Exam Thursday 11/7. 1) Either: a) Solve a system: Form matrix and right hand side vector: "for". Initialize! Check condition number: "if". Solve: "\". Effect of error in data? "fprintf" etc. or: b) Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors: Form matrix: "for". Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors: "eig". Take eigenvalues and eigenvectors out of E and Lambda, Check whether A e_i is really lambda_i e_i Check length and orthogonality of the eigenvectors if A is symmetric. - matrix multiplication - "dot", "norm" "fprintf" etc. 2) Either: a) Doing an infinite sum. (Not: homework example too messy) Initialize the sum and add terms t(n)=t_n in a "for" loop. Termination "if": |n*t_n| or just |t_n| if alternating? t_n no longer changes the sum? (Taylor series) Assessment "if": did we converge? Error? Find t_n from previous t_n. "fprintf" etc. or: b) Symbolic math: "ezplot". "ezplot3". "ezsurf". "ezmesh". "ezcontour". Use "syms" and "sym". May need "help FUNCTION" or "help sym/FUNCTION". "int(SYMFUN,SYMVAR)", "int(SYMFUN,SYMVAR,START,END)". "diff(SYMFUN,SYMVAR)". "solve(SYMLHS==SYMRHS,VAR)". "collect(SYMEXPR,SYMVAR)". "expand(SYMEXPR)". "factor(SYMEXPR)", "factor(SYMEXPR,'OPT','VAL')", "factor(SYMNUM)". "partfrac(SYMRAT)". "taylor(SYMFUN,ORDER)". "subs(SYMEXPR,{SYMVAR ...},{SYMVAL ...})". "prod(SYMVEC)". "simplify(SYMEXPR)". "pretty(SYMEXPR)". "vpa(VAL)". "double(VAL)". "NUMFUN=matlabFunction(SYMFUN)". "fprintf" etc. 3) One of: a) Log-log plots: Fit power relation to data: "polyfit". Find C and p. Plot it and the data: "loglog" Other plot functions. or: b) Plot of 2D data: Create mesh: "meshgrid". Create forcing and execute "SimplePoisson". "mesh". "surf". "contour". Other plot functions. or: d) Polar plot. (Not: not covered).