program adipr c General information: c Program adipr solves the two-dimensional convection equation c c u_t + ax u_x + ay u_y =0 c c for c c 0 <= x <= xmax 0 <= y <= ymax 0 <= t <= tmax. c For simplicity it is assumed that the convection velocity c components ax and ay are positive, so that the boundary conditions c apply at x = 0 and at y = 0. Reverse x or y to handle negative ax c or ay. c Program adipr produces the output file "adipr.out". Any existing file of c that name will be deleted. c Copyright 1997 Leon van Dommelen c Version 1.0 Leon van Dommelen 1/10/97 c Numerical scheme: c Program adipr uses the two-stage Peaceman-Rachford ADI method: c c (1 + 0.5 dt ax d/dx) u-tilde = ( 1 - 0.5 dt ay d/dy) u^n c (1 + 0.5 dt ay d/dy) u^n+1 = ( 1 - 0.5 dt ax d/dx) u-tilde c c where u^n is the dependent variable u at the last known time, c u^n+1 is the dependent variable at the next time to be computed; c dt is the numerical time step; u-tilde a purely computational c "intermediate unknown", and the derivatives d/dx and d/dy are c evaluated using standard second order central differences. c This method is second order accurate in space and time. c A boundary condition for u-tilde can be obtained by substracting c the two Peaceman-Rachford formulae from each other, to give: c c 2 u-tilde = (1 - 0.5 dt ay d/dy) u^n + (1 + 0.5 dt ay d/dy) u^n+1 c Because of the central differencing, the scheme requires c artificial boundary conditions at x = xmax and at y = ymax. c External variables and info for compiling or changing program adipr: c Program adipr requires a separate subroutine c ini(jdim,ldim,io, c ax,ay,xmax,ymax,tmax,jmax,lmax,nmax,x,y) c to initialize the various variables. c Program adipr requires a separate subroutine c ic(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,io,u) c to set the initial condition. c Program adipr requires a separate subroutine c bcx(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,io, c abcx,bbcx) c to return the boundary condition at x = 0 as equations of the form c sum (j = 0 to jmax) abcx(j) u(j,l) = bbcx(l). c Program adipr requires a separate subroutine c bcy(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,io, c abcy,bbcy) c to return the boundary condition at y = 0 as equations of the form c sum (l = 0 to lmax) abcy(l) u(j,l) = bbcy(j). c Program adipr requires a separate subroutine c bcxa(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,io, c abcxa,bbcxa) c to return an artificial boundary condition at x = xmax as equations c of the form c sum (j = 0 to jmax) abcxa(j) u(j,l) = bbcxa(l). c Program adipr requires a separate subroutine c bcya(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,io, c abcya,bbcya) c to return an artificial boundary condition at y = ymax as equations c of the form c sum (l = 0 to lmax) abcya(l) u(j,l) = bbcya(j). c Program adipr requires a separate subroutine c out(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,u,io) c to output the solution at time t. c Program adipr requires a separate subroutine: c tribc(ndim,n,abc,abca,a1,a2,a3,b, c w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,w8,w9, c u,ier,err,umax) c to solve an almost tridiagonal system of n+1 equations of the form c sum (j = 0 to n) abc(j) u(j) = b(0) first equation; c a1(j) u(j-1) + a2(j) u(j) + a3(j) u(j+1) = b(j) for j = 1, ..., n-1; c sum (j = 0 to n) abca(j) u(j) = b(n) final equation; c for u(0), u(1), ... u(n). Arguments w1 through w9 are work space; c ier is an error code which should be less than two after tribc; c err is an error estimate and umax is the maximum |u(i)| value. external tribc c Program variables: c Avoid typos: implicit none c Components of the convection velocity in the x and y directions: double precision ax,ay c Size of the domain in the x- and y-directions: double precision xmax,ymax c The maximum time to compute: double precision tmax c Index in the x-direction with its maximum and dimensioned value: integer j,jmax,jdim parameter (jdim=128) c Index in the y-direction with its maximum and dimensioned value: integer l,lmax,ldim parameter (ldim=64) c Time step number and its maximum value: integer n,nmax c Mesh point x- and y-positions double precision x(0:jdim),y(0:ldim) c Current time: double precision t c Spatial mesh size in the x direction: double precision dx c Spatial mesh size in the y direction: double precision dy c The time step: double precision dt c The values of the dependent variable for the last computed time: double precision u(0:jdim,0:ldim) c The intermediate unknowns u-tilde in the ADI method: double precision utilde(0:jdim,0:ldim) c Storage for the equations during the first stage of the c