subroutine satis2(ndim,n,u0,r10,r20,u1,r11,r21,u2,r12,r22, & erru,errr,u,ier,err) c General information: c Subroutine satis2 finds the combination "u" of three vectors "u0", c "u1", and "u2" so that two linear equations become satisfied. Any c other linear equation satisfied by "u0", "u1", and "u2" remains c satisfied by "u". c Copyright 1996 Leon van Dommelen c Version 1.0 Leon van Dommelen 1/2/97 c Computational procedure: c The weighted average "u" can be written as: c u = u0 + f (u1-u0) + g (u2-u0) c with f and g to be determined. The combined residuals in the c two equations are: c r1 = r10 + f (r11-r10) + g (r12-r10) = 0 c r2 = r20 + f (r21-r20) + g (r22-r20) = 0 c from which f and g can be determined. c Arguments: c Avoid typos: implicit none c Input: declared maximum index of the vectors (1 <= ndim): integer ndim c Input: actual maximum index of the vectors (1 <= n <= ndim): integer n c Input: the first vector to use: double precision u0(0:ndim) c Input: the residuals in the two equations for vector u0: double precision r10,r20 c Input: the second vector to use: double precision u1(0:ndim) c Input: the residuals in the two equations for vector u1: double precision r11,r21 c Input: the third vector to use: double precision u2(0:ndim) c Input: the residuals in the two equations for vector u2: double precision r12,r22 c Input: the typical absolute error in u: double precision erru c If zero, the machine round-off error is used to find erru. c Input: the typical absolute error in the residuals: double precision errr c If zero, the machine round-off error is used to find errr. c Output: the vector u producing zero residuals r1 and r2: double precision u(0:ndim) c Output: error code: integer ier c Always check the value of ier after satis2. If ier is nonzero, c there may be a problem. c Output: estimated error in u based on the values of erru and errr: double precision err c A small value can give some confidence in the accuracy of the c obtained solution. c Local variables: c An index to keep track whether satis2 has been initialized: integer init c The matrix of the system of equations for f and g: double precision a11,a12,a21,a22 c Determinant of the matrix double precision det c The solution of the system: double precision f,g c Index over the coefficients of the vectors: integer i c The machine epsilon (the relative error in real numbers): double precision eps save eps c The error in the residuals double precision dr c The error in the u values double precision du c Estimated error in the determinant: double precision dd c Estimated errors in f and g: double precision df,dg c Maximum absolute coefficient in u0, u1, and u2: double precision umax c Maximum absolute coefficient in u0: double precision u0max c Maximum absolute coefficient in u1 - u0: double precision u10max c Maximum absolute coefficient in u2 - u0: double precision u20max c Numerical codes for the various problems that may occur: integer onedim,singul,crash parameter (onedim=1,singul=2,crash=4) c Constants defined to make changing precision easier: double precision zero,one,two parameter (zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0) c Data statements: data init/0/ c Executable statements: c Check the arguments: if( .or. .or. print*,'*** satis2: invalid arguments' stop endif c Initialize the error code: ier=0 c Cannot satisfy two equations using a scalar: if( c Initialize the first time around: if(init.eq.0)then c Find the machine epsilon as the absolute error in the value 1: eps=two 10 eps=eps/two if( 10 c Mark as initialized: init=1 endif c Solve the equations c r1 = r10 + f (r11-r10) + g (r12-r10) = 0 c r2 = r20 + f (r21-r20) + g (r22-r20) = 0 c for f and g: c Find the matrix of the system of equations: a11=r11-r10 a12=r12-r10 a21=r21-r20 a22=r22-r20 c Find the determinant of the matrix: det=a11*a22-a12*a21 if( ier=ier+crash return endif c Find f and g: f=(r20*a12-r10*a22)/det g=(r10*a21-r20*a11)/det c Combine the solutions: do 100 i=0,n u(i)=u0(i)+f*(u1(i)-u0(i))+g*(u2(i)-u0(i)) 100 continue c Estimate the error in the solution roughly: c Find the limiting u-values: umax=zero u0max=zero u10max=zero u20max=zero do 200 i=0,n umax=max(umax,abs(u0(i)),abs(u1(i)),abs(u2(i))) u0max=max(u0max,abs(u0(i))) u10max=max(u10max,abs(u1(i)-u0(i))) u20max=max(u20max,abs(u2(i)-u0(i))) 200 continue c Error in the u-values: du=erru if(*umax c Error in the residuals: dr=errr if(* & max(abs(r10),abs(r11),abs(r12),abs(r20),abs(r21),abs(r22)) c Error in the determinant: dd=two*dr*(abs(a11)+abs(a12)+abs(a21)+abs(a22)) if( & ier=ier-(ier/singul-ier/(2*singul)*2)*singul+singul c Error in f and g: df=abs(f)*dd/abs(det) & +dr*(abs(a12)+abs(a22)+two*(abs(r10)+abs(r20)))/abs(det) dg=abs(g)*dd/abs(det) & +dr*(abs(a21)+abs(a11)+two*(abs(r10)+abs(r20)))/abs(det) c Final error estimate: err=du+df*u10max+dg*u20max+two*du*(df+dg) if(*u10max)+abs(g*u20max)) & ier=ier-(ier/singul-ier/(2*singul)*2)*singul+singul c All done: return end