Minutes from 11/14/2000 meeting at FSU:
Each group member went over there calculations
Machinist came up with an idea of using a chiller
-need to find out what material can be used
-Find a type of chiller that has fluid flowing through it
Ivan’s idea seems to be the best except creating a water
jacket would be a challenge
-Needs to find out the coefficient of the PVC currently used in the flume
-Dave Oliff
Dave really doesn’t see where Ivan’s idea would fit in
the room with the flume
Ideas about PET (polyethylene) piping
Arnett shared a new concept
Arnett’s old idea would need to use dionized water
-Sherwood manufactured
-Norel plastic on outside of pump
-Can not be moved at all (Idea #3 that Takenya was working on can not be
-1 can move about 60 gallons/min
-Measurement of water temperature coming out of the head tank
-Dr. Thistle likes machinist idea
-Need to look at chillers
-Collect temperature data
-At next meeting have some practical data and information
-Assume the max. (all four pumps working at the same time)
-Get in contact with Keith Sutherland
to Fall Minutes