ADI method listed above under "Numerical method": c The coefficients and the right hand sides of the tridiagonal c equations in the x-direction for u-tilde for the interior points: double precision a1x(0:jdim),a2x(0:jdim),a3x(0:jdim),bx(0:jdim) c The coefficients and the right hand sides of the equations c describing the boundary condition at x = 0 for u as returned by c subroutine bcx: double precision abcx(0:jdim),bbcx(0:ldim) c The right hand sides of the equations describing the boundary c condition at x = 0 for the intermediate unknown u-tilde: double precision bbcxt(0:ldim) c The coefficients and right hand sides of the equations describing c the artificial boundary condition at x = xmax: double precision abcxa(0:jdim),bbcxa(0:ldim) c The right hand sides of the equations describing the artificial c boundary condition at x = xmax for the unknown u-tilde: double precision bbcxat(0:ldim) c The solution vector of the equations as found by subroutine tribc: double precision solx(0:jdim) c Work vectors used by tribc while solving the equations: double precision wx1(0:jdim),wx2(0:jdim),wx3(0:jdim),wx4(0:jdim), & wx5(0:jdim),wx6(0:jdim),wx7(0:jdim),wx8(0:jdim),wx9(0:jdim) c Storage for the equations during the second stage of the c ADI method listed above under "Numerical method": c The coefficients and the right hand sides of the tridiagonal c equations in the y-direction for u for the interior points: double precision a1y(0:ldim),a2y(0:ldim),a3y(0:ldim),by(0:ldim) c The coefficients and the right hand sides of the equations c describing the boundary condition at y = 0 as returned by bcy: double precision abcy(0:ldim),bbcy(0:jdim) c The coefficients and right hand sides of the equations describing c the artificial boundary condition at y = ymax: double precision abcya(0:ldim),bbcya(0:jdim) c The solution vector of the equations as found by subroutine tribc: double precision soly(0:ldim) c Work vectors used by tribc while solving the equations: double precision wy1(0:ldim),wy2(0:ldim),wy3(0:ldim),wy4(0:ldim), & wy5(0:ldim),wy6(0:ldim),wy7(0:ldim),wy8(0:ldim),wy9(0:ldim) c Error code returned by subroutine tribc: integer ier c Estimated error made by tribc: double precision err,errmax c Maximum u value found by subroutine tribc: double precision umax c Whether an old output file exists: logical exists c Constants, defined to simplify changing precision: double precision zero,one,two,o2 parameter (zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,o2=0.5d0) c Initialize the variables: c Create the output file after deleting any existing old file: inquire(file='adipr.out',exist=exists) if(exists)then open(1,file='adipr.out',status='old') close(1,status='delete') endif open(1,file='adipr.out',status='new') c Let subroutine ini initialize the computational variables: call ini(jdim,ldim,1, & ax,ay,xmax,ymax,tmax,jmax,lmax,nmax,x,y) c Check for the minimum mesh size: if( .or. print*,'*** adipr: the mesh size must be at least 1x1' stop endif c Set the numerical time step: dt=one if( c Set the horizontal mesh size: dx=x(1)-x(0) c Set the vertical mesh size: dy=y(1)-y(0) c Initialize the time step: n=0 c Initialize the time: t=zero c Let subroutine ic set the initial condition on u: call ic(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,1,u) c Get the boundary condition at x = 0 from subroutine bcx: call bcx(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,1, & abcx,bbcx) c Get the artificial boundary condition at x = xmax from subroutine bcxa: call bcxa(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,1, & abcxa,bbcxa) c Get the boundary condition at y = 0 from subroutine bcy: call bcy(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,1, & abcy,bbcy) c Get the artificial boundary condition at y = ymax from subroutine bcya: call bcya(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,1, & abcya,bbcya) c Set the y = 0 and ymax boundary values according to the end conditions: do 200 j=1,jmax-1 u(j,0)=bbcy(j) do 150 l=1,lmax u(j,0)=u(j,0)-abcy(l)*u(j,l) 150 continue u(j,0)=u(j,0)/abcy(0) u(j,lmax)=bbcya(j) do 160 l=0,lmax-1 u(j,lmax)=u(j,lmax)-abcya(l)*u(j,l) 160 continue u(j,lmax)=u(j,lmax)/abcya(lmax) 200 continue c Set the x = 0 and xmax boundary values according to the end conditions: do 300 l=0,lmax u(0,l)=bbcx(l) do 250 j=1,jmax u(0,l)=u(0,l)-abcx(j)*u(j,l) 250 continue u(0,l)=u(0,l)/abcx(0) u(jmax,l)=bbcxa(l) do 260 j=0,jmax-1 u(jmax,l)=u(jmax,l)-abcxa(j)*u(j,l) 260 continue u(jmax,l)=u(jmax,l)/abcxa(jmax) 300 continue c Let subroutine out output the initial plane: call out(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,u,1) c Initialize the maximum error in subroutine