Akshay Anand

Akshay Anand (Nick)

I am broadly interested in Applied Mathematics, Fluid Dynamics, FSI, Machine Learning Applied to Fluid Dynamics.

In job market for a Summer 2025 internship and full-time opportunities starting Nov/Dec 2025


2025 -
Updates coming soon, yay!.
2021 - 2025

In my PhD research, I combined deep neural networks and analytical fluid dynamics to study complex facial geometries during talking, breathing, and coughing. Our research included innovative mask deployment strategies and analytical models to assess leakage patterns, enhancing our understanding of mask efficacy across diverse populations.

My adviser is Kourosh Shoele at the Computational & Theoretical Multiphysics Laboratory at FSU. I also had the pleasure to collaborate with Rajat Mittal (Johns Hopkins Univ) and Kenny Breuer (Brown Univ) during the first year of my PhD program (2021).

PhD Research Figure
2019 - 2020

I was a research engineer at the French National Center for Scientific Research CNRS and Georgia Tech Lorraine France.

2017 - 2019
MSc in Aeronautics and Space as a part of IMP Turbulence Program offered jointly by Ecole Centrale de Lille and ENSMA. This is where I first get into Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), Large Eddy Simulation (LES), High-Performance Computing, and Code Development in Fortran, C++ & Matlab.
2013 - 2017
BTech at the RGPV University, Bhopal, India with a major in Mechanical Engineering. This is where I first got into fluid mechanics, and applied mathematics while attending courses by Dr. Abhishek Tiwari and reading groups.


Python 95%
C++ 85%
Julia 75%
Ansys Fluent 90%
COMSOL Multiphysics 95%
Visit 95%
Paraview 80%
Tecplot 75%
TensorFlow 95%
PyTorch 90%
Computer Vision 85%
Diffussion Models 80%
Visual Language Models 80%
JAX 75%
Linux/Unix 95%
Git & GitHub 90%
Docker 85%
Rhinoceros 3D / Grasshopper 90%
LaTeX 95%
JMP 95%
CUDA 90%
OpenMP 90%
MPI 95%
GPU Programming 90%
Distributed Computing 90%

Latest News

FEB 2025

Invited Talk at NAIRR Pilot & FSU Library for work in the Insersection of Fluid Dynamics and AI

Given invited talk on "Integrating Large-Scale Data and Physics-Based Modeling to Evaluate Facemask Efficiency Across Populations" at the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Pilot program and FSU Library.

More details →
JAN 2025

Paper Accepted at AIAA SciTech 2025

Our research on "Dynamics of Flexible Fiber Sedimentation and Cluster Formation at Finite Reynolds Numbers" has been accepted for presentation at the AIAA SciTech Forum in Orlando.

Read abstract →
DEC 2024

Most Persuasive Op-Ed Award

Received recognition for the "Most Persuasive Op-Ed" at Florida State University, highlighting significant research impact. Featured in FSU News and College of Engineering Newsletter.

Read the article →
NOV 2024

Presented at APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting

Presented two abstracts on "Integrating Machine Learning and Physics-Based Flow Models" and "Sedimentation of Flexible Inertial Particles with Different Aspect Ratios".

View presentations →


This section demonstrates my PhD research presentations (2021 - Present), including invited talks, focusing on:
  • Reduced-Order Modeling for Fluid Dynamics
  • Machine Learning & Generative AI
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Fluid-Structure Interaction
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Graph Theory
NAIRR 2025 Invited Talk
Integrating Large-Scale Data and Physics-Based Modeling to Evaluate Facemask Efficacy Across Large Populations

Respiratory disease dynamics: How we can leverage fluid dynamics and AI to solve complex engineering problems.

NAIRR 2025 Invited Talk
AIAA - SciTech 2025 Presentation
Dynamics of Flexible Fiber Sedimentation and Cluster Formation at Finite Reynolds Numbers

Revealing dynamics of flexible fiber sedimentation and clustering through FSI and graph theory analysis.

AIAA - SciTech 2025
APS 2024 Presentation
Integrating Machine Learning and Physics-Based Flow Models for Population-Level Respiratory Disease Simulation

Respiratory disease dynamics: How speech influences facemask performance.

APS - DFD 2024
APS 2023 Presentation
Talking and Facemasks: Unveiling the Crucial Factors for Optimal Protection

Explored the dynamics of facemask protection during speech, identifying key factors for effectiveness.

APS - DFD 2023
Population-based Study
A population-based study of facemask fluid dynamics during talking

Analyzed facemask fluid dynamics across diverse populations during speech.

APS - DFD 2022
Mathematical Framework
Mathematical Framework for Facemasks Effective Filtration Efficiency

Developed a mathematical model to evaluate facemask filtration efficiency.

RECOVOR Presentation
Quantifying the role of face mask in airborne respiratory disease transmission in a large population

Presented research on face mask effectiveness in disease transmission.

Recover Seminar Series 2022
Three Minute Thesis
Three Minute Thesis, 2022

Concisely presented complex research in just three minutes, earning the People's Choice Award for the most convincing presentation as voted by the audience.

FSU 2022
FSU Grad Impact Interview
Interview with FSU Grad Impact, 2022

Discussed research impact and experiences in graduate studies.

FSU Media 2022
Analytical Model
Analytical Model to Infer Mask Peripheral Leakage Pattern

Presented an analytical approach to understand mask leakage patterns.

