A statement label is named just as variables. A statement label cannot have the
same name as C++ keywords (see table 2.3), a C++ function, or another
variable in the program. If you use a goto statement, there must be a
statement label elsewhere in the program that the goto branches to. Execution
then continues at the statement with the statement label. Follow all statement
labels with a colon (:) so C++ knows they are labels and doesn't get them
confused with variables. Example of goto and statement label is shown
/* This program to illustrate the use of goto, statement labels and
counters */
#include <iostream.h>
int i;
i=0 // define i as 0
again: // this is a statement label
cout << "t keeps repeating
cout << "t over and over
if(i==10) goto stop;
i=i+1 /* this is a counter which makes i=i+1 every time it reaches this point
this can be presented also by or i++*/
goto again; //it cause the program to goto statement label again
stop: // this is a statement label
return 0;