If a matrix is singular, how does that reflect in its
Is it possible for an matrix with all
eigenvalues different to be defective?
Is a square null-matrix defective? Singular?
Is a unit matrix defective? Singular?
Is a square matrix with all coefficients 1 singular?
Is a square matrix with all coefficients 0 except
singular? Defective? What are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors?
Is a square matrix with all coefficients 0 except
for singular? Defective? What are the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors?
An anti-symmetric matrix is a matrix for which .
Are the eigenvalues of an antisymmetric matrix real too? To
check, write down a nontrivial anti-symmetric matrix
and see.
Analyze and accurately draw the quadratic curve
using matrix diagonalization. Show the exact, as well as the
approximate values for all angles. Repeat for the curve,
Note: if you add say 3 times the unit matrix to a matrix , then
the eigenvectors of do not change. It only causes the
eigenvalues to increase by 3, as you can readily verify from the
definition of eigenvector.
Without doing any mathematics, what can you say immediately about
the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this matrix? Now find the
equation for the eigenvalues. It is a cubic one. However, one
eigenvalue is immediately obvious from looking at . What
eigenvalue , that makes singular, is
immediately obvious from looking at A? Factor out the corresponding
factor from the cubic, then find the roots of
the remaining quadratic. Number the single eigenvalue ,
and the double one and . The found two basis
vectors of the null space of , call them
and , will not be orthogonal to each other. To make
them orthogonal, simply eliminate the component that
has in the direction of . In particular, if
is the unit vector in the direction of , then
is the scalar component of
in the direction of . Multiply by the unit vector to get the vector component, and substract it from :
(This trick of making vectors orthogonal by substracting away the
components in the wrong directions is called
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.) Now describe the
transformation of basis that turns matrix into a diagonal one.
What is the transformation matrix from old to new and what is
its inverse? What is the diagonal matrix ?