Exam Thursday 11/8, *not* Friday 11/9. 1) Solve system. Create script "solvesys.m" allowing any matrix size n. Form matrix and right hand side vector: "for". Initialize! Check condition number: "if". Effect of error in data? Plot solution. "fprintf" etc. Note: if you cannot prevent solvesys from crashing, put a percent sign at the start of the two 'solvesys' lines to be able to publish to pdf, so that at least you can still get partial credit for the question. 2) Infinite sum. Initialize the sum and add terms t(i)=ti in a "for" loop. Termination "if": |i*ti| or just |ti| if alternating? ti no longer changes the sum? Assessment "if": did we converge? Error? Find ti from previous ti. "fprintf" etc. 3) Symbolic math. Use "syms" and "sym". May need "help FUNCTION" or "help sym/FUNCTION". "int(SYMFUN,SYMVAR)", "int(SYMFUN,SYMVAR,START,END)". "diff(SYMFUN,SYMVAR)". "solve(SYMLHS==SYMRHS,VAR)". "collect(SYMEXPR,SYMVAR)". "expand(SYMEXPR)". "factor(SYMEXPR)", "factor(SYMEXPR,'OPT','VAL')", "factor(SYMNUM)". "partfrac(SYMRAT)". "taylor(SYMFUN,ORDER)". "subs(SYMEXPR,{SYMVAR ...},{SYMVAL ...})". "prod(SYMVEC)". "simplify(SYMEXPR)". "pretty(SYMEXPR)". "vpa(VAL)". "double(VAL)". "NUMFUN=matlabFunction(SYMFUN)". "fprintf" etc.