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Publications Dissertation J.C. Ordonez, Integrative Energy-System Design: System Structure from Thermodynamic Optimization. Ph.D. Thesis, Duke University, Durham, NC, 2003. Thesis J.C. Ordonez, Entropy Generation Minimization in Thermal Energy Storage Systems with Phase Change. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellin,Colombia, 2001. Honors Thesis J.C. Ordonez, and A. Rivera, Introduction to Thermoacoustics. B.S. Honors Thesis, Univ. Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellin, Colombia, 1996. Invited Books Chapters Published 1. A.M. Morega and J.C. Ordonez, “Multiphysics Modelling and Simulation in Engineering,” In: Recent Advances in Modelling and Simulation, I-Tech Education and Publishing KG, Vienna, Austria, EU. Pp. 337-360. 2. Souza, J. A., & Ordonez, J. C. (2013). Constructal Design of High-Conductivity Inserts. In Rocha, L. A. O., Lorente, S., & Bejan, A. (Eds.), Constructal Law and the Unifying Principle of Design (pp. 91-111). Refereed Journal Articles 1. Dilay,
Vargas, J. V. C., Souza, J., Ordonez, J. C., Yang, S.,
& Mariano, A. (2014-submitted). A volume element
model (VEM) for energy systems engineering. International
Journal of Energy Research. Manuscript
submitted for publication, 79 pages. 2. Vargas,
V. C., Mariano, A., Correa, D., & Ordonez, J. C.
(2014-submitted). The Microalgae Derived Hydrogen
Process in Compact Photobioractors. International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Manuscript
submitted for publication, 47 pages. 3. Zhao,
Souza, J. A., & Ordonez, J. C. (2014-submitted).
Multiphysics Analysis for Thermal Management of
Electromagnetic Launchers - A Coupled Electromagnetic
and Thermal Problem with Pulsating Heat Generation". Simulation.
Manuscript submitted for publication. 4. Balmant,
Oliveira, B. H., Mitchell, D. A., Vargas, J. V. C.,
& Ordonez, J. C. (2014). Optimal operating
conditions for maximum biogas production in anaerobic
bioreactors. Applied Thermal Engineering,
62(1), 197-206. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2013.09.033 5. Rivera-Alvarez,
& Ordonez, J. C. (2014). The Flat Plate Fin of
Constant Thickness, Straight Base, and Symmetrical
Shape. ASME, Journal of Heat Transfer, 136(5),
051903. 6. Rivera-Alvarez,
& Ordonez, J. C. (2013). Global stability of flow in
symmetric wavy channels. Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, 733, 625-649. doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.44 7. Dilay,
Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., Yang, S.,
Schrattenecker, R., Coleman, M., Chiocchio, T.,
Chalfant, J., & Chryssostomidis, C. (2013). The
experimental validation of a transient power electronic
building block (PEBB) mathematical model. Applied
Thermal Engineering, 60(1-2),
411-422. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2013.07.005 8. Mainardes,
L. S., Matos, R. S., Vargas, J. V. C., & Ordonez, J.
C. (2013). Pumping power minimization in staggered
finned circular and elliptic-tube heat exchangers in
turbulent flow. Experimental Heat Transfer,
26(4), 397-411. doi:10.1080/08916152.2012.694011 9. Ordonez,
C., Souza, J. A., Shah, D. R., Vargas, J. V. C., &
Hovsapian, R. (2013). Temperature and Pressure Drop
Model for Gaseous Helium Cooled Superconducting DC
Cables. IEEE Transactions on Applied
Superconductivity, 23(3), 5402005 (5
). doi:10.1109/TASC.2013.2241380 10. Shah,
Ordonez, J. C., Graber, L., Kim, C. H., Crook, D. G.,
Suttell, N., & Pamidi, S. (2013). Simulation and
optimization of cryogenic heat sink for helium gas
cooled superconducting power devices. IEEE
Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23(3),
5000605 (5 ). doi:10.1109/TASC.2013.2242112 11. Silva,
G., Carter, R., Merss, F. L. M., Correa, D. O., Vargas,
J. V. C., Mariano, A. B., Ordonez, J. C., & Scherer,
M. D. (2013). Life cycle assessment of biomass
production in microalgae compact photobioreactors. GCB
Bioenergy, 1-11. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12120 12. Wen,
Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2013). Composite
electrode modelling and optimization for solid oxide
fuel cells. International
Journal of Energy Research, 37(2),
95-104. doi:10.1002/er.2941 13. Wen,
Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2013).
