Processing math: 100%




Note: Either publish to html or use

sympref display ascii

not unicode. Latex does not have various Unicode symbols implemented.

% reduce needless whitespace
format compact
% reduce irritations
more off
% start a diary
%diary lectureN.txt

% load the symbolic package (needed for Octave)
pkg load symbolic
syms initpython
sympref display unicode


Normally Matlab generates numbers, not formulae. If you ask Matlab to find the roots where a function is zero, maybe using fzero, it gives you numbers. If you ask Matlab to integrate a function from a lower limit to an upper limit using integral or quad, it gives you a number. Etcetera,

But sometimes you want a formula instead of a number. For example, you might want the derivative or antiderivative of a function. Either one is a formula, not a number. Also, sometimes you want to see an exact number, and non-integer numbers in Matlab have round-off errors.

What you need for such purposes is a symbolic computations program. Such a program is available inside Matlab as the "Symbolic Math Toolbox". Normally MathWorks charges separately for this package. However, it is included in the "Student Edition", and within Matlab on the COE computers.

In this section we will illustrate how normal Matlab computations and symbolic ones differ. We will look at a simple function, a quadratic in fact.

One thing to remember: Be sure to inform Matlab with the syms or sym command when variables and/or numbers are intended to be symbolic. Normal variables are names of storage locations with a number in it. But a symbolic variable does not store a number; at all times it can stand for any number. So a normal variable x is very different from a symbolic variable x, and Matlab must know which of the two x is.

disp(' ')

% the example quadratic as a normal Matlab function
qNum = @(x) -4*x.^2+3*x+12

% we can integrate it between, say, 0 and 2
disp('Integrate from 0 to 2 using "quad":')
disp('We got a floating point number.')

% find a root
disp('Find one of the two roots using "fzero":')
disp('We got a floating point number.')

% tell Matlab that, from now on, x is a symbolic variable
disp(' ')
disp('Let''s do some *symbolic math* now:')
syms x

% the example quadratic as a symbolic function
disp('Create a symbolic quadratic:')

% we can integrate it between, say, 0 and 2
disp('Integrate symbolically from 0 to 2 using "int":')
qSymInt02=int(qSym,x,[0 2])
disp('We got an *exact* number.')

% but we can also find the anti-derivative
disp('Find the symbolical anti-derivative using "int":')
disp('We got a symbolic function, the anti-derivative.')
disp('This is already in expanded form in Octave:')

% and we can find the derivative
disp('Differentiate symbolically using "diff":')
disp('We got a symbolic function, the derivative.')

% we can find both roots exactly (note ==, not =)
disp('Find both roots exactly using "solve" (note ==):')
qSymRoots=solve(qSym == 0,x)
disp('Display flat:')
sympref display flat
sympref display unicode
disp('We got *both* roots as *symbolic expressions*.')
disp('To see the numbers, use "double":')

% we cannot factor this quadratic on octave
disp('Try to factor the quadratic:')
% Octave help on this is under @sym/ not sym/ like Matlab
disp('Oops!  Try "help @sym/factor", not "help factor".')
disp('Note: in Octave "@sym/...", in Matlab "sym/..."')
%help @sym/factor
disp('Oh well.  Octave is free software.')

