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The aerodynamic forces on a body moving at constant velocity are the drag force D opposing the motion and the lift force L in the direction normal to the motion.

For unseparated incompressible potential flow past a two-dimensional body around which there is a circulation :

D'Alembert's Paradox:

According to D'Alembert, no energy is needed to overcome drag!


According to this, we can get nonzero lift without doing any work.

Proof of the laws: we saw before that at large distances, the velocity potential induced by the body approaches a vortex flow. So for large z:

Doing Blasius' integral along a very large circle around the body,

Note that the circulation must be clockwise (increase the velocity above the airfoil) to produce upward lift.


Approximate the airfoil as a thin flat plate 0<x<c where c is the cord length. Assume that the slip velocity above the plate is U+uu(x) and on the bottom U+ub(x) where U is the constant speed of flight. Use the Bernoulli law to find the pressures on the surface and then approximate for small uu and ub. Show that the Kutta-Joukowski value of the lift is obtained.

You should now be able to do The exercise above.

Next: Mirror method Up: Forces Previous: Far Field
03/18/02 0:38:54
03/22/02 0:05:30