The Team
- Team Leader - Thomas Silva
- Lead Electronics - Joel Manahan
- Lead Ergonomics - Matthew McHugh
- Lead Financial - Travis Jarboe

Left to Right: Travis, Thomas, Joel & Matthew

Dr. Chiang Shih
Alex York, Beyond Innovation, LLC
Florida State University College of Engineering
The 2014-2015 S.A.P.T. Team
We, the four members of team six, are each in the Mechanical Engineering discipline and though we have assigned parts in this project to each be responsible for, we colaborate and share ideas and work together across the board. Here is a little bit about why we moved into our respective roles:Thomas Silva, being friends with Alex York, was involved in the building of the first prototype and thus became the natural leader of our team.
Thomas’ first experience outside the classroom was as a team member for the engineering school’s Society of Automotive Engineers where he gained experience that led him to become the captain for the Baja team the following year. The leadership experience, along with the technical knowledge of the Mechanical Engineering coursework allowed him to intern at Dan foss Turbocor Compressors in Tallahassee, FL. Upon graduation, Thomas would like to work in the Defense industry.
Joel Manahan had slightly more experience with electronics having taken the unrequired (for M.E.s) electronics lab his first semester. Thus it was decided he would see to the electronic needs of the project since there was no Electronics Engineering student available. Joel has his own inventions that he would like to see come to market, some of which are prototyped and some of which are only in the conceptual stage. He would like to further relationships with manufacturers to bring his own ideas to fruition but is also willing to gain experience working for innovative companies as a mechanical design engineer
Matthew McHugh is a perfectionist who is always concerned with the way things look. Whether it's the formatting of his work or the products that he is developing and designing. He is always striving for perfection but his experience working at Owens Corning has taught him to always put safety first over everything.
After his high school graduation in 2010, Matthew began an engineering internship in New Port Richey, FL with the laser optics company VLOC: A subsidiary of II-VI. He spent 4 summers working full time as an intern at VLOC, getting experience in three different departments; Coating (Thin Films) for one summer, Quality Assurance for two summers, and Optics (Polishing) for one summer. All of these departments proved to introduce his understanding of how a plant operates in an industrial setting and how each department needs to work together in order to produce a good final product. During the summer of 2014, Matthew headed west out to San Jose, CA to begin a new engineering internship with Owens Corning at one of their insulation plants for 12 weeks. He was given multiple projects focusing on the water system at the plant. These projects consisted of providing system clarity for the plant’s multiple water systems, determining flow rates into and out of these systems, as well as focusing on pipe flow and spec’ing out a new pump for one of the treated water systems. Matthew’s plans for beyond his graduation from Florida State University are still unclear; as he still does not exactly know what career path he wants to go down. Right now he is looking into Automotive Engineering .
Travis Jarboe will be drawing from his experience at the Fitness and Movement clinic at FSU as the Student Director of Finance and Accounting in his role as the lead handler of the teams finances.
Travis is interested in Mechanical Engineering Design after graduation and is excited to gain experience in the field right away.
The four of us are always willing to learn from others and teach ourselves what is needed to reach our goals of excelence.