Reduce to row canonical form using the class procedure (i.e. first
to echelon avoiding fractions). At the same time find the matrix
so that . Is ? If not,
why not? Is ? What is the rank of ? What is its
nullspace? What is the dimension of the null space? What is the
solution space if the right hand side vector is ? Do you
get the same solution space from the echelon and row canonical
forms? Do you really need to include this right hand side in the
augmented matrix or is there a simpler way?
Here are some quick ones. As always, explain all answers fully.
Is an upper triangular matrix always in echelon form?
Is a nonsingular upper triangular matrix always in echelon
What is the null space of an zero matrix?
What is its dimension? What is the rank of the matrix?
What is the null space of a unit matrix? What is the rank of
the matrix?
What is the dimension of the null space of an
nonzero matrix (i.e. a nonzero row vector)? Give it for matrix
. What is the rank of the matrix?
Can a system where (more
equations than unknowns) have a nontrivial solution?
Must there always be a solution to where (more unknowns than equations)?
Prove that a system with
always has a nontrivial solution. So what can you
say about the dimension of the null space?