Team Structure
Senior Design Team #14 consists of six FAMU/FSU engineering students, three Mechanical Engineering majors, two Electrical Engineering majors and one Computer Engineering major. The team is advised by Dr. Rajan Kumar at the Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion (FCAAP) and Dr. Mike Frank at the FAMU/FSU College of Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Dr. Kumar was the primary sponsor advisor and also advised the ME side of the team. Dr. Frank was the ECE side advisor.
Dr. Rajan Kumar

Dr. Rajan Kumar is Team 14's Aerodynamics and Mechanical engineering advisor. He is also the FCAAP customer representative.
Dr. Michael Frank
Ryan Jantzen
Mechanical Engineering Major

Ryan Jantzen is currently a MSBS student and plans get Doctorate degree in Mechanical Engineering. Ryan spends his free time designing computer viruses, which he tests on his own laptop.
Brian Roney
Computer Engineering Major

Brian Roney is a student at Florida State University studying Computer Engineering. He is from Melbourne, Florida and his interests include sports and watching TV. His plans after graduation are to attend graduate school somewhere in the southeast.Besides academics, Brian currently works at Walmart as a greeter/sticker-giver.
blog: http://brianroneyseniordesignworkblog.blogspot.com/Walker Carr
Mechanical Engineering Major

Walker Carr is currently in his senior year at Florida State University pursuing a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering on a thermofluids track. Upon graduation he plans to seek a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on hybrid propulsions systems and sustainable energy development, or working in the field of alternative energy generation. Walker also has a extensive collection of sweater vests, which he collects from all over the world.
Eric Prast
Electrical Engineering Major

Eric Prast is a senior at Florida State University studying Electrical Engineering. He was born in Newport Beach, California but spent most of his life in St. Petersburg, FL. Eric always dreamed of following in the footsteps of his father, who also was an EE and electronic game design pioneer. Eric's primary interests in Electrical Engineering are intelligent systems, image recognition, robotics, and communications. He was interested in the AUVSI Unmanned Aerial System because it is a unique challenging experience that incorporates a system level engineering approach to a seemly new and smart applicable technology.When not at school, Eric enjoys relaxing with his dog, his girlfriend and his eight gasoline generators.
Antwon Blackmon
Mechanical Engineering Major

Antwon is a born and raised local of Tallahassee. His interests include materials engineering, bioengineering and robotics in the concentration of prosthetic limbs. Antwon also enjoys a hobby in radio, where he hosts "Late nights with your boy 'Twon" on the radio station 99.3 "The Heat".
Alek Hoffman
Electrical Engineering Major

Alek Hoffman was born in Apalachicola, Florida and began his education at Tallahassee Community college. He then transferred to Florida State University's Electrical engineering program and enrolled in Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps. In his free time, Alek teaches Yoga at the Senior center.
blog: http://alekhoffmansdworklog.blogspot.com/