EML 5060 Syllabus |
© Leon van Dommelen |
8 Class Schedule
Class times: MWF 11:00-11:50 in B214 CEB (B building).
Homeworks will be posted as soon as possible after Friday's class and
will be due the next Friday.
The below tentative schedule was taken from the 2011 class taught by
Dr. Tiara and is likely to be modified as we go along. K stands for
the Kundu & Cohen class textbook, and other initials stand for the
corresponding other references.
- 08/25/14 M First day of class. Syllabus.
Fundamental concepts. [K: Chap 1.1-3; P: 1.2-3]
Continuum hypothesis. [K: Chap 1.4; P: 1.1,4]
Viscous stress. [K: Chap 1.5; P: 6.2]
- 08/27/14 W Stress tensor. [K: Chap 2.1,3-4,6,8,10; P: 3.1-2,5-6 5.3-6].
Please have a look at these book sections before class.
- 08/29/14 F Tensor calculus. [K: Chap 2.2,11; P: 3.4,7,10].
Please have a look at these book sections before class.
- 09/01/14 M LABOR DAY
- 09/03/14 W
Rate of deformation tensor. [K: Chap 2.9, 3.4; P: 4.4-5].
Before class, you must watch the video Deformation of Continuous Media
from http://web.mit.edu/hml/ncfmf.html. One version is at
- 09/05/14 F Due HW 1.
Constitutive relation. Asymmetric stress tensor.
[K: Chap 2.7, 4.5; P: 6.1]
- 09/08/14 M Control masses. Conservation laws. Control Volumes.
[K: 2.12-14, 3.6, 4.1-2,4; P: 3.12-13, 5.1-3,13-14].
Before class, please study the Fluids DVD / Control Volumes /
Introduction and Basic Concepts, 866-880.
- 09/10/14 W Control volumes, simple and non simple.
Reynold transport theorem = Leibniz.
[KC 2.12-14, 3.6, 4.1-2,4; P: 3.12-13, 5.1-3,13-14].
- 09/12/14 F Due HW 2.
Control volumes. CV analysis of drag. Momentum thickness.
[KC 2.12-14, 3.6, 4.1-2,4; P: 3.12-13, 5.1-3,13-14].
- 09/15/14 M Finite volume method. [P: 5.7].
- 09/17/14 W Boundary conditions [K: 4.10; P: 6,4].
Differential continuity equation from a zero-size finite volume.
[K: 4.1-2; P: 5.1].
- 09/19/14 F Due HW 3.
Reynolds transport theorem
Differential continuity equation. [K: 4.1-2; P: 5.1].
Differential momentum conservation. [K: 4.4; P: 5.7].
Differential energy equation. [K: 4.8; P: 5.9].
- 09/22/14 M
Lagrangian/Eulerian descriptions. [K: 3.1-2; P: 4.1-2].
Material/Lagrangian/substantial derivative. [K: 3.2; P: 4.3].
Path/stream/streak lines. [K: 3.3; P: 4.2]
- 09/24/14 W Nonconservative continuity equation.
Incompressible flow. [K: 4.2; P: 5.1].
Nonconservative momentum equations.
Navier-Stokes equations. [K: 4.4-6; P: 5.7, 6.6 16.2].
Hydrostatics. Kinetic pressure. [K: 1.7, 4.9; P: 10.5].
- 09/26/14 F Due HW 4.
Nonconservative energy equation.
Mechanical and thermal energy equations.
Entropy equation.
The 2nd law. [K: 4.8; P: 5.10-12].
- 09/29/14 M
Compressible Euler equations.
Navier-Stokes equations.
Dynamic similarity.
[K: 4.11; P: 10.2-4].
- 10/01/14 W
Non-dimensional parameters.
[K: 1.11; P: 8.1-4,8].
- 10/03/14 F Due HW 5.
Low-Reynolds number flow past a sphere.
[K: 8.6, P: Chap 21.8].
- 10/06/14 M
FE revisited.