tribc alone: errmax=zero c Start of the computation of times greater than zero: c For n = 0, 1, ..., nmax-1, compute the time-plane n+1 do 5000 n=0,nmax-1 c Find the next time: t=(n+1+zero)/nmax*tmax c The addition of zero assures that the first division is a c floating point one. The order of the terms ensures that the c last time plane is exactly time tmax, regardless of round-off c errors. Otherwise subroutine out might not output it. c Determination of the intermediate unknown u-tilde in the ADI c procedure listed above under "Numerical method": c The boundary condition at x = 0 for u-tilde is of similar form c as the one for u, namely, c sum (j = 0 to jmax) abcx(j) utilde(j,l) = bbcxt(l), c and the artificial boundary condition at x = xmax is c sum (j = 0 to jmax) abcxa(j) utilde(j,l) = bbcxat(l). c From the expression for u-tilde in terms of u at time steps n c and n+1 as given under "Numerical method", the right hand side c bbcxt is found in terms of the right hand sides bbcx for u as: c bbcxt = 0.5 (1 - 0.5 dt ay d/dy) bbcx^n c 0.5 (1 + 0.5 dt ay d/dy) bbcx^n+1 c and similar for bbcxat. c Contribution of time step n to the right hand sides for u-tilde: do 2100 l=1,lmax-1 bbcxt(l)= & o2*(bbcx(l)-o2*dt/(two*dy)*(bbcx(l+1)-bbcx(l-1))) bbcxat(l)= & o2*(bbcxa(l)-o2*dt/(two*dy)*(bbcxa(l+1)-bbcxa(l-1))) 2100 continue c Get the new boundary condition at x = 0: call bcx(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,1, & abcx,bbcx) c Get the artificial boundary condition at x = xmax: call bcxa(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,1, & abcxa,bbcxa) c Contribution of time step n+1 to the right hand sides for u-tilde: do 2200 l=1,lmax-1 bbcxt(l)=bbcxt(l)+ & o2*(bbcx(l)+o2*dt/(two*dy)*(bbcx(l+1)-bbcx(l-1))) bbcxat(l)=bbcxat(l)+ & o2*(bbcxa(l)+o2*dt/(two*dy)*(bbcxa(l+1)-bbcxa(l-1))) 2200 continue c Now find u-tilde at the interior points: do 3000 l=1,lmax-1 c Find the equations for u-tilde at the interior points: do 2500 j=1,jmax-1 c The subdiagonal coefficient (see "Numerical scheme" above): a1x(j)=-o2*dt*ax/(two*dx) c The diagonal coefficient (see "Numerical scheme" above): a2x(j)=one c The superdiagonal coefficient (see "Numerical scheme" above): a3x(j)=-a1x(j) c The right hand side (see "Numerical scheme" above): bx(j)=u(j,l)-o2*dt*ay/(two*dy)*(u(j,l+1)-u(j,l-1)) 2500 continue c Set the right-hand sides corresponding to the end conditions: bx(0)=bbcxt(l) bx(jmax)=bbcxat(l) c Hand the system of equation to subroutine tribc to solve: call tribc(jdim,jmax,abcx,abcxa,a1x,a2x,a3x,bx, & wx1,wx2,wx3,wx4,wx5,wx6,wx7,wx8,wx9, & solx,ier,err,umax) if( print*,'*** adipr: fatal error code from tribc:', & ier,err,umax stop endif errmax=max(errmax,err) c Copy the solution into u-tilde: do 2900 j=0,jmax utilde(j,l)=solx(j) 2900 continue 3000 continue c Get the new boundary condition at y = 0 from subroutine bcy: call bcy(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,1, & abcy,bbcy) c Get the artificial boundary condition at y = ymax: call bcya(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,1, & abcya,bbcya) c Compute the new dependent variable along the interior mesh lines: do 4000 j=1,jmax-1 c Find the equations for u at the interior points: do 3500 l=1,lmax-1 c The subdiagonal coefficient (see "Numerical scheme" above): a1y(l)=-o2*dt*ay/(two*dy) c The diagonal coefficient (see "Numerical scheme" above): a2y(l)=one c The superdiagonal coefficient (see "Numerical scheme" above): a3y(l)=-a1y(l) c The right hand side (see "Numerical scheme" above): by(l)=utilde(j,l) & -o2*dt*ax/(two*dx)*(utilde(j+1,l)-utilde(j-1,l)) 3500 continue c Set the right-hand sides corresponding to the end conditions: by(0)=bbcy(j) by(lmax)=bbcya(j) c Hand the system of equation to subroutine tribc to solve: call tribc(ldim,lmax,abcy,abcya,a1y,a2y,a3y,by, & wy1,wy2,wy3,wy4,wy5,wy6,wy7,wy8,wy9, & soly,ier,err,umax) if( print*,'*** adipr: fatal error code from tribc:', & ier,err,umax stop endif errmax=max(errmax,err) c Copy the solution into u: do 3900 l=0,lmax u(j,l)=soly(l) 3900 continue 4000 continue c Find the new dependent variable on the boundaries: do 4100 l=0,lmax u(0,l)=bbcx(l) do 4050 j=1,jmax u(0,l)=u(0,l)-abcx(j)*u(j,l) 4050 continue u(0,l)=u(0,l)/abcx(0) u(jmax,l)=bbcxa(l) do 4060 j=0,jmax-1 u(jmax,l)=u(jmax,l)-abcxa(j)*u(j,l) 4060 continue u(jmax,l)=u(jmax,l)/abcxa(jmax) 4100 continue c Allow subroutine out to perform output: call out(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,u,1) c Go compute the next plane: 5000 continue 9000 print*,'Maximum error in solving the equations alone:',errmax write(1,9010)errmax 9010 format('Maximum error in solving the equations alone:',e11.2) stop end