Team Meeting:
- Have everyone fill out the Doodle link
- Make next meeting (Sunday will probably work well)
- Bi-Weekly Meetings (Tuesday and Sunday?)
- Bi-Weekly Meetings (Tuesday and Sunday?)
- Find out where everyone is with their sub-system
- Work on next deliverable - Shannon by Sunday Meeting
- Talk about the importance of taking notes while working on your subsystem
- Progress Updates and Individual Assignments
- Webpage - Final Stuff added
- Papers will now be due whatever day we meet with the professors instead of Thursday/Friday and they will be turned in on the website.
- NASA final roster - who is applying for jobs, etc.
- Staff Meeting Time?
- Upcoming presentation
- Next Friday meeting with Dr. Clark
Team Meeting
Rob and Devin:
- May be a power issue so they will be connecting to an actual power supply
- This will be done after the meeting
- For staff meeting:
- Pass serial data from arduino to wifly instead of receiving diagnostic data
- Keep connection
- Positives: received modules, terminal will read actual data instead of random
James and Seth:
- Full size leg is Buehlering with control law off of battery power source
- Motor drivers are ready to ship
- Safety switch is being installed
Shannon and McKenzie
- Parts received and water jet cut, simply waiting on two of them to be finished with welds
- Assembly will begin this week
- NASA forms must be done by this Tuesday
- Meeting with Dr. Clark on Monday at 10 AM
- Make sure individual progress is achieved this week
- Arduino is ordered
- PCBs will beĀ made this week
Minutes from Meeting with Dr. Clark
- Need a design of a shaft clamp for the excavation motors
- Next week:
- Excavation is assembled and attached
- Own code to be written by Rob and Devin
Seth and James will have 2 motors moving and Buehlering correctly