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Up: Spring 2002 Syllabus
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Class times: MWF 9:00-9:50. (Not MW 9:00-10:15.)
Tentative outline (keep checking for changes):
- 01/07/02 M: Introduction
- 01/09/02 W: Introduction
- 01/11/02 F: Introduction [1.1, 3, 4, 7, 8 due]
- 01/14/02 M: Lecture NOT MLK day [2.2, 5, 8, 9 due]
- 01/16/02 W: Lecture [4.1, 4, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 due. In 4.7, explain
the discrepancies with 4.2 produced by Stokes' theorem.]
- 01/18/02 F: Lecture [5.5 due]
- 01/21/02 M: Martin Luther King, Jr. day
- 01/23/02 W: Lecture
- 01/25/02 F: Lecture [5.2 and spherical finite volume due.]
- 01/28/02 M: Lecture
- 01/30/02 W: Lecture [5.3, 1, 11, 12, 14 due.
In question 5.11, d is much larger than D, not the other way around.
In question 5.14 (13), the pressure is 700 kPa at the nozzle entrance.
- 02/01/02 F: Lecture [5.4, 6, 7 due.
In question 5.4 part a: Leibnitz followed by mass conservation; part b:
divergence theorem.
In question 5.6, take the curl of the differential momemtum equation;
the book's Z is the height h, and there are no viscous stresses if
a Newtonian fluid is at rest.
In question 5.7, use as starting point the form (11) or (12) of the momentum
equation, not (13), which was used in class.
- 02/04/02 M: Lecture [
5.16, 17 due
In question 5.17, the book means that a part with diameter D/4
of the incoming stream enters the cone, while the remainder
between D/4 and D continues to pass around the outside of the cone.
- 02/06/02 W: Lecture
- 02/08/02 F: Lecture [
6.3, 4, 5, 7 due.
In 6.7, show that the dissipation is always nonnegative as required
by the second law.
- 02/11/02 M: Lecture
- 02/13/02 W: Exam 1
- 02/15/02 F: Lecture
- 02/18/02 M: Lecture [7.1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 14, 16 and 13.7 due.
In 7.1, use a combination of integral continuity and (careful)
In 7.5, use the NS equations cylindrical coordinates and make similar
approximations as in section 7.2. Assume only
is nonzero.
Compare with plane couette flow results in section 7.3.
In 7.9, use the NS equations cylindrical coordinates and make similar
approximations as in section 7.2. Assume only vz is nonzero.
Do not ignore gravity.
- 02/20/02 W: Lecture [18.8 due.
In 18.8, write the problem for either the streamfunction
the potential
and solve using an appropriate method. The boundary
conditions are that (a) u=U0 + U(y) at x=0, 0 < y < h, (b) the flow
remains finite at
, and (c,d) the duct walls
are streamlines (the vertical
velocity component is zero at walls.) Compare the properties of this
inviscid ``entrance'' flow with the viscous developed duct flow of chapter 7.
- 02/22/02 F: Lecture
- 02/25/02 M: Lecture
- 02/27/02 W: Lecture [
Find the real and imaginary parts of: (1+i)2, (1+i)(1-i),
. Plot the results in the complex
plane and find their magnitude and argument. For the following
complex potentials, find the velocity potential
and the
, and sketch the streamlines: z, iz,
. For
the same velocity potentials, find the complex conjugate velocity
W in terms of z, the Cartesian velocity components u and v
in terms of x and y, and the polar velocity components ur and
in terms of r and
. ]
- 03/01/02 F: Lecture
- 03/04/02 M: Lecture [18.9, 6 due.
In 18.9, plot the streamlines.
In 18.6, plot the streamlines.
Do the exercises on the ``Nose'' web page.
- 03/06/02 W: Lecture
- 03/08/02 F: Lecture [
Do the exercises on the ``Cylinder'' web page.
- 03/11/02 M: Spring Break
- 03/13/02 W: Spring Break
- 03/15/02 F: Spring Break
- 03/18/02 M: Lecture [
Do the exercises on the ``Circulation'' web page.
- 03/20/02 W: Exam II
- 03/22/02 F: Lecture
- 03/25/02 M: Lecture [18.21 due]
- 03/27/02 W: Lecture
- 03/29/02 F: Lecture [Residue page exercises due]
- 04/01/02 M: Lecture [Conformal mapping page exercises and 18.10 due]
- 04/03/02 W: Lecture [Draw a few Joukowski airfoils]
- 04/05/02 F: Lecture [Exercises on the ``viscous flow'',
``boundary layers'' and the first two on the ``equations'' page
- 04/08/02 M: Lecture
- 04/10/02 W: Lecture [All remaining exercises of the boundary
layers chapter web pages due.]
- 04/12/02 F: Lecture [Turbulence exercises up to where we got in class]
- 04/15/02 M: Lecture [Turbulence exercises up to where we got in class]
- 04/17/02 W: Lecture [Turbulence exercises up to where we got in class]
- 04/19/02 F: Lecture [Turbulence exercises up to where we got in class]
- 04/23/02 T: 3-5 pm: Final (FAMU schedule)
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