Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University - Florida State University College of Engineering

The Design Process Project

The Design Process: The Design Process is a systematic process by which the solution to an engineering problem is achieved. Engineering design has also been defined as "...the process of applying the various techniques and scientific principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process, or a system in sufficient detail to permit its realization..." It is an iterative process which requires constant modification in accordance to the customer needs.  

What is this about? This project comes about to basically make lives easier. The design process can be a very complex and iterative process. As designs get more and more complex, so does the process which is used to arrive upon them. The morphological chart tends to become extensive and to a point, tedious. With the use of this website we hope to facilitate the design process by automating the morphological chart with an extensive database including Pro Engineer renderings of many parts which can be used for the assembly drawings of different designs.

Included in the explanation is an example to guide you through the design process. This example used is referred to as a project, since it was originally a project in the CAD Class of Fall 2002. 


Also, you can submit your drawings to this website.


Enter the World of Engineering Design 

 Click for Design Process Basics

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