% we can easily factor a quadratic with rational roots
disp('Try to factor a quadratic with rational roots:')
qNum =
@(x) -4 * x .^ 2 + 3 * x + 12
Integrate from 0 to 2 using "quad":
qNumInt02 =  19.333
We got a floating point number.
Find one of the two roots using "fzero":
qNumRoot = -1.3972
We got a floating point number.
Let's do some *symbolic math* now:
Create a symbolic quadratic:
qSym = (sym)
  - 4⋅x  + 3⋅x + 12
Integrate symbolically from 0 to 2 using "int":
qSymInt02 = (sym) 58/3
We got an *exact* number.
Find the symbolical anti-derivative using "int":
qSymInt = (sym)
       3      2       
    4⋅x    3⋅x        
  - ──── + ──── + 12⋅x
     3      2         
We got a symbolic function, the anti-derivative.
This is already in expanded form in Octave:
ans = (sym)
       3      2       
    4⋅x    3⋅x        
  - ──── + ──── + 12⋅x
     3      2         
Differentiate symbolically using "diff":
qSymDiff = (sym) -8⋅x + 3
We got a symbolic function, the derivative.
Find both roots exactly using "solve" (note ==):
qSymRoots = (sym 2×1 matrix)
  ⎡       _____ ⎤
  ⎢ 3   ╲╱ 201  ⎥
  ⎢ ─ + ─────── ⎥
  ⎢ 8      8    ⎥
  ⎢             ⎥
  ⎢    _____    ⎥
  ⎢  ╲╱ 201    3⎥
  ⎢- ─────── + ─⎥
  ⎣     8      8⎦
Display flat:
qSymRoots = (sym) Matrix([[3/8 + sqrt(201)/8], [-sqrt(201)/8 + 3/8]])  (2x1 matrix)
We got *both* roots as *symbolic expressions*.
To see the numbers, use "double":
ans =
Try to factor the quadratic:
qSymFactors = (sym)
  - 4⋅x  + 3⋅x + 12
Oops!  Try "help @sym/factor", not "help factor".
Note: in Octave "@sym/...", in Matlab "sym/..."
Oh well.  Octave is free software.
Try to factor a quadratic with rational roots:
qSymRat = (sym)
  - 4⋅x  + 3⋅x + 27
qSymRatFactors = (sym) -(x - 3)⋅(4⋅x + 9)


In classes like Analysis in Mechanical Engineering, you are required to simplify your answers. Symbolic math to the rescue!

Watch it, however. If you try to simplify, say, a numeric ratio like 629/969 as


then Matlab sees "629/969", evaluates that as 0.6491... and gives that to the symbolic simplify function. Of course simplify cannot make any sense out of 0.6491.... In fact, it will refuse to cooperate. What you need to do is tell Matlab that the entire "629/969" is to be treated as a symbolic expression, to be given to simplify "as is". You can do that with the sym function.

disp(' ')

% not so easy to see that 17 is a common factor
disp('simplify(629/969) is *wrong*!')
disp('simplify(sym(''629/969'') is right:')
simplify(629/969) is *wrong*!
simplify(sym('629/969') is right:
ratioSimplified = (sym)


Function vpa, ("variable precision arithmetic"), will give you numbers to arbitrarily high accuracy.

But watch it again. Let's try the result pi^2/6 of the infinite sum we talked about in the previous lesson.

disp(' ')

% Octave gives vpa a number equal to pi^2/6 to 16 digits:
disp('vpa(pi^2/6) is *wrong*:')

% Matlab gives vpa the symbolic string pi^2/6:
disp('vpa(sym(''pi^2/6'')) is correct:')
vpa(pi^2/6) is *wrong*:
piSqOver6 = (sym) 1.6449340668482264060656916626612655818462371826172
vpa(sym('pi^2/6')) is correct:
piSqOver6 = (sym) 1.6449340668482264364724151666460251892189499012068


The Symbolic Toolbox can solve quite a lot of equations exactly.

If it cannot, it will drop back to a numerical solution.

Solving quadratic equations

Suppose you no longer remembered the solution to the quadratic equation


The symbolic toolbox can give it to you

disp(' ')

% tell Matlab that the variables are symbolic
syms a b c x qGen

% define the generic quadratic polynomial

% find the symbolic solution
disp('Find the roots of this quadratic using "solve"')
qGenRoots=solve(qGen == 0,x)
disp('Octave already used "pretty" on the roots:')
disp('but we can display them "flat":')
sympref display flat
sympref display unicode

% see whether we get back our previous solution
disp('Test it for -4x^2 + 3x +12 = 0:')
qGenRootsTest=subs(qGenRoots,{a b c},{-4 3 12})

% we can create a normal Matlab function for the roots
disp('Create a *numerical* function for the roots:')