Optimization of single SOFC structural design for
maximum power. Applied Thermal Engineering,
50(1), 12-25. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.05.020 14. Brinson,
E., Ordonez, J. C., & Luongo, C. A. (2012).
Optimization of an integrated SOFC-fuel processing
system for aircraft Propulsion. Journal of Fuel
Cell Science and Technology, 9(4),
041006. doi:10.1115/1.4005587 15. Campos,
C., Vargas, J. V. C., & Ordonez, J. C. (2012).
Thermodynamic optimization of a Stirling engine. Energy,
44(1), 902-910. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2012.04.060 16. Martins,
S., Ordonez, J. C., Vargas, J. V. C., & Parise, J.
A. R. (2012). Thermodynamic optimization of a
regenerator heat exchanger. Applied Thermal
Engineering, 45-46, 42-51. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.04.015 17. Sommer,
M., Martins, L. S., Vargas, J. V. C., Gardolinski, J. E.
F. C., Ordonez, J. C., & Marino, C. E. B. (2012).
Alkaline membrane fuel cell (AMFC) modeling and
experimental validation. Journal of Power Sources,
213, 16-30. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2012.03.089 18. Vargas,
V. C., Souza, J. A., Hovsapian, R., Ordonez, J. C.,
Chiocchio, T., Chalfant, J., Chryssostomidis, C., &
Dilay, E. (2012). Notional all-electric ship systems
integration thermal simulation and visualization. Transaction
of the Society for Modeling and Simulation
International, 88, 1116-1128. 19. Souza,
A., Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., Martignoni, W. P.,
& Von Meien, O. F. (2011). Thermodynamic
optimization of fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC)
units. International Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer, 54(5-6), 1187-1197. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2010.10.034 20. Souza,
A., Ordonez, J. C., Hovsapian, R., & Vargas, J. V.
C. (2011). Thermal modeling of helium cooled
high-temperature superconducting DC transmission cable.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,
21(3), 947-952. doi:10.1109/TASC.2010.2099196 21. Wen,
Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2011). Single
solid oxide fuel cell modeling and optimization. Journal
of Power Sources, 196(18),
7519-7532. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2010.10.113 22. Pereira,
V. A., Vargas, J. V. C., Amico, S. C., Parise, J. A. R.,
Matos, R. S., & Ordonez, J. C. (2010). The Optimal
Match of Streams for Maximum Heat Transfer from a Gas
Fired Absorption Refrigeration Unit. ASHRAE
Transactions, 116, 1-11. 23. Zhao,
Souza, J. A., & Ordonez, J. C. (2010). Thermal Model
for Electromagnetic Launchers. Thermal
Engineering (Engenharia Térmica), 7,
59-64. 24. Brinson,
E., Ren, W., Ordonez, J. C., Luongo, C. A., &
Baldwin, T. (2009). Fuel cell-based powertrain system
modeling and simulation for small aircraft propulsion
applications. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and
Technology, 6(4), 0410121-0410126.
doi:10.1115/1.3006303 25. Martins,
S., Gardolinski, J. E. F. C., Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez,
J. C., Amico, S. C., & Forte, M. M. C. (2009). The
experimental validation of a simplified PEMFC simulation
model for design and optimization purposes. Applied
Thermal Engineering, 29(14-15),
3036-48. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.04.002 26. Ribeiro,
L. L., Mariano, A. B., Dilay, E., Souza, J. A., Ordonez,
J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2009). The Temperature
Response Of Compact Tubular Microalgae Photobioreactors.
