Akshay Anand

About Research Publications Talks Awards

Akshay Anand

I am a Ph.D Candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Florida State University Tallahassee, USA. At FSU, I am a member of the Computational & Theoretical Multiphysics Laboratory (CTML). My current research focuses on devising an 'Analytical Model to Infer Mask Peripheral Leakage Pattern in Large Population'.

I also serve as the president of the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Association  (MEGSA).

Advisor:  Kourosh Shoele

Prior to joining CTML, I have worked as a Research Engineer at French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Georgia Tech Lorraine, France. Earlier, I have graduated with a Master's Degree (2017 - 2019) in Aeronautics and Space as a part of IMP - Turbulence, offered jointly by Ecole Centrale de Lille and ISAE - ENSMA, Poitiers, France. I have completed my undergraduate degree (2013 - 2017) in Mechanical Engineering from BIRT affiliated to RGPV University, Bhopal, India.

Here is my Email    


I am broadly interested in Applied Mathematics, Fluid Dynamics, CFD, Bio-inspired Engineering, Fluid-Structure Interactions, Turbulence Modelling, Machine Learning Applied to Fluid Dynamics and Systems Engineering. Some research are highlighted below.

A population-based study of the facemask fluid dynamics during talking activity
Akshay Anand*, Tso-Kang Wang, Tomas Solano, Kourosh Shoele
75th APS - DFD, 20 - 22 November, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 2022 conference

Recent studies have shown that the flow generated during routine daily activities such as talking, breathing, and laughing has the potential to spread the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Droplets produced during everyday speech may act as a catalyst in the transmission of COVID-19. Here, we focus on understanding how some syllables may induce mouth movement and further may result in a poor fit of the mask during talking, resulting in modified leakages from the gaps. A novel analytical integral boundary layer solution is devised to quantify the flow in the interface region between the face and the mask. The mask is deployed on the face using the concept of minimum elastic energy to ensure a natural fit. The space between the face and the mask is mathematically modeled with a series of interconnected channels with the porous top boundary, wherein the compatibility conditions determine the channel flow distribution. The model is validated with a detailed flow simulation and employed to find the interconnected relation between fitness during talking, porosity, and leakage through the mask. We quantify the effectiveness of face masks during talking in a large cohort of faces and diverse probable talking scenarios to advise simple metrics that can quantify the leakage pattern and mask efficacy in talking activities. Click here

A Mathematical Framework to Calculate Facemasks Effective Filtration Efficiency in Large Population
Akshay Anand*, Tso-Kang Wang, Tomas Solano, Kourosh Shoele
19th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Austin, TX, USA, 2022 conference

Recent studies have shown that the airborne transmission of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is possible via an infected individual's release of respiratory droplets during sneezing, coughing, or talking. Due to airborne transmission of COVID-19, the use of face masks has effectively diminished the spread of the virus. However, the extent to which a mask can provide protection depends on how well the mask “fit” on the wearers face and the mask material. The fit of a simple cloth mask is expected to vary from one face to another as each wearer has a unique facial topology resulting in unique trends of peripheral leakage and face mask efficacy. Nevertheless, this effect has not been examined and quantified so far. Here, we propose a framework to study the dynamics of peripheral leakage on a large virtual population of subjects generated from a 3D morphable face model; the mask deployment study is performed for more than 1000 distinct morphable faces and different mask shapes. We developed an analytical integral boundary layer solution to quantify the flow field in the interface region between face and mask. Face and mask are interconnected by several linearly inter-connected channels extending from the inner mouth/nose region to masks outer edge. The top surface of each channel is porous, allowing the fluid to enter for respiration while blocking the large droplets. The compatibility condition of inlet pressure determines the flow distribution in the high-pressure region and each channel. The flow is redistributed at the entrance of each channel. The model is validated with a detailed high-fidelity flow simulation. The results show a relationship between fitness, porosity, and leakage through the mask. The inward and outward protection levels of masks are explored. Furthermore, we discuss the statistics of peripheral leakage patterns in a large cohort of faces obtained from the model.

