2+3 ans = 5 2-3 ans = -1 2*3 ans = 6 2/3 ans = 0.6667 2^3 ans = 8 1.5/.5 ans = 3 disp('1.5/0.5') 1.5/0.5 1.5/.5 ans = 3 1.0546e-34 ans = 1.0546e-34 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000010546 ans = 1.0546e-36 0.0000000000000000000000000000000010546 ans = 1.0546e-33 0.00000000000000000000000000000000010546 ans = 1.0546e-34 1.0546e-34^2 ans = 1.1122e-68 % this is not fortran; 2/3 is not zero % that was a comment and so is this one % functions sqrt(9) ans = 3 sin(30) ans = -0.9880 sin(pi/180*30) ans = 0.5000 sind(30) ans = 0.5000 sin(10*pi) ans = -1.2246e-15 sin(10000000000000000*pi) ans = -0.3752 who x x=3 x = 3 x==3 ans = logical 1 x==5 ans = logical 0 x=5 x = 5 whos x Name Size Bytes Class Attributes x 1x1 8 double x x = 5 x=3; x x = 3 x*x ans = 9 X {Undefined function or variable 'X'.} x x = 3 x+3 ans = 6 sqrt(4) ans = 2 sqrt(4) ans = 2 sqr(4) x2 = 16 ans = 16 q1 ans = 2.7500 ans = 0.5000 ans = 0.5000 publish q1.m pdf ans = '\\print2\dommelen\My Documents\MATLAB\hw0\html\q1.pdf' q1 (2+3)/4 ans = 1.2500 sin(30 deg) ans = 0.5000 ans = 0.5000 publish q1.m pdf ans = '\\print2\dommelen\My Documents\MATLAB\hw0\html\q1.pdf' q3 ans = 9 ans = 16 x = 5 ans = 25 publish q3.m pdf ans = '\\print2\dommelen\My Documents\MATLAB\hw0\html\q3.pdf' q3 ans = 9 ans = 16 x = 5 ans = 25 publish q3.m pdf ans = '\\print2\dommelen\My Documents\MATLAB\hw0\html\q3.pdf' publish q3.m pdf ans = '\\print2\dommelen\My Documents\MATLAB\hw0\html\q3.pdf' q2 Now print the value: averageGrade = 67.5000 publish q2.m pdf ans = '\\print2\dommelen\My Documents\MATLAB\hw0\html\q2.pdf' help HELP topics: My Documents\MATLAB - (No table of contents file) PLECS Blockset 4.1 (64 bit)\demos - (No table of contents file) Plexim\PLECS Blockset 4.1 (64 bit) - PLECS Piece-wise Linear Electrical Circuit Simulation matlab\datafun - Data analysis and Fourier transforms. matlab\datatypes - Data types and structures. matlab\elfun - Elementary math functions. matlab\elmat - Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation. matlab\funfun - Function functions and ODE solvers. matlab\general - General purpose commands. matlab\iofun - File input and output. matlab\lang - Programming language constructs. matlab\matfun - Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra. matlab\ops - Operators and special characters. matlab\polyfun - Interpolation and polynomials. matlab\randfun - Random matrices and random streams. matlab\sparfun - Sparse matrices. matlab\specfun - Specialized math functions. matlab\strfun - Character arrays and strings. matlab\timefun - Time and dates. matlab\validators - (No table of contents file) matlabhdlcoder\matlabhdlcoder - (No table of contents file) matlabxl\matlabxl - (No table of contents file) matlab\demos - Examples. matlab\graph2d - Two dimensional graphs. matlab\graph3d - Three dimensional graphs. matlab\graphics - Handle Graphics. graphics\obsolete - (No table of contents file) matlab\plottools - Graphical plot editing tools matlab\scribe - Annotation and Plot Editing. scribe\obsolete - (No table of contents file) matlab\specgraph - Specialized graphs. matlab\uitools - Graphical user interface components and tools uitools\obsolete - (No table of contents file) hardware\stubs - (No table of contents file) matlab\images - (No table of contents file) toolbox\local - General preferences and configuration information. graphics\maps - (No table of contents file) matlab\optimfun - Optimization and root finding. matlab\bigdata - (No table of contents file) codeanalysis\analysis - (No table of contents file) matlab\codetools - Commands for creating and debugging code matlab\datamanager - (No table of contents file) matlab\datastoreio - (No table of contents file) matlab\graphfun - (No table of contents file) matlab\guide - Graphical user interface design environment matlab\helptools - Help commands. matlab\mapreduceio - (No table of contents file) testframework\core - (No table of contents file) testframework\performance - (No table of contents file) matlab\verctrl - (No table of contents file) matlab\winfun - Windows Operating System Interface Files (COM/DDE) winfun\net - Using .NET from within MATLAB simulink\components - Simulink components. simulink\dee - Differential Equation