Motorized walker/rollator hybrid
built by the APEX Team 524PC
Our Project
Problem Statement:
We have family and friends who use walkers or rollators and often have trouble with falling
Design a motorized walker/rollator hybrid enhanced with systems to prevent users from falling and allow them to walk with increased independence
The Current Flaws of Walkers/Rollators

Users most often fall over sideways if they fall while using a walker or rollator.
The shape of traditional walkers or rollators can cause users to walk with a hunched posture.
Walkers and rollators operate poorly on rough terrain.
Rollators have the risk of rolling away from the user on inclined surfaces or at rest if the breaks are not engaged.
Our Goals
Project Goals
Prevent users from falling in a sideways manner
Allow users to walk and stand independently
Be as intuitive and simple to operate as possible
Stretch Goals
Fold and fit into an average size vehicle
Prevent backwards and forwards falls
Become a patented design