4 Due 9/19

  1. Determine whether the ideal gas approximation is good or reasonable for the following conditions. State why or why not.
    1. Oxygen at 30$\POW9,{\circ}$C, 3 MPa
    2. Methane at 30$\POW9,{\circ}$C, 3 MPa
    3. Water at 30$\POW9,{\circ}$C, 3 MPa
    4. R-134a at 30$\POW9,{\circ}$C, 3 MPa
    5. R-134a at 30$\POW9,{\circ}$C, 100 kPa

  2. A rigid tank holds 4 m$\POW9,{3}$ of air at 6 bar and 100$\POW9,{\circ}$C. To cool it down a bit, 2 kg of air is allowed to escape. This lowers the temperature by 25$\POW9,{\circ}$C. What is the final pressure?

  3. In the ideal Diesel cycle, the combustion proceeds isobarically. Assume that the air-fuel mixture can be approximated as plain air, and that the initial volume is 0.5 L and the final volume 1.3 L, while the initial pressure and temperature are 7 MPa and 700$\POW9,{\circ}$C. What is the mass of the air, and the final temperature in degrees centrigrade?

  4. (Refer to figure P3.73 / P 3.53 / P 2.80 in the book.) A rigid tank $A$ of volume 2 m$\POW9,{3}$ is connected by a valve to another tank $B$ with twice the volume. Initially, tank $A$ holds nitrogen at 100 kPa and 250 K, and tank $B$ nitrogen at 200 kPa and 300 K. Then the valve is opened and the combined tanks come to a uniform state at a temperature of 280 K. What is the pressure in the tanks then?