Dr. Van Dommelen's Lecture Notes

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010808 Chapter 1, 2.1-2.5
011008 Chapter 2.6-2.11
011508 Chapter 3.1-3.4
011708 Chapter 3.1-3.4
012208 Chapter 3.6, 3.7, 3.2
012408 Review
013108 Chapter 4.1-4.3
020508 Chapter 4.1-4.3, 4.6-4.7
020708 Chapter 5.1-5.4
021208 Chapter 5.5-5.7
021408 Chapter 5.8, Chapter 5 Review
021908 Chapter 6.1-6.4
022108 Chapter 6.1-6.4
022608 Sample formulae sheet
022608 Review
030508 Chapter 7.1-7.5
030608 Chapter 7.5-7.6, 7.9
031808 Chapter 7 Review
032008 Chapter 8.1-8.4
032508 Chapter 8.5-8.8
032708 Chapter 8.8-8.11
040108 Chapter 9.1-9.2, 9.4
040308 Chapter 9.1-9.4
040808 Sample formulae sheet
041508 Chapter 9.3, 9.5
041708 Sample formulae sheet

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