Look at exam1ins.pdf in the lessons folder, Do not rename files q1.m, q2.m, q3.m! VARIABLE NAMES MUST BE 100% ACCURATE OR CREDIT IS 50% REDUCED. STICK TO YOUR GUNS Do not "try things" Print out things. 1) Solving equations by zero (root) finding ROOT=fzero(FUNCTION,STARTPOINT) ROOT=fzero(FUNCTION,INTERVAL) where FUNCTION may be 'SINGLEINPUTARGUMENTFUNCTION' or @(ARGUMENT) MULTIARGUMENTFUNCTION Also printing neatly fprintf(FORMATSTRING,VALUE1,VALUE2,...) WITH ABSOLUTELY NO DATA NUMBERS IN FORMATSTRING. Use %...i, %...f,%...E as appropriate. Also plotting curves plot(XVALUES,YVALUES[,FORMAT],...) axis, grid, title, xlabel, ylabel, legend, etc set gca xaxislocation, xticks, etc Also basic Matlab operations. 2) Interpolating/curve fitting YDESIRED=interp1(XMEASURED,YMEASURED,XDESIRED) YDESIRED=spline(XMEASURED,YMEASURED,XDESIRED) COEFFIT=polyfit(XMEASURED,YMEASURED,N) YDESIRED=polyval(COEFFIT,XDESIRED) Also integral(@(VARIABLE) MULTIARGUMENTFUNCTION,START,END) derCOEFFIT=polyder(COEFFIT) derYDESIRED=polyval(derCOEFFIT,XDESIRED) Also fprintf, plot, ... Also basic Matlab operations. 3) Solving ODE requires a function file function UNKNOWNSDERIVATIVES = ... FUNCTIONNAME(TVALUE,UNKNOWNS,...) Do not use any initial condition in this function! Next use ode45 as [TVALUES UNKNOWNSVALUES]=... ode45(FUNCTION,TRANGE,INITIALUNKNOWNS) where FUNCTION must be an anonymous function if FUNCTIONNAME has more input arguments than TVALUE and UNKNOWNS. TRANGE must specify the desired range of TVALUE to find the UNKNOWNSVALUES in. INITIALUNKNOWNS must be the given values of the UNKNOWNSVALUES at the start of TRANGE. You get the values of the computed first unknown out of UNKNOWNSVALUES using UNKNOWNSVALUES(:,1), etc. TVALUES are the corresponding values of the independent variable and includes at least the TRANGE values. Also fprintf, plot, ... Also basic Matlab operations.