Exact solutions (laminar, steady): Plane Poiseuille flow.
[K: 8.2; P: 7.1,3].
- 10/08/14 W
Exact solutions (laminar, steady): Plane Poiseuille flow. Couette Flow.
[K: 8.2; P: 11.1].
- 10/10/14 F Due HW 6.
Exact solutions (laminar, unsteady): Poiseuille pipe flow.
Elliptic and triangular pipes.
[K: 8.4; P: 7.7, 11.8]
- 10/13/14 M
Midterm Review I.
Cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
- 10/15/14 W
Centripetal acceleration. Bernoulli's equation. Major head loss
[K: 4.9; P: 7.2]
- 10/17/14 F Due HW 7.
Minor head losses. Entrance effects. Normal pressure gradients.
[P: 7.2]
- 10/20/14 M Midterm Review II.
- 10/22/14 W Midterm.
- 10/24/14 F Due none.
Midterm discussion
Stokes' 1st problem (AKA Rayleigh's problem). [K: 8.4; P: 7.7]
- 10/27/14 M
Stokes' 1st problem (AKA Rayleigh's problem).
(Lamb-)Oseen vortex. [K: 8.4; P: 7.7, 11.8]
- 10/29/14 W Midterm II
- 10/31/14 F Due HW 8 and 9.
Kelvin's theorem: vortex strenghtening. [K: 5.2; P:13.10]
Kutta-Joukowski law. [K: 6.5; P: 18.8]
Stokes theorem: boundary layer vorticity and lift;
persistence of irrotational flow. [K: 2.13; P: 3.12]
- 11/03/14 M
Helmholtz laws. [K: 5.3; P:13.9] Vortex system of a wing.
- 11/05/14 W
Biot-Savart law. [K: 5.5; P: 17.2]
Line vortices. [K: 5.7; P: 13.11]
Induced drag. [K: 14.6]
- 11/07/14 F Due HW 10.
Ideal flows. Potential. Streamfunction.
[K: 6.1-6; P: 18.1-13]
- 11/10/14 M Ideal flows.
Circular cylinder potential.
Interpretation of the streamfunction.
Potential flow Bernoulli law.
[K: 6.1-6; P: 18.1-13]
- 11/12/14 W Ideal flows.
Complex potential.
Complex numbers.
Uniform flow.
[K: 6.1-6; P: 18.1-13]
- 11/14/14 F Due HW 11. Ideal flows.
More complex manipulations.
Vortex flow.
Shifting sources and vortices.
Superposition and Magnus effect.
[K: 6.1-6; P: 18.1-13]
- 11/17/14 M Ideal flows.
2D Rankine half body, oval.
Conformal mapping.
Plates and ellipses.
Joukowski airfoils.
Kutta condition.
[K: 6.1-6; P: 18.1-13]
- 11/19/14 W Boundary layer variables, equations, boundary conditions.
[K: 9.1; P: 16.1-5, 20.11]
- 11/21/14 F Due HW 12.
Blasius boundary layer for a semi-infinite flush plate. [K: 9.3; P: 20.1]
- 11/24/14 M (APS DFD)
Boundary layer thicknesses, displacement effect, separation.
[K: 9.2,7-9; P: 20.2,11,16, 14.6]
- 12/01/14 M
Hydrodynamic instability.
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. [K: 11.1,3; P: 25.1-2]
Turbulence: historical notes. [K: 12.1-3; P: 26.1-2]
Reynolds decomposition. Reynolds stress. Mixing length.
Energy cascade. Kolmogorov scales. [K: 12.5; P: 26.3,4]
- 12/05/14 F Due HW 13. Inertial range. Free turbulence. (Wall
bounded turbulence in the lecture notes). [K: 12.8,9; P: 26.5,6,11,12]
- 12/10/14 Wednesday 12:30-2:30 pm FINAL EXAM (in the usual classroom)
- 12/16/14 Grades due FAMU/FSU 5:00/4:00 pm
- 12/17/14 Grades available online