Engenharia Térmica (Thermal Engineering),
8 (2), 50-55. 27. Souza,
J. A., Vargas, J. V. C., von Meien, O. F., Martignoni,
W. P., & Ordonez, J. C. (2009). The inverse
methodology of parameter estimation for model
adjustment, design, simulation, control and optimization
of fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) risers. Journal
of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 84(3),
343-355. doi:10.1002/jctb.2046 28. Vargas,
V. C., Brioschi, M. L., Dias, F. G., Parolin, M. B.,
Mulinari-Brenner, F., Ordonez, J. C., & Colman, D.
(2009). Normalized methodology for medical infrared
imaging. Infrared Physics and Technology,
52(1), 42-47. doi:10.1016/j.infrared.2008.11.003 29. Vargas,
J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., Dilay, E., & Parise, J. A.
R. (2009). Modeling, simulation and optimization of a
solar collector driven water heating and absorption
cooling plant. Solar Energy, 83(8),
1232-1244. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2009.02.004 30. Wechsatol,
Lorente, S., Bejan, A., & Ordonez, J. C. (2009).
Elemental T and Y shapes of tree networks of ducts with
various cross-sectional shapes. Journal of
Hydraulic Engineering, 135(2),
132-139. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2009)135:2(132) 31. Hovsapian,
Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., Krothapalli, A.,
Parise, J. A. R., & Berndsen, J. C. (2008).
Thermodynamic optimization of a solar system for
cogeneration of water heating and absorption cooling. International
of Energy Research, 32(13),
1210-1227. doi:10.1002/er.1416 32. Morega,
M., Ordonez, J. C., Vargas, J. V. C., & Kosaraju, S.
(2008). A Finite Element Method Analysis and
Optimization of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell
with Interdigitated Flow Field Design. International
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy,
Special Issue: Computational Fluid Dynamics
Simulations in Energy Technologies and Processes,
6 (1/2), 112-123. 33. Ordonez,
C., Vargas, J. V. C., & Hovsapian, R. (2008).
Modeling and simulation of the thermal and psychrometric
transient response of all-electric ships, internal
compartments and cabinets. Simulation, 84(8-9),
427-39. doi:10.1177/0037549708097421 34. Mainardes,
L. S., Matos, R. S., Vargas, J. V. C., & Ordonez, J.
C. (2007). Optimally staggered finned circular and
elliptic tubes in turbulent forced convection. Journal
of Heat Transfer, 129(5), 674-678.
doi:10.1115/1.2712860 35. Masson,
J., Tixador, P., Ordonez, J. C., Morega, A. M., &
Luongo, C. A. (2007). Electro-Thermal Model for HTS
Motor Design. Applied Superconductivity, IEEE
Transactions on, 17(2), 1529-1532.
doi:10.1109/TASC.2007.898115 36. Ordonez,
C., Chen, S., Vargas, J. V. C., Dias, F. G.,
Gardolinski, J. E. F. C., & Vlassov, D. (2007).
Constructal flow structure for a single SOFC. International
Journal of Energy Research, 31(14),
1337-1357. doi:10.1002/er.1307 37. Vlassov,
Vargas, J. V. C., & Ordonez, J. C. (2007). The
optimization of rough surface supersonic nozzles. Acta
Astronautica, 61(10), 866-872. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2007.01.068 38. Dilay,
Vargas, J. V. C., Amico, S. C., & Ordonez, J. C.
(2006). Modeling, simulation and optimization of a beer
pasteurization tunnel. Journal of Food
Engineering, 77(3), 500-513. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2005.07.001 39. Ordonez,
C., Chen, S., Vargas, J. V. C., Gardolinski, J. E. F.,
& Gomes, M. A. B. (2006). Transient operation and
shape optimization of a single PEM fuel cell. Journal
of Power Sources, 162(1), 356-68.
doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2006.06.088 40. Vlassov,
Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., & Martins, L. S.
