Fall 1996 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 1 Due: Sept 5, 1996

Fluid Properties - Viscosity

Classify the following substances as to whether they are Newtonian or Non-Newtonian fluids. First plot the values of against dv/dy. Then perform a linear regression analysis of the data assuming the general formula:

= (dv/dy)a

where is the shear stress, dv/dy is the velocity gradient, (viscosity) and a are parameters to be estimated. Justify your conclusion.

(1) dv/dy (rad/sec) : 0 3 4 6 5 4

(lb/ft2) : 2 4 6 8 6 4

(2) dv/dy (rad/sec) : 0.5 1.1 1.8

(N/m2) : 2 4 6

(3) dv/dy (rad/sec) : 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2

(N/m2) : 2 4 6 8