You have arrived at the web page for Senior Design Project Team 11. Our team is dedicated to the design of a system which couples the existing Trigeneration system to algae photobioreactors in order to reduce carbon emissions and provide an efficient means of producing biofuel from what would be otherwise expelled exhaust gasses. We are excited to help develop this technology, as the benefits are far-reaching and the rewards great!
As of March, 2012, the final concept has been implemented with great success. The coupling system draws large volumes of exhaust from the trigeneration unit for use in the bioreactor array. Furthermore, experimentation using our system shows that Chlorella and Scenedesmus algae strains are capable of thriving in an environment subjected to exhaust gasses.

The gallery is organized in chronological order. Photos begin with pictures from UFPR, then the trigenerator & photobioreactor systems as received from FSU. As you move forward through the images, you will see the progression from the old systems in disrepair to the overhauled, redesigned systems as used in the final product. Click on the "i" in the top, left-hand corner of the gallery window to toggle image captions.
Provided below are the documents submitted heretofore. WARNING: These documents can be quite large.
- Nuclear Disaster Prevention Presentation (An icebreaker project)
- Team Code of Conduct
- Needs Assessment & Project Scope
- Project Schedule
- Concept Generation & Selection Document
- Concept Generation Presentation
- Fall Final report
- Fall Final Presentation
- Progress Presentation
- Midterm Presentation
- Spring Final Presentation
- Spring Final Report