Approximately 5000 people die annually in sinking vehicles worldwide. In Florida alone, 1 person dies in a sinking vehicle accident every week. The SSAVES (Sinking Safety Autonomous Vehicle Egress System) solution combines three independent functions, working cohesively, to ensure passengers in this type of emergency can escape safely. By combining three modules: sensing, egress, and delay sinking rate, we have efficiently and effectively produced a safety-infused egress assistance system for sinking vehicle victims.

Our mission is to create a hazard-freesolution that assists sinking vehicle passengers escape. Although there are already products that cater to this type of emergency, these products add more safety hazards to passengers as they try to escape their current situation. Thus, creating a safety-infused automatic window dropping system that detects water, measures the depth of the car (in real-time), delays the rate of sink, while simultaneously alerting First Responders of the emergency in real time, is our solution.