Analytical Model to Infer Mask Peripheral Leakage Pattern in Large Population
Akshay Anand*, Tso-Kang Wang, Tomas Solano, Kenneth Breuer, Rajat Mittal, Kourosh Shoele
74th APS - DFD, 21 - 23 November, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2021 conference

Using a facemask with proper fit is an effective method to diminish the airborne transmission of pathogenic agents, and facemasks have been a critical element in our defense against COVID-19. The mask material and fit on the wearer’s face are critical to the overall effectiveness of the mask against the virus. Here, we propose an analytical integral boundary layer solution to quantify the flow field in the interface region between face and mask. The mask deployment study is performed for more than 1000 distinct morphable faces and different mask shapes. The space between the mask and face is represented with many radial interconnected channels. Each channel has a porous top boundary and extends from the inner mouth/nose high-pressure region to the mask's outer edge. The flow distribution in the channels is determined by the compatibility condition of the inlet pressure. The model is validated with a detailed flow simulation and employed to find the interconnected relation between fitness, porosity, and leakage through the mask. The results demonstrate the relation between breathability and filtration performance of the mask as a function of the masks permeability coefficient and fit. Finally, we discuss the statistics of peripheral leakage patterns in a large cohort of faces obtained from the model. Click here

Aerodynamic Efforts of Propeller at a High Incidence Angle Using 3D URANS Simulation
Advisor: Thierry Jardin
ISAE - SUPAERO, Toulouse, France, March 2019 - Sept 2019 Master's Thesis

In this project, we had a numerical database for propeller forces and moments as functions of freestream velocity and incidence angle. I have performed high fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations on propellers at different free stream conditions. Later I have validated the simulation results with an experimental database obtained in ISAE SUPAERO low - Reynolds number wind tunnel (SaBRe). Thereafter, flow analysis was conducted to identify flow patterns that generate the asymmetric propeller forces and moments. The effect of different blade geometries (pitch angle) were also analyzed. More details can be found here.

Development of Numerical Tool to Investigate Transition to Turbulence in Oscillating Flows
Mentor: Helene Baillet, Dr. Islam Ramadan
CNRS Institut Pprime, Poitiers, France, Nov 2018 - Feb 2019 Master's Research Internship

The objective of the project was to compare the two sets of velocity measurements made at a different Reynolds number using different measurement techniques, PIV and LDA. The comparison had helped us to access the performance of these two optical methods to capture the transition of turbulence in oscillating flows and had given more insight into physics underlying the phenomenon of the transition of turbulence in oscillating flows.

An Ordinary Differential Equation Solver to Determine Lorenz Dynamic Model (Lorenz Attractor) ISAE - ENSMA, University of Poitiers, France, Nov 2018 - Feb 2019 Master's Research Project

The Lorenz model also called the Lorenz dynamic system or Lorenz oscillator, is simplified modeling of meteorological phenomena based on fluid mechanics. This model is a three-dimensional dynamic system which generates chaotic behaviour under certain conditions. It is one of the Chaos theory's most iconic images and illustrates the phenomenon now known as the Butterfly effect or (more technically) sensitive dependence on initial conditions.

Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) to Study Dynamics of Diatoms in a Turbulent Flows
Advisor: Enrico Calzavarini, Francois G. Schmitt
Ecole Polytechnique Lille, France, April 2018 - Aug 2018 Master's Research Internship

Marine phytoplankton organisms are small (around 10 -100 microns) and live in suspension in a turbulent environment. During their evolution, they have developed adaptive strategies that allow them to optimize their acquisition of nutrients and light conditions, via motility, or through a specific form and behavior. We focus here on diatoms, planktonic microorganisms belonging to phytoplankton, lacking swimming capacities. We selected to model the non - spherical particle, elongated and thin, modeled as a particle undergoing the effect of drag. These particles were placed in a homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow (direct numerical simulation, DNS) in which a passive scalar was also simulated. The passive scalar fields represented the nutritive salt necessary for the growth of diatoms. Numerical simulation targeted to consider the rate of the encounter between planktonic organisms and nutrients, under the effect of turbulence. We also studied the influence of the non - spherical shape of the particle on the encounter rate.

A Solver for Turbulent Couette-Poiseuille Flow with Wall-normal Stretching
Mentor: Jean-Philippe Laval
Ecole Centrale de Lille, France, Jan 2018 - April 2018 Master's Research Project

The objective of this project was to program a turbulent model in a simple case and to compare the results with the theoretical solution in the laminar case, and with experimental results for the turbulent case. As the case was simple, the effect of several parameters such as the number of grid point as well as the grid stretching near the wall was investigated.

Study of Flow Around Airfoil Surface Using Particle Image Velocimetry
Mentor: Christoph Cuvier
Ecole Centrale de Lille, France, Jan 2018 - March 2018 Master's Experimental Exposure

The objective of this study was to obtain details about the both the instantaneous and mean velocity. Also, vorticity structures of the flow field around and behind the airfoil was investigated.

