Ayres, Frank Jr & Mendelson, Elliott, Calculus Schaum's
Outline Series (McGraw-Hill) 5th edition 2009. ISBN
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O'Neil.
Thomson-Engineering; 7th edition, 2011. ISBN: 9781111427412.
(Until Fall 2013).
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Dennis G. Zill and
Warren S. Wright. 5th Ed., 2014. Jones and Bartlett.
ISBN-13: 9781449691721. (Starts Fall 2014)
Spiegel, Murray R, & Liu, John, Mathematical HandBook of
Formulas and Tables Schaum's Outline Series (McGraw-Hill) 2nd
edition 1999. ISBN 0-07-038203-4. (Recommended, but any
mathematical handbook is allowed.)
Downing, Douglas, Dictionary of Mathematics
2nd Ed, Barron's 1995. ISBN 0-8120-3097-4 (not required but useful
if you forgot a lot of basic mathematics concepts.)