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- 1.
- Ayres, Frank Jr & Mendelson, Elliott, Calculus Schaum's
Outline Series (McGraw-Hill) 4th edition 1999. ISBN 0-07-041973-6
(Check your book: my copy is missing pages 501-532 and has 533-564
- 2.
- Lipschutz, Seymour, Linear Algebra Schaum's Outline Series
(McGraw-Hill) 2nd edition 1991. ISBN 0-07-038007-4
- 3.
- Bronson, Richard, Differential Equations Schaum's Outline
Series (McGraw-Hill) 2nd edition 1994. ISBN 0-07-008019-4
- 4.
- DuChateau, Paul & Zachmann, David W, Partial Differential
Equations Schaum's Outline Series (McGraw-Hill) 1986. ISBN
A mathematical handbook is also highly recommended and usually allowed
on the tests. Schaum's Mathematical Handbook is popular.
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Up: Fall 2000 Syllabus
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