APS - DFD 2021


Journal Articles

1. Sedimentation of flexible particle suspensions and formation of particle clusters at finite Reynolds number
Akshay Anand, Vahid Tavanashad, Kourosh Shoele
In process of submission to Journal of Fluid Mechanics (JFM), 2024

Peer-Reviewed Articles

6. Dynamics of Flexible Fiber Sedimentation and Cluster Formation at Finite Reynolds Numbers
Akshay Anand, Vahid Tavanashad, Kourosh Shoele
AIAA SciTech, Orlando, USA, 2025
5. Effectiveness of Facemasks for Large Virtual Cohort of Population
Akshay Anand, Kourosh Shoele
Vortex Dominated Flows (DISCOVOR), Breckenridge, USA, 2023
4. A Scenario-Based Evaluation of Global Urban Air Mobility Demand
Akshay Anand*, Harleen Kaur, Cedric Y. Justin, Turab A. Zaidi, Dimitri N. Mavris
AIAA SciTech Forum, 2021
PDF | BibTeX | DOI
3. A Top-Down Methodology for Global Urban Air Mobility Demand Estimation
Madhukar P. Mayakonda, Cedric Y. Justin, Akshay Anand, Colby J. Weit, Jiajie (Terry) Wen, Turab A. Zaidi, Dimitri N. Mavris
AIAA Aviation Forum, Reno, USA, 2020
PDF | BibTeX | DOI
2. A Methodology for Supersonic Commercial Market Estimation and Environmental Impact Evaluation (Part II)
Madhukar P. Mayakonda, Cedric Y. Justin, Akshay Anand, Colby J. Weit, Jiajie (Terry) Wen, Turab A. Zaidi, Dimitri N. Mavris
AIAA Aviation Forum, Reno, USA, 2020
PDF | BibTeX | DOI
1. A Methodology for Supersonic Commercial Market Estimation and Environmental Impact Evaluation (Part I)
Madhukar P. Mayakonda, Cedric Y. Justin, Akshay Anand, Colby J. Weit, Jiajie (Terry) Wen, Turab A. Zaidi, Dimitri N. Mavris
Aerospace Europe Conference, Bordeaux, France, 2020
PDF | BibTeX |


This section showcases my Master's research projects (2017 - 2019) focusing on:
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Numerical Simulation (DNS/LES/URANS/RANS)
  • Aerodynamics
  • Wind Tunnel Testing
  • PIV & LDA Measurements

📅 ISAE - SUPAERO, Toulouse, France, March 2019 - Sept 2019

Master's Thesis

Advisor: Thierry Jardin

Aerodynamic Efforts of Propeller at a High Incidence Angle Using 3D URANS Simulation

In this project, we had a numerical database for propeller forces and moments as functions of freestream velocity and incidence angle. I have performed high fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations on propellers at different free stream conditions. Later I validated the simulation results with an experimental database obtained in ISAE SUPAERO low - Reynolds number wind tunnel (SaBRe). Thereafter, flow analysis was conducted to identify flow patterns that generate the asymmetric propeller forces and moments. The effect of different blade geometries (pitch angle) were also analyzed. More details can be found here.

Development of Numerical Tool to Investigate Transition to Turbulence in Oscillating Flows

📅 CNRS Institut Pprime, Poitiers, France, Nov 2018 - Feb 2019

Master's Research Internship

Advisors: Hélène Bailliet, Islam Ramadan


The objective of the project was to compare the two sets of velocity measurements made at a different Reynolds number using different measurement techniques, PIV and LDA. The comparison had helped us to access the performance of these two optical methods to capture the transition of turbulence in oscillating flows and had given more insight into physics underlying the phenomenon of the transition of turbulence in oscillating flows.

Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) to Study Dynamics of Diatoms in a Turbulent Flows

📅 Ecole Polytechnique, Lille, France, April 2018 - Aug 2018

Master's Research Internship

Advisors: Enrico Calzavarini, François G Schmitt


Marine phytoplankton organisms are small (around 10 -100 microns) and live in suspension in a turbulent environment. During their evolution, they have developed adaptive strategies that allow them to optimize their acquisition of nutrients and light conditions, via motility, or through a specific form and behavior. We focus here on diatoms, planktonic microorganisms belonging to phytoplankton, lacking swimming capacities. We selected to model the non - spherical particle, elongated and thin, modeled as a particle undergoing the effect of drag. These particles were placed in a homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow (direct numerical simulation, DNS) in which a passive scalar was also simulated. The passive scalar fields represented the nutritive salt necessary for the growth of diatoms. Numerical simulation targeted to consider the rate of the encounter between planktonic organisms and nutrients, under the effect of turbulence. We also studied the influence of the non - spherical shape of the particle on the encounter rate.

A Solver for Turbulent Couette-Poiseuille Flow with Wall-normal Stretching

📅 Ecole Centrale de Lille, France, Jan 2018 - March 2018

Master's Research Project

Advisor: Jean-Philippe Laval,


The objective of this project was to program a turbulent model in a simple case and to compare the results with the theoretical solution in the laminar case, and with experimental results for the turbulent case. As the case was simple, the effect of several parameters such as the number of grid point as well as the grid stretching near the wall was investigated.


President of MEGSA

📅 2021 - 2024

Served as the president for the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Association (MEGSA), organizing events and representing graduate students in the department.

Graduate Student Mentor

📅 2022

Mentored undergraduate students, providing guidance on research methodologies, academic writing, and professional development in the field of Mechanical Engineering as a part of FSU's Young Scholar Program.

Graduate Student Mentor

📅 2020

Mentored undergraduate students at Georgia Tech Lorraine, for their reaearch projects.

Conference Volunteering

📅 2019

Volunteer for Summer School on active turbulence at Wimeraux, France.


Curriculum Vitae

Please grab a copy of my CV from here.

Templete copied from Andrej Karpathy webpage.