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7.38, §3 Eigenfunctions

Substitute into the homogeneous P.D.E. :

Sturm-Liouville problem for

already in standard form, with periodic boundary conditions

Pretend we do not know the solution!

Characteristic polynomial:

Case :

Since k1 = k2 = 0:

Boundary conditions:

hence . No undetermined constants in eigenfunctions! Simplest is to choose A=1:

Case :

Boundary conditions:

Instead of directly trying to solve, (messy), this time let us write out the matrix of the system of equations for A and B:

Then, for a nontrivial solutions, the determinant must be nonzero:

Hence must be positive, and be one of

The system for A and B becomes:

There are two undetermined constants in the solution:

First eigenfunction:

Second eigenfunction from Gram-Schmidt:


Sturm Liouville theorem: for any function

Next: 7.38, §4 Solve Up: 7.38 Previous: 7.38, §2 P.D.E.
12/06/00 0:18:42