Editor asap2\asap2 - (No table of contents file) asap2\user - (No table of contents file) can\blocks - (No table of contents file) common\tgtcommon - (No table of contents file) coder\simulinkcoder - Simulink Coder targets\pil - (No table of contents file) coder\advisor - (No table of contents file) rtw\accel - (No table of contents file) coder\simulinkcoder_core - (No table of contents file) rtw\rtwdemos - Simulink Coder Demos rtwdemos\rsimdemos - (No table of contents file) testsequence\testsequence - (No table of contents file) library\simulinkcoder - (No table of contents file) blocks\obsolete - (No table of contents file) simulink\blocks - Simulink block library. simulink\simulink - Simulink simulink\mplayio - (No table of contents file) simulink\units - (No table of contents file) simulink\model_transformer - (No table of contents file) simulink\clone_detection - (No table of contents file) simulink\sfuncheck - (No table of contents file) simulink\simdemos - Simulink examples simdemos\aerospace - (No table of contents file) simdemos\automotive - (No table of contents file) simdemos\simfeatures - (No table of contents file) simfeatures\modelreference - (No table of contents file) simfeatures\datadictionary - (No table of contents file) automotive\fuelsys - (No table of contents file) simdemos\simgeneral - (No table of contents file) automotive\powerwindow - (No table of contents file) slde\slde - (No table of contents file) simulink\simulink_export_methods - (No table of contents file) simulink\hmi - (No table of contents file) simulink\modeladvisor - (No table of contents file) modeladvisor\fixpt - (No table of contents file) modeladvisor\misra - (No table of contents file) modeladvisor\security - (No table of contents file) simulink\frameedit - (No table of contents file) core\m - (No table of contents file) widgets\m - (No table of contents file) stateflow\stateflow - Stateflow stateflow\sfdemos - Stateflow examples and samples. appdesigner\appdesigner - (No table of contents file) matlab\apps - (No table of contents file) matlab\audiovideo - Audio and Video support. autosar\autosar - (No table of contents file) bioinfo\bioinfo - Bioinformatics Toolbox bioinfo\biolearning - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Statistical Learning functions. bioinfo\microarray - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Microarray support functions. bioinfo\mass_spec - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Mass spectrometry data analysis functions. bioinfo\proteins - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Protein analysis tools. bioinfo\biomatrices - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Sequence similarity scoring matrices. bioinfo\graphtheory - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Graph Theory functions. bioinfo\biodemos - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Tutorials, demos and examples. coder\codegendemos - (No table of contents file) coder\connectivity - (No table of contents file) coder\coverage - (No table of contents file) rtw\rtw - (No table of contents file) tools\registry - (No table of contents file) foundation\tfl - (No table of contents file) autosar4p0\ifx - (No table of contents file) autosar4p0\ifl - (No table of contents file) tfl\gui - (No table of contents file) coder\matlabcoder - MATLAB Coder coder\xrel - (No table of contents file) coder\xrelexport - (No table of contents file) comm\comm - Communications System Toolbox commutilities\comminit - (No table of contents file) commutilities\commmex - (No table of contents file) comm\commutilities - (No table of contents file) comm\commdeprecated - Archived MATLAB Files from Communications System Toolbox. comm\cdma2000 - The first two lines are intentionally left blank, to avoid participation comm\commdemos - Communications System Toolbox Demos. comm\examples - (No table of contents file) shared\comparisons - (No table of contents file) compiler_sdk\java - (No table of contents file) toolbox\compiler - MATLAB Compiler compiler\java - (No table of contents file) toolbox\compiler_sdk - MATLAB Compiler SDK compiler\mltall - (No table of contents file) matlab\configtools - (No table of contents file) connector2\connector - connector