The speed of any Miata is small, but not vanishingly small, compared to the speed of light. (There are some mathematical issues associated with the previous statement that will be addressed in a planned second volume of this book.) Therefore relativistic mechanics must be used.
Einstein’s famous relation
However, the principle of relativity, as first formulated by Poincaré, allows the viewpoint of a driver inside the Miata. Physics is the same regardless of the relative motion of the observers. The driver viewpoint will frequently be used in the current paper to simplify the arguments.
The most important relation for the purpose of this paper is the
relativistic Doppler shift. The equation that governs the difference
in observed wavelength ,
Of course, Miatas do not drive in vacuum but in the atmosphere.
Fortunately, this effect may be ignored as secondary on light
propagation as long as no
significant O
conditions.) However, the atmosphere is very important because of
aerodynamic drag. These issues will be addressed further in
subsection 2.3.