SUMMARY OF SERVICE ACTIVITIES FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tarek Abichou, Ph.D., P.E. I
have served on Faculty Search, ABET, Laboratory, Undergraduate, and
Graduate department committees. I also serve on the Florida State
University Fulbright committee. I have served as the faculty advisor
for the Student Chapter of American Society of Civil Engineers and our
Student Chapter for Engineers Without Borders (EWB). I have traveled to
Peru twice with EWB to provide 400 families with potable drinking water
and construct latrines. Because of my service with EWB, I received the
Faculty Advisor of the Year Award from Florida State University. In
addition to serving as a reviewer for several journals, I am an Editor
for Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering and a member
of the Editorial Board for Geomechanics and Engineering. I have chaired
technical sessions in Global Waste Symposiums, Geo-Institute annual
meetings served on their technical board. Professionally, I am a
registered Professional Engineer and serve on the American Society of
Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geo-environmental Engineering committee for new
standard review and on the American Society for Testing and Materials
committees (ASTM D18 Soil and Rock Committee, Community Impact (i) Training and Development: My
team also had undergraduates getting research experience and few of them had
decided to become MS students. Three high school students and a high school
teacher have gotten research experience with my research team. The
students on my projects are all learning to conduct field work, conduct
laboratory analyses, data analyses, geo-statistics, and are obtaining writing
skills. The more advanced students teach the younger ones and gain teaching
skills one-on-one. I also participated in the FSU Young Scholars Program which
placed a high school student in my lab. For the high school students we hired,
their experience with us was their first real paying job, as they had both
recently just turned 16 when they joined our team for a summer. (ii) Outreach Activities: I also have made overtures to the local community of people who live in the neighborhood surrounding the local landfill and have added a local environmental activist to one of the advisory group for one of my projects. Our project has received coverage in the local newspaper and local nightly news. I explained in the newspaper story how our work can reduce the impact of greenhouse gases on the atmosphere. I also have visited the Leon County science advisory board and informed them of our project. Presentations have been given to the Florida Center for solid and hazardous waste advisory board, the Florida Fish and Game Agency, and the Florida DEP. |