Rancho Suspension Senior Design

Team 7

The Group at the SEMA convention in Las Vegas, NV



Below is the final design of the suspension project


���������� Over the past Fall and Spring semesters this group of Mechanical Engineering students, in cooperation with Rancho suspension, studied and designed the following 2008 Toyota Tundra Suspension modification.� The links to the left of this page will explain the Engineering processes that the team followed to reach their final design.� The links will also share the knowledge gained throughout the process of engineering the project from its infancy to� its final design.�






This site is for the sole use of Tenneco-Rancho and FSU/FAMU senior design project.� It may only be used for educational purposes.� Rancho is in no way related to the creation of this site and or its affiliation with Florida State University.

COE Machine Shop rm.102

2525 Pottsdamer

Tallahassee, FL. 32310


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