(Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System)


U.S. Army direct-fire ground-based MILES device ("Basic MILES") with laser-based Tactical Engagement Simulation (TES) training devices


The small arms transmitter is a laser device roughly the size of a cellular phone that attaches to the barrel of a weapon and transmits a laser beam at an intended target precisely at the moment the weapon fires a blank round.  Used solely to train soldiers in combat, the SAT along with the other components in MILES allows the soldiers to play a very intense game of laser tag in a battle-simulated environment without the threat of being killed.


The MILES equipment is highly effective in giving soldiers a real-life battle feel.  The US Army, US Air Force and US Marines have implemented MILES equipment into their training programs. 

The SAT is used primarily on the M-16A2 and M-16A1 rifle but also operates on various other weapons including the M24, M-249, M-2, M-60, and M-240.


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