Mesh Generation Framework
Mentor: Ilkay Solak

The key objective of this project was to develop a Fortran code capable of developing a mesh with wall-normal stretching. The documentation of code can be found on my git repository. More details can be found here.

Ecole Centrale de Lille, France, Nov 2017 - Jan 2018 Numerical Project

Research Publications

A Scenario-Based Evaluation of Global Urban Air Mobility Demand
Akshay Anand*, Harleen Kaur, Cedric Y. Justin, Turab A. Zaidi, Dimitri N. Mavris
AIAA SciTech Forum, 2021
PDF | BibTex | DOI |
A Top-Down Methodology for Global Urban Air Mobility Demand Estimation
Madhukar P. Mayakonda, Cedric Y. Justin, Akshay Anand, Colby J. Weit, Jiajie (Terry) Wen, Turab A. Zaidi, Dimitri N. Mavris
AIAA Aviation Forum, virtually, 2021
PDF | BibTex | DOI |
A Methodology for Supersonic Commercial Market Estimation and Environmental Impact Evaluation (Part II)
Jiajie (Terry) Wen, Colby J. Weit, Akshay Anand*, Madhukar P. Mayakonda, Turab A. Zaidi, Dimitri N. Mavris
AIAA Aviation Forum, virtually, 2021
PDF | BibTex | DOI |
A Methodology for Supersonic Commercial Market Estimation and Environmental Impact Evaluation (Part I)
Colby J. Weit, Jiajie (Terry) Wen, Akshay Anand*, Madhukar P. Mayakonda, Turab A. Zaidi, Dimitri N. Mavris
Aerospace Europe Conference, Bordeaux, France, 2020
PDF | BibTex |
Research Talks

A population-based study of the facemask fluid dynamics during talking activity
Akshay Anand*, Tso-Kang Wang, Tomas Solano, Kourosh Shoele
Presented at American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 2022 Scientific Presentation
Feel free to contact me for slides.

Analytical Model to Quantify the Effect of Facial Feature and Mask’s Peripheral Leakage for Large Population
Akshay Anand*, Tso-Kang Wang, Tomas Solano, Kourosh Shoele
Presented at Florida Fluid Dynamics Symposium-I Tallahassee, FL, USA, 2022 Scientific Presentation
Feel free to contact me for slides. Unfortunately, the video is not publically available :(.

Analytical Model to Infer Mask Peripheral Leakage Pattern in Large Population
Akshay Anand*, Tso-Kang Wang, Tomas Solano, Kenneth Breuer, Rajat Mittal, Kourosh Shoele
Scientific Presentation Presented at the American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, AZ, USA 2021.
Feel free to contact me for slides. Unfortunately, the video is not publically available :(.

A Scenario-Based Evaluation of Global Urban Air Mobility Demand
Akshay Anand*, Madhukar P. Mayakonda, Colby J. Weit, Jiajie (Terry) Wen, Turab A. Zaidi, Dimitri N. Mavris
Scientific Presentation Presented at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Virtually 2021.
A Top-Down Methodology for Global Urban Air Mobility Demand Estimation
Akshay Anand*, Madhukar P. Mayakonda, Colby J. Weit, Jiajie (Terry) Wen, Turab A. Zaidi, Dimitri N. Mavris
Scientific Presentation Presented at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Virtually 2021.
Direct Numerical Simulation to Understand the Dynamics of Diatoms in a Turbulent Flows
Akshay Anand*, Enrico Calzavarini, Francois G Schmitt
Scientific Presentation Presented at the Laboratory of Oceanology and Geoscience 2019.

Selected Awards

 2023   Nominated for Graduate Studnet Leadership Award $1,000 by FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, FL, USA
 2022   Recipient of People's Choice Award in 3 minute-thesis $500 by Florida State University, FL, USA
 2021   Recipient of Merit Scholarship $1,000 by Florida State University, FL, USA
 2020   Recipient of Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD fellowship for Early Stage Researchers (ESR) position by European Union
  2017 - 2019   Recipient of Charpak Scholarship Funded by French Ministry of Higher Education
  2019   Appreciation for the Masters' Thesis from Jury Members
  2017   Appreciation for the Best Bachelor's Thesis Award
  2017   First Prize in Computer Science (Debugging), Robotics at BIRT, Bhopal, India
  2017   Recipient of Summer Research Studentship at BHEL, Bhopal, India
  2017   Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test Examination Conducted by IISc and IIT's in India

Very thankful to Jon Barron for the template.