Next: §4 Boundary Conditions
Up: Introduction
Previous: §2 Notations
You must know by heart:
- The Laplace equation. Steady heat conduction in a plate:

Also describes ideal flows, unidirectional flows, membranes, electro
and magnetostatics, complex functions, ...
In any number of dimensions:
- Smooth solutions.
- Boundary-value problems.
- Maximum property.
- Unlimited region of influence.
- A simple example of an elliptic equation.
- The heat equation. Unsteady heat conduction in a bar:

Also describes unsteady unidirectional flow, ...
In any number of dimensions
- Smooth solutions.
- Initial/boundary value problems.
- Maximum property.
- Unlimited region of influence in space.
- A simple example of a parabolic equation.
- Vibrations of a string: the wave equation:

Also describes acoustics in a pipe, steady supersonic flow, water
waves, optics, ...
In any number of dimensions
- Propagating waves.
- Propagates singularities.
- Initial/boundary value problems.
- Energy conservation.
- Finite propagation speed.
- A simple example of a hyperbolic equation.
Next: §4 Boundary Conditions
Up: Introduction
Previous: §2 Notations
10/27/00 0:01:46