Enable or disable the MATLAB Connector. The MATLAB Connector allows you to access a MATLAB session on a desktop from a mobile device using MATLAB Mobile. control\control - Control System Toolbox control\ctrlmodels - Control System Toolbox -- Linear models. control\ctrlanalysis - Control System Toolbox -- Linear analysis. control\ctrldesign - Control System Toolbox -- Compensator design and tuning. control\ctrlplots - Control System Toolbox -- Plot creation and manipulation. control\ctrlguis - Control System Toolbox -- Applications. control\ctrlobsolete - Control System Toolbox -- obsolete commands. control\ctrlutil - Control System Toolbox -- Utilities and MEX files. control\ctrldemos - Control System Toolbox -- Examples. matlab\reports - (No table of contents file) curvefit\curvefit - Curve Fitting Toolbox curvefit\splines - Curve Fitting Toolbox -- Spline Functions curvefit\sftoolgui - (No table of contents file) curvefit\curvefitdemos - Curve Fitting Toolbox -- Examples daq\daq - Data Acquisition Toolbox app\daqaiapplet - (No table of contents file) daq\daqdemos - Data Acquisition Toolbox - Data Acquisition Demos. daq\daqblks - (No table of contents file) daqblks\daqsfcn - (No table of contents file) database\database - Database Toolbox database\dbdemos - Database Toolbox Demonstration Functions. datafeed\datafeed - Datafeed Toolbox datafeed\datafeeddemos - (No table of contents file) datafeed\dfgui - Datafeed Toolbox Graphical User Interface dig\dig - (No table of contents file) toolbox\distcomp - Parallel Computing Toolbox distcomp\distcomp - (No table of contents file) distcomp\user - (No table of contents file) distcomp\mpi - Parallel Computing Functions for Message Passing distcomp\parallel - Parallel Algorithms parallel\util - (No table of contents file) distcomp\lang - Parallel computing programming language constructs. distcomp\cluster - Functions and Classes for Parallel Computing with Clusters distcomp\gpu - There are several options available for using your computer's graphics distcomp\pctdemos - (No table of contents file) dotnetbuilder\dotnetbuilder - (No table of contents file) dpvu\dpvu - (No table of contents file) dpvu\metamodel - (No table of contents file) dpvu\actions - (No table of contents file) dsp\dsp - DSP System Toolbox dsp\dsputilities - (No table of contents file) dsputilities\dspinit - (No table of contents file) dsputilities\dspmex - (No table of contents file) dsp\dsphdl - (No table of contents file) dsphdl\dsputilities - (No table of contents file) dsp\dspdemos - DSP System Toolbox demonstrations and examples. dsp\examples - (No table of contents file) spc\src_ml - (No table of contents file) targets\ecoder - (No table of contents file) mpt\mpt - Module Packaging Feature mpt\user_specific - (No table of contents file) coder\embeddedcoder - Embedded Coder ecoder\ecoderdemos - (No table of contents file) econ\econ - Econometrics Toolbox econ\econdata - Econometrics Toolbox: Data, Demos, and Examples eml\eml - (No table of contents file) examples\antenna - (No table of contents file) toolbox\exlink - Spreadsheet Link matlab\filebrowser - (No table of contents file) dsp\filterdesign - (No table of contents file) finance\calendar - Financial Toolbox calendar functions. finance\finance - Financial Toolbox finance\finsupport - (No table of contents file) finance\ftseries - Financial Toolbox Times Series Functions. finance\findemos - Financial Toolbox Examples fixedpoint\fixedpointtool - (No table of contents file) fixedpoint\fidemos - (No table of contents file) fixedpoint\fixedpoint - Fixed-Point Designer toolbox\fixpoint - Fixed-Point Designer fixpoint\fpca - (No table of contents file) fixedandfloat\fxpdemos - Fixed-Point Designer Demos float2fixed\demos - (No table of contents file) fuzzy\fuzzy - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox fuzzy\fuzzyutil - (No table of contents file) fuzzy\fuzdemos - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Demos. uicomponents\components - (No table of contents file) geoweb\geoweb - (No table of contents file) globaloptim\globaloptim - Global Optimization Toolbox globaloptim\globaloptimdemos - Global Optimization Toolbox Demos hdlcoder\hdlcoder - HDL Coder hdlcoder\hdlwa - (No table of