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Panton, Ronald L, Incompressible Flow. John Wiley & Sons, Inc,
Second Edition. ISBN 0-471-59358-3.
The following references are useful:
- 1.
- Batchelor, G. K, An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics.
Cambridge University Press 1988.
- 2.
- Currie, I. G, Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids.
McGraw-Hill Second Edition 1993. ISBN 0-07-015000-1.
- 3.
- Karamcheti, Krishnamurty Principles of Ideal-Fluid
Aerodynamics. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co, 1980.
- 4.
- Leipmann, H. W, and Roshko, A, Elements of Gasdynamics.
John Wiley & Sons, 1957.
- 5.
- Schlichting, H, Boundary Layer Theory. McGraw-Hill, 1968.
- 6.
- Spiegel, Murray R, Complex Variables. Schaum's Outline
Series, McGraw-Hill, 1964. ISBN 07-060230-1.
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