Putrpose: Given a SCRIPT.m file published in Matlab to LaTeX format, process it to get an Octave-like appearance, including gray backgrounds and better looking math. To minimize conversion problems, in the SCRIPT.m file: - avoid all whitespace inside $...$ inline math; - avoid links (bare might be OK). - avoid non-whitespace before mark-up starters like _, |, and $. GENERIC USAGE: In Matlab, publish the SCRIPT.m file to LaTeX. Put SCRIPT.tex and associated images in folder proclatex. Rename the latex file SCRIPTorg.tex. In the folder, run the command subbin.exe frommatlab.sub SCRIPTorg.tex SCRIPT.tex Then, if the figures are *not* .eps format, run pdflatex SCRIPT else run latex SCRIPT dvips -t letter SCRIPT ps2pdf SCRIPT.ps to create SCRIPT.pdf. Use a version of subbin.exe compiled for your operating system. In case of problems, you might want to look at the tex files and at substitutions script fromlatex.sub.