contents file) hdlcoder\hdlcoderdemos - HDL Coder Examples hdlcoderdemos\matlabhdlcoderdemos - HDL Coder Demos hdlcoder\hdlcommon - (No table of contents file) hdlcommon\modelcheckeradvisor - (No table of contents file) hdlfilter\hdlfilter - Filter Design HDL Coder hdlfilter\hdlfiltdemos - Filter Design HDL Coder Demos hdllib\ml_lib - (No table of contents file) hdllib\sl_lib - (No table of contents file) hdlcoder\hdlslrt - (No table of contents file) ticcs\ccslinkblks - (No table of contents file) ccslinkblks\rtdxsimblks - (No table of contents file) ticcs\mdlinfo - (No table of contents file) ticcs\tfl - (No table of contents file) ticcs\util - (No table of contents file) ticcs\envchecker - (No table of contents file) foundation\pjtgenerator - (No table of contents file) pjtgenerator\tgtpref2 - (No table of contents file) pjtgenerator\mdlinfo - (No table of contents file) pjtgenerator\blks - (No table of contents file) blks\masks - (No table of contents file) foundation\util - (No table of contents file) foundation\errorhandler - (No table of contents file) foundation\xmakefile - (No table of contents file) foundation\hookpoints - (No table of contents file) idelink\idelinkdemos - (No table of contents file) ticcs\ccsdemos - (No table of contents file) ccsdemos\util - (No table of contents file) ident\ident - System Identification Toolbox ident\nlident - Nonlinear System Identification features. Type "help ident" for more info. ident\idobsolete - (No table of contents file) ident\idguis - (No table of contents file) ident\idutils - (No table of contents file) ident\idrecursive - (No table of contents file) ident\iddemos - (No table of contents file) iddemos\examples - (No table of contents file) images\colorspaces - Image Processing Toolbox --- colorspaces images\images - Image Processing Toolbox images\imdata - Image Processing Toolbox --- sample images images\imuitools - Image Processing Toolbox --- imuitools images\iptformats - Image Processing Toolbox --- File Formats images\iptutils - Image Processing Toolbox --- utilities matlab\imagesci - (No table of contents file) images\imdemos - Image Processing Toolbox --- demos imaq\imaq - Image Acquisition Toolbox imaq\imaqdemos - Image Acquisition Toolbox. imaqblks\imaqblks - (No table of contents file) imaqblks\imaqmex - (No table of contents file) imaqblks\imaqmasks - (No table of contents file) instrument\instrument - Instrument Control Toolbox instrumentblks\instrumentblks - (No table of contents file) instrumentblks\instrumentmex - (No table of contents file) instrumentblks\instrumentmasks - (No table of contents file) instrument\instrumentdemos - (No table of contents file) shared\instrument - (No table of contents file) javabuilder\javabuilder - (No table of contents file) shared\m3i - (No table of contents file) map\map - Mapping Toolbox map\mapgeodesy - (No table of contents file) map\mapdisp - (No table of contents file) map\mapformats - (No table of contents file) map\mapproj - (No table of contents file) map\mapdata - Mapping Toolbox Sample Data Sets shared\mldatx - (No table of contents file) mpc\mpc - Model Predictive Control Toolbox mpc\mpcguis - (No table of contents file) mpc\mpcobsolete - (No table of contents file) mpc\mpcutils - (No table of contents file) mpc\mpcdemos - Model Predictive Control Toolbox -- Demos. matlab\networklib - Network support. toolbox\nnet - Neural Network Toolbox nnet\nncontrol - Neural Network Toolbox Control System Functions. nnet\nnadapt - Neural Network Toolbox Adapt Functions. nnet\nndatafun - Neural Network Toolbox Data Functions. nnet\nnderivative - Neural Network Toolbox Calculation Functions. nnet\nndistance - Neural Network Toolbox Distance Functions. nnet\nndivision - Neural Network Toolbox Division Functions. nnet\nninitlayer - Neural Network Toolbox Layer Initialization Functions. nnet\nninitnetwork - Neural Network Toolbox Network Initialization Functions. nnet\nninitweight - Neural Network Toolbox Weight Initialization Functions. nnet\nnlearn - Neural Network Toolbox Learning Functions. nnet\nnnetfun - Neural Network Toolbox Network Functions. nnet\nnnetinput - Neural Network Toolbox Net Input Functions. nnet\nnnetwork - Neural Network Toolbox Network Creation