EML 3100 Thermodynamics

COURSE #: EML 3100
COURSE TITLE: Thermodynamics
TEXTBOOKS/REQUIRED MATERIAL: EITHER: Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by Richard E. Sonntag, Claus Borgnakke, & Gordon J. Van Wylen. SIXTH Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2002) ISBN 0-471-15232-3. (Hardcover) OR: Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics by Richard E. Sonntag & Claus Borgnakke. Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2007) ISBN-10 0-471-73759-3; ISBN-13 978-0-471-73759-9/ (Softcover) RESPONSIBLE FACULTY: Simone Peterson Hruda

COURSE LEADER(S): Simone Peterson Hruda, Leon van Dommelen SCIENCE/DESIGN (%): 100/0

Fundamentals of thermodynamics. System description, common properties. Properties of pure substances. Mathematical foundations. First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, closed and open systems. Equations of state and general thermodynamic relations. For non-mechanical engineering majors.
COURSE TOPICS: See syllabus.
COURSE OBJECTIVES* (Numbers shown in brackets are links to departmental educational outcomes.)

  1. Provide students with a capability to use different units in thermodynamics. [1,5]
  2. Provide students with a basic understanding of thermodynamics. [1,2,3,5]
  3. Provide students with a capability to apply thermodynamics to engineering situations. [1,2,3,5]
  4. Provide students with a capability to present thermodynamical results convincingly. [7]
COURSE OUTCOMES* (Numbers shown in brackets are links to the course objectives listed above.)

  1. use SI units. [1]
  2. explain the differences between, and give examples of intensive and extensive properties. [2]
  3. extract all intensive properties of a substance from its thermodynamic tables. [2]
  4. use two different intensive thermodynamic state properties to determined the state of the system and the remaining intensive thermodynamic state properties for liquids and vapors, and for ideal gases. [2,3]
  5. state the first law of thermodynamics for control masses and for steady state control volumes. [2]
  6. use the first law of thermodynamics to calculate the work, power output/input, heat transfer, or heat transfer rates for thermodynamic processes or cycles containing solids, liquids, vapors, and/or ideal gases. [3]
  7. state the second law of thermodynamics in various ways. [2]
  8. use the second law of thermodynamics to calculate the net entropy change or rate of entropy generation for thermodynamic processes or cycles containing solids, liquids, vapors, and/or ideal gases. [3]
  9. plot thermodynamic processes or cycles in p-v, T-v, and T-s plots. [2,3]
  10. write out a problem solution in a well organized manner that includes sketches/pictures, the given information, the equations used, and unit conversions. [4]

Departmental criteria addressed: 1,3,5,7

*The ABET99 Group suggests up to 6 objectives and 1-3 outcomes per objective.


(see syllabus)

  1. Exams
  2. Final