B. History of l2hfu

Jan 6, 05. Version 1. Files installed on Unix and Windows 98 without problems.

Jan 7, 05. Directory protections were not set to allow outside access in Unix. The H5 and H6 heading styles were not obvious enough.

Jan 10, 05. The font size can now be set without losing correct vertical image alignments. Also, the default font is now 15 px, not 19. Installed the distribution from scratch on Unix and Windows 98 without problems.

Jan 11, 05. html.pl bug fix added.

May 11, 05. Updated section on animations. Reposted.

Aug 23, 05. Added “I do not want to use makel2h” subsection.

April 23, 06. Created easy-install scripts for MiKTeX 2.4, fpTeX and XEmTeX, and simplified full install. Fixed another alignment bar bug using l2hcrop.

June 12, 06. Improved the scripts to accomodate nonstandard TeX locations, fix a new bug in MikTeX 2.5 up to beta 7, and added uninstall scripts. Added notes about epsf.sty. Added support for Firefox 1.5 image alignment and made it the default.

June 30, 06. Added style alignment, and a much simpler interface to use it. Just say l2h and the web pages are created. Style alignment allows much better alignment of images in Internet Explorer and a single set of web pages for all browsers. Added clrl2h.

July 13, 06. Fixed the no-eps variant, which was incorrect on Unix and overkill on Windows. The l2hs directory is gone. The templates in folder “files” are now simply called index.css and .latex2html-init, like the target, which simplifies the idea and makes them wiz ready.

Aug 17, 06. Added the wiz, redid various sample web pages. Added a “What is LaTeX” subsection to the problem shooting section.

Aug 23, 06. Added improved jpeg support.

Aug 28, 06. Improved eqnarray alignment. Must be using html 4.0. Other small improvements based on redoing Shankar's thesis. Some minor wiz changes.

Sep 4, 06. The left align and right align of htmlimage now actually do something for figures.

Sep 8, 06. Made the bug fixes in l2hcrop fontsize dependent. Rewrote the corresponding problem shooting subsubsection.

Sep 20, 07. Easy install version for linux. Finally fixed the annoying figure identification deficiencies.

Mar 22. 08. The excess white space behind eqnarray* environments has been eliminated. For the rest, everything works fine for me, so I try to leave things alone.

Nov 11, 09. The easy linux install now also works if your home directory is not /root. Gee. Current versions of Perl no longer support the multiline matching used in LATEX2HTML. Some minor fixes have therefor been made to latex2html.pin. They are not yet included in the Windows l2hfu3.exe, since they seem inconsequential.

Dec 2, 09. The init script now will not crash even if you do not have TEXINPUTS already set. Curses.

Oct 29, 2012. If there is a linebreak between the ] and the { of a caption or section title, separating the shortened version from the longer one, the caption or section title will be erroneous. I put in a warning not to do that.

Jun 20, 2013. Added the <nobr> tag to html4_0.pl. While unofficial, this tag is widely supported and very useful.

Jun 20, 2013. Removed erroneous space around math comments, like in $...\mbox{...$...$...}...$ constructs.

Jun 20, 2013. Perl no longer accepts the $* multiline command, so I removed it. Put in various /m modifiers instead. I hope I got that right.

Jun 20, 2013. Tweaked the l2hcrop alignment for 20 px fontsize a bit.

Jun 20, 2013. Perl no longer accepts the defined % construct. So I removed the defined.

Jun 20, 2013. Removed the ugly bolding of index entries.

Jun 20, 2013. Removed a problem with labels in equations. Equations with labels had errors in images.tex unless the label was on the same line as part of the equation and terminated by a percent. The problem is that the label was removed and a blank line put in instead. Blank lines produce nasty errors inside equations. I replaced the blank line by a space. Now errors only occur if the label is both on a line by itself and not followed by a percent. So if you always put a percent behind labels in equations, or never put them on a line by themselves, there is no problem.

Jun 20, 2013. LATEX2HTMLnow supports xelatex with pdf images. That allows international support. Note that pdflatex does not work correctly, even with pdf images. For one, there is a problem with \resizebox in images.tex.

Jun 20, 2013. LATEX2HTMLnow supports folders with spaces in their names, (except during rebuilds).

Jun 20, 2013. Simplified installation of LATEX2HTML.

Jun 20, 2013. LATEX2HTMLoptions can now be set in the index.tex file.

Jun 20, 2013. Streamlined the process of setting font size and page color by reading them out of index.css.

Jun 20, 2013. Added the required content type tag to the web pages if latex2html produced none. Made the default encoding UTF-8.

Jun 20, 2013. makewebpages.bat now checks for constructs in the tex sources that cause problems for LATEX2HTML.

Jun 20, 2013. Created a new shell l2h to process latex documents. It includes hyphenation and web page clean up.

Jun 20, 2013. Problem: in the frames version, browsers would unexpectedly open a new tab when clicking on certain links. Reason: The links referred to a target "main" that did not necessarily exist. Solution: changed target into "_parent". Note: If you load the contents in a full frame, instead of the side bar, a new tab will still open. That is unavoidable if the contents works in the side bar. And it can be considered a feature: you can keep a full size contents always open in a separate tab.

Mar 5, 2018. Perl version 5.22 no longer correctly evaluated a \G regexp in latex2html that removed comments. The regexp was rewritten. Some no longer supported and deprecated constructs were also fixed.

Problems whose fix will be posted later: Natbib's \citeindextrue did not work correctly and has been fixed. Variables textheight and textwidth can now be set explicitly in .latex2html-init. CJK strings for plain latex or pdflatex sources got junk appended at the end, like say \end{CJK}.