Functions. nnet\nnperformance - Neural Network Toolbox Performance Functions. nnet\nnplot - Neural Network Toolbox Plot Functions. nnet\nnprocess - Neural Network Toolbox Processing Functions. nnet\nnsearch - Neural Network Toolbox Line Search Functions. nnet\nntopology - Neural Network Toolbox Topology Functions. nnet\nntrain - Neural Network Toolbox Training Functions. nnet\nntransfer - Neural Network Toolbox Transfer Functions. nnet\nnweight - Neural Network Toolbox Weight Functions. nnet\nnguis - Neural Network Toolbox GUI Functions. nnet\nnobsolete - Neural Network Toolbox Obsolete Functions nnet\nnutils - Neural Network Toolbox Utility Functions nnet\cnn - Neural Network Toolbox convolutional neural network (CNN) functions. nnet\nndemos - Neural Network Demonstrations and Applications nndemos\nndatasets - Neural Network Datasets opc\opc - OPC Toolbox opc\opcgui - (No table of contents file) opcblks\opcblks - OPC Toolbox Block Library Support Functions. opc\opcdemos - OPC Toolbox - OPC Examples opcdemos\opcblksdemos - OPC Toolbox Block Library Examples. optim\optim - Optimization Toolbox optim\optimdemos - Demonstrations. optim\problemdef - (No table of contents file) matlab\pathtool - (No table of contents file) toolbox\pde - Partial Differential Equation Toolbox pde\pdedata - Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Data pde\pdedemos - Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Examples mli\m - (No table of contents file) fluids\fluids - Simscape Fluids mech\mech - (No table of contents file) mech\importer - (No table of contents file) mech\mechdemos - SimMechanics Demos. network_engine\network_engine - (No table of contents file) ne_sli\ne_sli - (No table of contents file) advisor\m - (No table of contents file) pe\pedemos - (No table of contents file) library\m - (No table of contents file) utils\m - (No table of contents file) pm_sli\pm_sli - (No table of contents file) powersys\powerdemo - Simscape Power Systems Examples powerdemo\power_utility - (No table of contents file) drives\drivesdemo - (No table of contents file) dr\drdemo - (No table of contents file) facts\factsdemo - (No table of contents file) powersys\library - (No table of contents file) powerdemo\machines - (No table of contents file) powersys\powersys - (No table of contents file) powerdemo\power_electronics - (No table of contents file) powerdemo\simple - (No table of contents file) sh\sh - (No table of contents file) advisor\m - (No table of contents file) sh\shdemos - (No table of contents file) simrf\m - (No table of contents file) advisor\m - (No table of contents file) mli\m - (No table of contents file) simscape\simscapedemos - (No table of contents file) library\m - (No table of contents file) foundation\simscape - Simscape library\m - (No table of contents file) reg\m - (No table of contents file) simscape\m - (No table of contents file) utils\m - (No table of contents file) sm\smdemos - (No table of contents file) smdemos\cart_double_pendulum - (No table of contents file) smdemos\stewart_platform - (No table of contents file) smdemos\double_crank_aiming - (No table of contents file) smdemos\double_wishbone_suspension - (No table of contents file) smdemos\robotic_wrist - (No table of contents file) smdemos\welding_robot - (No table of contents file) smdemos\potters_wheel - (No table of contents file) smdemos\linear_actuator - (No table of contents file) smdemos\pto_shaft - (No table of contents file) smdemos\vehicle_slalom - (No table of contents file) smdemos\dump_trailer - (No table of contents file) smdemos\solar_tracker - (No table of contents file) smdemos\suspension_templates - (No table of contents file) smdemos\worm_jack - (No table of contents file) foundation\mech - Simscape Multibody gui\m - (No table of contents file) import\m - (No table of contents file) sli\m - (No table of contents file) sm\m - (No table of contents file) sps\sps - Simscape Power Systems codeinstrum\codeinstrum - (No table of contents file) interfaces\python - (No table of contents file) realtime\realtime - Run Simulink model on target hardware rf\rf - RF Toolbox rf\rftool - RF Tool Graphical User Interface rfblks\rfblks - RF Blockset rfblks\rfblksmasks - (No table of contents file) rfblks\rfblksdemos - (No table of contents file) rf\rfdemos - RF Toolbox Demos rptgen\rptgen - MATLAB Report Generator rptgenext\rptgenext - Simulink Report Generator rptgenextdemos\flutter_suppression - (No table of contents file) rptgenextdemos\sdd - (No table of contents file) rptgenextdemos\slxmlcomp - (No table of contents file) rptgen\rptgendemos - (No table of contents file) matlab\serial - (No table of contents file) blocks\sb2sl - (No table of contents file) shared\can - (No table of contents file) can\canblks - (No table of contents file) can\canmasks - (No table of contents file) can\canmex - (No table of contents file) shared\channel - (No table of contents file) shared\configset - (No table of contents file) controllib\engine - Control Library - Engine. engine\numerics - (No table of contents file) engine\options - (No table of contents file) engine\blocks - (No table of contents file) controllib\estimation - Control Library - Estimation algorithms. controllib\general - Control System Toolbox -- General Utilities. controllib\graphics - Control Library - Graphics. graphics\utils - (No table of contents file) graphics\plotoptions - (No table of contents file) controllib\requirements - Control Library - Design Requirements. shared\dastudio - (No table of contents file) dspblks\dspblks - (No table of contents file) dsp\dialog - (No table of contents file) dsp\hdl - (No table of contents file) dsp\scopes - (No table of contents file) utilities\init - (No table of contents file) eda\board - (No table of contents file) eda\fil - FPGA-in-the-Loop verifies FPGA designs in Simulink and MATLAB with an fil\filmapi - (No table of contents file) eda\fpgaautomation - HDL Verifier for Xilinx FPGA design automation shared\filterdesignlib - (No table of contents file) filterdesignlib\filterbuilder - (No table of contents file) shared\hdlshared - HDL Library hdlshared\hdlshared_gui - (No table of contents file) shared\imageslib - Image Processing Toolbox Library shared\imaqlib - Image Acquisition Toolbox Library shared\io - (No table of contents file) shared\mapgeodesy - Geometric Geodesy Functions shared\maputils - Map Utility Functions shared\measure - (No table of contents file) multibody\multibodylib - Shared multibody shared\optimlib - Optimization Toolbox Library shared\pdelib - PDE Toolbox Library shared\reqmgt - Requirements Management Interface. reqmgt\mmutils - Subdirectory "shared/reqmgt/mmutils" - part of RMI data model infrastructure shared\rflib - (No table of contents file) shared\rptgen - (No table of contents file) shared\sigbldr - (No table of contents file) shared\siglib - (No table of contents file) sysarch\sysarch - (No table of contents file) shared\slcontrollib - Simulink Control Design Library shared\sl_coverage_configset - (No table of contents file) shared\sldv - sldvisactive - Check if Simulink Design Verifier software is analyzing model sldv_sfcn\sldv_sfcn - (No table of contents file) slreportgen\reportexplorer - (No table of contents file) spcuilib\slscopes - (No table of contents file) shared\slvnv - (No table of contents file) shared\statslib - Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Library supportsoftware\upgrade - (No table of contents file) tracking\trackinglib - Tracking Filters vehicle_protocols\j1939blks - (No table of contents file) vehicle_protocols\j1939mex - (No table of contents file) shared\xcp - XCP functionality is provided as part of Vehicle Network Toolbox. xcp\xcpblks - (No table of contents file) xcp\xcpmasks - (No table of contents file) xcp\xcpmex - (No table of contents file) blocks\sxcpudptl - (No table of contents file) signal\signal - Signal Processing Toolbox signal\sigtools - (No table of contents file) signal\sptoolgui - (No table of contents file) signal\sigdemos - (No table of contents file) signal\signalanalyzer - (No table of contents file) signalanalyzer\sptfunctions - (No table of contents file) simbio\simbio - SimBiology simbio\simbiodemos - SimBiology Demos simrf\simrf - (No table of contents file) simrf\simrfv2 - (No table of contents file) simrf\simrfv2masks - (No table of contents file) simrf\simrfv2demos - RF Blockset 6.1 Demos simrf\examples - (No table of contents file) simrf\simrf_top - (No table of contents