% test it
disp('Test that for -4x^2 + 3x +12 = 0:')
qGen = (sym)
  a⋅x  + b⋅x + c
Find the roots of this quadratic using "solve"
qGenRoots = (sym 2×1 matrix)
  ⎡         _____________  ⎤
  ⎢        ╱           2   ⎥
  ⎢ -b + ╲╱  -4⋅a⋅c + b    ⎥
  ⎢ ─────────────────────  ⎥
  ⎢          2⋅a           ⎥
  ⎢                        ⎥
  ⎢ ⎛       _____________⎞ ⎥
  ⎢ ⎜      ╱           2 ⎟ ⎥
  ⎢-⎝b + ╲╱  -4⋅a⋅c + b  ⎠ ⎥
  ⎣          2⋅a           ⎦
Octave already used "pretty" on the roots:
  ⎡         _____________  ⎤
  ⎢        ╱           2   ⎥
  ⎢ -b + ╲╱  -4⋅a⋅c + b    ⎥
  ⎢ ─────────────────────  ⎥
  ⎢          2⋅a           ⎥
  ⎢                        ⎥
  ⎢ ⎛       _____________⎞ ⎥
  ⎢ ⎜      ╱           2 ⎟ ⎥
  ⎢-⎝b + ╲╱  -4⋅a⋅c + b  ⎠ ⎥
  ⎣          2⋅a           ⎦
but we can display them "flat":
qGenRoots = (sym) Matrix([[(-b + sqrt(-4*a*c + b**2))/(2*a)], [-(b + sqrt(-4*a*c + b**2))/(2*a)]])  (2x1 matrix)
Test it for -4x^2 + 3x +12 = 0:
qGenRootsTest = (sym 2×1 matrix)
  ⎡    _____    ⎤
  ⎢  ╲╱ 201    3⎥
  ⎢- ─────── + ─⎥
  ⎢     8      8⎥
  ⎢             ⎥
  ⎢       _____ ⎥
  ⎢ 3   ╲╱ 201  ⎥
  ⎢ ─ + ─────── ⎥
  ⎣ 8      8    ⎦
Create a *numerical* function for the roots:
qGenRootsFun =
@(a, b, c) [(-b + sqrt(-4 .* a .* c + b .^ 2)) ./ (2 .* a); -(b + sqrt(-4 .* a .* c + b .^ 2)) ./ (2 .* a)]
Test that for -4x^2 + 3x +12 = 0:
qGenRootsFunTest =

Solving other equations

Some other equations package Symbolic manages to solve.

disp(' ')

% make sure x and y are symbols
syms x y

% exponentials can be negative for complex arguments
disp('Solve e^x = -1:')
expSol=solve(exp(x) == -1,x)

% the next expression to solve, but we will write it out
disp(' ')
disp('Let''s try to solve a x y - b x - 1 = 0 now:')
qxySym=a*x*y - b*x - 1
% a x y - b x - 1 = 0 can be solved for either x or y
disp('Solve for x:')
xSol=solve(a*x*y - b*x - 1 == 0, x)
disp('Solve for y instead:')
ySol=solve(a*x*y - b*x - 1 == 0, y)
% sometimes rewriting the equation can help
disp('Octave does not have the "collect" function.')

% solve can solve systems of equations
disp(' ')
disp('Solve two linear equations in two unknowns:')
[xSol,ySol] = solve(x+y == 7, x-y == 1,x,y)

% if solve fails to do so, Octave fails
disp(' ')
disp('Try to solve two non-linear linear equations:')
solve(x^2+cos(y) == 7, cosh(x)-y == 1,x,y)
Solve e^x = -1:
expSol = (sym) ⅈ⋅π
Let's try to solve a x y - b x - 1 = 0 now:
qxySym = (sym) a⋅x⋅y - b⋅x - 1
Solve for x:
xSol = (sym)
  a⋅y - b
Solve for y instead:
ySol = (sym)
  b⋅x + 1
Octave does not have the "collect" function.
Solve two linear equations in two unknowns:
xSol = (sym) 4
ySol = (sym) 3
Try to solve two non-linear linear equations:
ans = {}(0x0)


In analyzing the dynamics of controlled systems, you often encounter ratios of big polynomials. Then you want to take these ratios apart in simpler fractions. The reason is that these simpler fractions tell you many important things. For example, they tell you whether, if the system is disturbed, it will return to its normal position, versus, say, crash. And, if so, they will also tell you how fast the system will return to normal.

