,

         Thanks for your email.  I have just returned from a short
trip.  The documents are fine.  I will need to get back to you about
another visit to the Marine Laboratory in a day or two.  I can pay for gas,
but one of you would need to come over here and fill out some papers ahead
of time.  Let me know if you want to do that.  It would be great to be able
to increase the water temperature but not essential.  There is a sieve at
the end of the flume duct during ordinary operation to keep sand out of the
pumps (and collect samples).  I am usually near a phone between 8-9 and
1-2.  Email is fine too.  Thanks, DT

At 03:48 AM 10/5/2000 +0000, you wrote:
I am sorry I am sending this so late.  I am attaching the Client summary
and the Team preliminary specifications.  Please let us know if we
should add, remove, or refine any information.  We are trying to move to
the next stage of quantifing what the you would like the mechanism to
As an update:

Minor Walker, our fourth group member, is being replaced by Wail Fadhil.
He will be joining our group tomarrow.  He is a very hard worker and a
welcome addition to our team.  To get him up to speed, and to gather
additional data, we may need to schedule another meeting at the Marine
Facility.  Would this Sunday or sometime next week be alright? The
critical item we need to begin heat transfer equations, is to measure a
profile of the system during a long term run. This would require us to
measure the temperature of the water until it "tops out".  This would
provide the necessary data to design a heat transfer system to maintain
a temperature.  We have a general idea of the flume's behavior (from 50
to 78 in 1.5 hours), but we need to actually see its heating curve to
design the system.  This would be a single run, but would take up to 2
hours depending on the inital water water temperature.  If your
associates at the marine research facility could perform a run in which
time and temperature were recorded, we would not have to go so far,
taking valuable time away from your research. Another question we have
is do you want to have the option of being able to increase the water
temperature in addition to maintaining a set temperature or cooling?
Also, for sediment experiments, how is the sand prevented from entering
the reservoir and the pumping system?

Our group was deciding on whether or not to do a car rotation.  Would
the gas expense to the facility area be budgeted in as an expense for
the project?

I thankyou for your time in reading this e-mail.  I had tried to catch
you by phone.  What are the best times to reach you by phone, or in
person.  Is it better to send an e-mail progress report for

Thankyou for your time,

Arnett Flowers


Subject:  project
Date:  Tue, 10 Oct 2000 14:18:29 -0700
From:  David Thistle <>

Thank you for your latest information package.  I have read through it and
find nothing to add.  I am working on getting you access to the flume for
your temperature test.  I'll be back with you soon. DT


Subject:  flume trial
Date:  Wed, 11 Oct 2000 09:03:28 -0400
From:  David Thistle <>

Mr. Flowers:
        My graduate student Keith Suderman ( has agreed to
run the flume for you this weekend.  Please contact him to arrange a time.


Subject:  Re: idea for the temperature regulator
Date:  Tue, 17 Oct 2000 13:12:42 -0700
From:  David Thistle <>

Hello Mr. Flowers,
        Both ideas seem interesting.  I had not considered the possibility
that the motors were conducting heat to the pumps.  Good luck with your
researches and let me know if I can be of assistance.  DT


Subject:  Re: meetings
Date:  Mon, 23 Oct 2000 07:54:52 -0400
From:  David Thistle <>

Mr. Flowers,
         I am generally available in the afternoon.  Would 31 Oct be
possible for your team?  DT

At 06:50 PM 10/20/2000 -0400, you wrote:

Our group would need to meet with you over the remaining 6 weeks.  We
know you are very buzy and traveling alot. We needed to know what days &
times you would have your schedule free, so we could schedule one or two
meetings within that time.

We have kept in contact since our initial meeting, but this would help
in brain-storming sessions.  Also we would like to finalize the project
specifications, sign and document them from all parties for Dr. Luongo.

Thank you for your time,

Arnett Flowers

what is the the e-mail or phone # of the machinist so we schedule time
with him


Subject:  Re: meeting
Date:  Mon, 06 Nov 2000 08:01:10 -0500
From:  David Thistle <>

I have a meeting at 2:00.  Could we meet at 3:00 on Tuesday?  I'd like to
have the machinist sit in.  He has some practical ideas about what can be
most easily done.  Ok?

At 10:56 PM 11/5/2000 -0500, you wrote:

If it would be ok, we would like to meet with you on Tuesday from 2:50pm
to 3:50pm.

Thankyou for your time,

Arnett Flowers


Subject:  Re: trip to facility
Date:  Tue, 28 Nov 2000 08:04:01 -0500
From:  David Thistle <>

Mr. Flowers

         I am planning a trip to the Marine Lab soon.  I will get back to
you in hopes that we can accomplish your purpose at the same time.  Best, DT

At 12:10 AM 11/28/2000 -0500, you wrote:
Hello, we were wondering if we would be able to meet with you or Mr.
Suderman this week or next for the project.  We are currently working on
the mid-term report and will give you a copy.  We will have our
presentation Thursday December 7th.  We would like to invite you to the
presentation covering the end of this semester and the plan for the
Spring.  Thankyou for your time,

Arnett Flowers


Subject:  flume trial
Date:  Thu, 12 Oct 2000 17:16:19 -0400
From:  "K. Suderman" <>

        Running the flume this weekend will be no problem.  My schedule is still
flexible, but it's starting to fill up.  If you could let me know when you
want to work with the flume, it would help me plan ahead.
980-3218 (call anytime)

Mr. Flowers:
        My graduate student Keith Suderman ( has agreed to
run the flume for you this weekend.  Please contact him to arrange a time.

Keith Suderman
Florida State University
Department of Oceanography


Subject:  Re: flume trial
Date:  Fri, 13 Oct 2000 08:32:05 -0400
From:  "K. Suderman" <>

No problem.  If you decide that this weekend will work, just let me know.


At 08:34 PM 10/12/00 -0400, you wrote:
It would be next week before we would be able to get together for a run
to the Marine Lab.

All we needed was Temperature readings on the flume over a 1 hour period
(once every 10 minutes).  This would be so that we could see the heat
tranfer that would need to be overcome from the system at full power. We
would only need a one shot to finish the calculations for the
temperature regulator.  If anyone is stationed over there and could
record readings with a thermocouple or thermometer, this would be easier
to take care of.  I'll see if Ivan or Takenya would be able to make it
out there this weekend (We have mid term exams this week and next week).
I will send you an e-mail as soon as possible.

Thankyou for your time,

Arnett Flowers

Keith Suderman
Florida State University
Department of Oceanography

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