file) sl3d\sl3d - (No table of contents file) sl3d\sl3ddemos - Simulink 3D Animation examples. slcontrol\slcontrol - Simulink Control Design slcontrol\slctrlguis - (No table of contents file) slcontrol\slctrlutil - (No table of contents file) slcontrol\slctrlobsolete - (No table of contents file) slcontrol\slctrldemos - (No table of contents file) toolbox\slcoverage - (No table of contents file) sldo\sldo - Simulink Design Optimization sldo\sldoguis - (No table of contents file) sloptim\sloptim - (No table of contents file) sloptim\sloptguis - (No table of contents file) sloptim\sloptobsolete - (No table of contents file) slestim\slestguis - (No table of contents file) slestim\slestim - (No table of contents file) slestim\slestmex - Simulink Design Optimization Estimation S-Function MEX-files. slestim\slestutil - (No table of contents file) sldo\sldodemos - Simulink Design Optimization Demos. sldodemos\optim - (No table of contents file) sldodemos\estim - (No table of contents file) sldo\examples - (No table of contents file) sldrt\sldrt - Simulink Desktop Real-Time sldrt\sldrtexamples - (No table of contents file) sldv\sldv - (No table of contents file) simulink\slexportprevious - (No table of contents file) simulink\slhistory - (No table of contents file) slproject\examples - (No table of contents file) slreportgen\webview - (No table of contents file) slrt\slrt - Simulink Real-Time slrt\rtw - (No table of contents file) slrt\blocks - (No table of contents file) blocks\protocols - (No table of contents file) blocks\displaylogging - (No table of contents file) slrt\advisor - (No table of contents file) sltp\legend - (No table of contents file) simulink\sl_async_streaming - (No table of contents file) simulink\fixedandfloat - Fixed-Point Designer utilities. fixedandfloat\obsolete - (No table of contents file) iodata\iomap - (No table of contents file) sta\sourceblocks - (No table of contents file) performance\performancea - (No table of contents file) sta\editor - (No table of contents file) sta\derivedsignals - (No table of contents file) sta\sl_sta_editor_block - (No table of contents file) sl_studio\sl_studio - (No table of contents file) simulink\upgradeadvisor - (No table of contents file) stats\bayesoptim - (No table of contents file) stats\bigdata - (No table of contents file) stats\classreg - (No table of contents file) stats\clustering - (No table of contents file) stats\featlearn - (No table of contents file) stats\stats - Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox stats\statsdemos - (No table of contents file) stats\distributed - (No table of contents file) stats\gpu - (No table of contents file) stats\mlearnapp - Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox symbolic\symbolic - Symbolic Math Toolbox symbolic\symbolicdemos - (No table of contents file) target\codertarget - (No table of contents file) intelhost\tfl - (No table of contents file) foundation\utils - (No table of contents file) utils\resource_config - (No table of contents file) blks\mex - (No table of contents file) blks\masks - (No table of contents file) ti\mdlinfo - (No table of contents file) ti\utils - (No table of contents file) blks\masks - (No table of contents file) arm\tfl - (No table of contents file) etargets\etargets - (No table of contents file) etargets\demoutils - (No table of contents file) processor\tic2000 - (No table of contents file) tic2000\utils - (No table of contents file) blks\masks - (No table of contents file) blks\mex - (No table of contents file) blks\masks - (No table of contents file) matlab\timeseries - Time series data visualization and exploration. matlab\toolbox_packaging - (No table of contents file) trading\trading - Trading Toolbox trading\tradingdemos - (No table of contents file) uicomponents\uicomponents - (No table of contents file) uicomponents\graphics - (No table of contents file) spcuilib\unifiedscopes - (No table of contents file) vision\vision - Computer Vision System Toolbox vision\visionutilities - (No table of contents file) visionutilities\visioninit - (No table of contents file) visionutilities\visionmex - (No table of contents file) wavelet\wavelet - Wavelet Toolbox wavelet\wmultisig1d - (No table of contents file) wavelet\compression - (No table of contents file) wavelet\wavedemo - (No table of contents file) matlab\webcam - Webcam support. interfaces\json - (No table of contents file) webservices\restful - (No table of contents file) interfaces\webservices - MATLAB Web Services Interfaces. xpc\xpc - (No table of contents file) xpcblocks\thirdpartydrivers - (No table of contents file) build\xpcblocks - (No table of contents file) build\xpcobsolete - (No table of contents file) xpc\xpcdemos - (No table of contents file) more on help HELP topics: My Documents\MATLAB - (No table of contents file) PLECS Blockset 4.1 (64 bit)\demos - (No table of contents file) Plexim\PLECS Blockset 4.1 (64 bit) - PLECS Piece-wise Linear Electrical Circuit Simulation matlab\datafun - Data analysis and Fourier transforms. matlab\datatypes - Data types and structures. matlab\elfun - Elementary math functions. matlab\elmat - Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation. matlab\funfun - Function functions and ODE solvers. matlab\general - General purpose commands. matlab\iofun - File input and output. matlab\lang - Programming language constructs. matlab\matfun - Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra. matlab\ops - Operators and special characters. matlab\polyfun - Interpolation and polynomials. matlab\randfun - Random matrices and random streams. matlab\sparfun - Sparse matrices. matlab\specfun - Specialized math functions. matlab\strfun - Character arrays and strings. matlab\timefun - Time and dates. matlab\validators - (No table of contents file) matlabhdlcoder\matlabhdlcoder - (No table of contents file) matlabxl\matlabxl - (No table of contents file) matlab\demos - Examples. matlab\graph2d - Two dimensional graphs. matlab\graph3d - Three dimensional graphs. matlab\graphics - Handle Graphics. graphics\obsolete - (No table of contents file) matlab\plottools - Graphical plot editing tools matlab\scribe - Annotation and Plot Editing. scribe\obsolete - (No table of contents file) matlab\specgraph - Specialized graphs. matlab\uitools - Graphical user interface components and tools uitools\obsolete - (No table of contents file) hardware\stubs - (No table of contents file) matlab\images - (No table of contents file) toolbox\local - General preferences and configuration information. graphics\maps - (No table of contents file) matlab\optimfun - Optimization and root finding. matlab\bigdata - (No table of contents file) codeanalysis\analysis - (No table of contents file) matlab\codetools - Commands for creating and debugging code matlab\datamanager - (No table of contents file) matlab\datastoreio - (No table of contents file) matlab\graphfun - (No table of contents file) matlab\guide - Graphical user interface design environment matlab\helptools - Help commands. matlab\mapreduceio - (No table of contents file) testframework\core - (No table of contents file) testframework\performance - (No table of contents file) matlab\verctrl - (No table of contents file) matlab\winfun - Windows Operating System Interface Files (COM/DDE) winfun\net - Using .NET from within MATLAB simulink\components - Simulink components. simulink\dee - Differential Equation Editor asap2\asap2 - (No table of contents file) asap2\user - (No table of contents file) can\blocks - (No table of contents file) common\tgtcommon - (No table of contents file) coder\simulinkcoder - Simulink Coder targets\pil - (No table of contents file) coder\advisor - (No table of contents file) rtw\accel - (No table of contents file) coder\simulinkcoder_core - (No table of contents file) rtw\rtwdemos - Simulink Coder Demos rtwdemos\rsimdemos - (No table of contents file) testsequence\testsequence - (No table of contents file) library\simulinkcoder - (No table of contents file) blocks\obsolete - (No table of contents file) simulink\blocks - Simulink block library. simulink\simulink - Simulink simulink\mplayio - (No table of contents file) simulink\units - (No table of contents file) simulink\model_transformer - (No table of contents file) simulink\clone_detection - (No table of contents file) simulink\sfuncheck - (No table of contents file) simulink\simdemos - Simulink examples simdemos\aerospace - (No table of contents file) simdemos\automotive - (No table of contents