Symbolic function partfrac can do it.

disp(' ')

% make sure x is still symbolic
syms x

% example symbolic ratio
disp('Create an example symbolic ratio:')

% you could first look at the factors
disp('Let''s look at the factors first:')
disp('Already multiplied out.')

% get the partial fractions
disp('Now get the partial fractions')
Create an example symbolic ratio:
ratSym = (sym)
     2⋅x  - 3⋅x + 1   
   3      2           
  x  + 2⋅x  - 9⋅x - 18
Let's look at the factors first:
ratSymFactors = (sym)
     (x - 1)⋅(2⋅x - 1)   
  (x - 3)⋅(x + 2)⋅(x + 3)
Already multiplied out.
Now get the partial fractions
ratPartFrac = (sym)
      14        3         1    
  ───────── - ───── + ─────────
  3⋅(x + 3)   x + 2   3⋅(x - 3)


Below are some more example manipulations

disp(' ')

% make sure x, etc, are still symbolic
syms x a b c

% dealing with integrals you cannot do
disp(' ')
disp('Try two hard integrals from a basic table book:')
disp('Try 1/(x*(a*x^2+b*x+c)^(1/2)):')
disp('Try 1/(x*(a*x^2+b*x+c)^(3/2)):')
disp('But the solution is in a basic table book!')
disp('Well, Octave is free (and so is Sympy).')

% sometimes int is useful to identify a function
disp(' ')
disp('The integral of exp(-x^2):')
disp('The integral of sin(x)/x:')

% writing the Taylor series of, say, sinint
disp(' ')
disp('Try to learn about the Taylor series of Si:')

% examine the logic of the terms
disp('Examine t(3)/t(1):')
disp('Examine t(5)/t(3):')
disp('Examine t(7)/t(5):')
disp('Examine t(9)/t(7):')

% funtool has not yet been implemented in Octave
Try two hard integrals from a basic table book:
Try 1/(x*(a*x^2+b*x+c)^(1/2)):
intHard1 = (sym)
  ⎮           1             
  ⎮ ───────────────────── dx
  ⎮      ________________   
  ⎮     ╱    2              
  ⎮ x⋅╲╱  a⋅x  + b⋅x + c    
Try 1/(x*(a*x^2+b*x+c)^(3/2)):
intHard2 = (sym)
  ⎮           1             
  ⎮ ───────────────────── dx
  ⎮                   3/2   
  ⎮   ⎛   2          ⎞      
  ⎮ x⋅⎝a⋅x  + b⋅x + c⎠      
But the solution is in a basic table book!
Well, Octave is free (and so is Sympy).
The integral of exp(-x^2):
intExpMinusxSqr = (sym)
  ╲╱ π ⋅erf(x)
The integral of sin(x)/x:
intSinxOverx = (sym) Si(x)
Try to learn about the Taylor series of Si:
sinxOverxTaylor = (sym)
    4    2    
   x    x     
  ─── - ── + 1
  120   6     
sinxOverxTaylor = (sym)
     8       6      4    2    
    x       x      x    x     
  ────── - ──── + ─── - ── + 1
  362880   5040   120   6     
sinintTaylor = (sym)
      9        7      5    3    
     x        x      x    x     
  ─────── - ───── + ─── - ── + x
  3265920   35280   600   18    
Examine t(3)/t(1):
t3ot1 = (sym)
factors18 =
   2   3   3
Examine t(5)/t(3):
t5ot3 = (sym)
factors100 =
   2   2   5   5
Examine t(7)/t(5):
t7ot5 = (sym)
factors294 =
   2   3   7   7
Examine t(9)/t(7):
t9ot7 = (sym)
factors648 =
   2   2   2   3   3   3   3

End lesson 7