(2006). Turbulent Stress Distribution in the Turbulent
Boundary Layer on a Permeable Porous Plate. Thermal
Engineering, 5(1), 90-102. 41. Wechsatol,
Ordonez, J. C., & Kosaraju, S. (2006). Constructal
dendritic geometry and the existence of asymmetric
bifurcation. Journal of Applied Physics,
100(11), 1-11.
doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2388732 42. Vargas,
V. C., Ordonez, J. C., & Bejan, A. (2005).
Constructal PEM fuel cell stack design. International
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48(21-22),
4410-4427. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2005.05.009 43. Vargas,
V. C., Ordonez, J. C., Zamfirescu, C., Campos, M. C.,
& Bejan, A. (2005). Optimal ground tube length for
cooling of electronics shelters. Heat Transfer
Engineering, 26(10), 8-20. doi:10.1080/01457630500248513 44. Vargas,
V. C., Ordonez, J. C., & Bejan, A. (2004).
Constructal flow structure for a PEM fuel cell. International
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 47(19-20),
4177-4193. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2004.05.004 45. Ordonez,
C., Bejan, A., & Cherry, R. S. (2003). Designed
porous media: Optimally nonuniform flow structures
connecting one point with more points. International
Journal of Thermal Sciences, 42(9),
857-870. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1290-0729(03) 46. Ordonez,
C., & Bejan, A. (2003). System-level optimization of
the sizes of organs for heat and fluid flow systems. International
Journal of Thermal Sciences, 42(4),
335-342. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1290-0729(02) 47. Ordonez,
C., & Bejan, A. (2003). Minimum power requirement
for environmental control of aircraft. Energy,
28(12), 1183-1202. doi:10.1016/S0360-5442(03)00105-1 48. Chejne,
Florez, W. F., Ordonez, J. C., & Botero, E. A.
(2001). Exergoeconomic Analysis of Systems. Thermal
Engineering (Teploenergetika), 48,
80-85. 49. Ordonez,
C., & Bejan, A. (2000). Entropy generation
minimization in parallel-plates counterflow heat
exchangers. International Journal of Energy
Research, 24(10), 843-864. doi:10.1002/1099-114X(200008)24:10[843::AID- 50. Vargas,
V. C., Ordonez, J. C., & Bejan, A. (2000). Power
extraction from a hot stream in the presence of phase
change. International Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer, 43(2), 191-201. doi:10.1016/S0017-9310(99)00146-5 51. Ordonez,
C., Vargas, J. V. C., & Bejan, A. (1999). Combined
Power and Refrigeration from a Hot Stream. International
Journal of Applied Thermodynamics, 2,
49-57. 52. Chejne,
Isaza, C. A., Florez, W. F., & Ordonez, J. C.
(1998). Optimización de sistemas centralizados de
refrigeración con modelización (Optimization of
centralized refrigeration systems). Energía y
Computación, Revista de la Universidad del Valle,
7(1), 29-33. 53. Chejne,
Rojas, J. C., Botero, E., Ordonez, J. C., Rivera, A.,
Restrepo, J. A., & Hill, A. (1998). Administracion
energetica en centrales de generacion de energía
electrica mediante el monitoreo de variables (Energy
Managment in Power Plants by Monitoring of Variables). Revista
Información Tecnológica, Centro de Información
Tecnológica, 6(9), 211-218. 54. Chejne,
Florez, W. F., Ordonez, J. C., & Botero, E. A.
(1998). Análisis Exergético de Centrales Térmicas
(Exergetic Analysis of Thermal Power Plants. Energética,
18, 33-41. 55. Ordonez,
C., Rivera, A., Chejne, F., & Hill, A. F. (1998).
Thermoacoustic engines; Maquinas termoacusticas. Informacion
Tecnologica, 9(5), 361-368. 56. Rojas,
C., Chejne, F., Hill, A., Figueroa, E., Botero, E.,
Perez, J. C., Arenas, E., Isaza, C., Ordonez, J. C.,
Rivera, A., Sanchez, K., Restrepo, J., Hinestroza, J.,
& Carmona, M. (1998). Rational use of energy. Renewable
Energy Journal, 15-16, 2383-2586.
1. Ribeiro, K., Ordonez, J. C., Mariano, A., & Vargas, J. V. C. (submitted). Temperature Based Mass Flow Rate Sensor for Algae Photobioreactors, 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT2014, Orlando, Florida. Manuscript submitted for publication, 6 pages. 2. Shah, D., Ordonez, J. C., Kim, C. H., Graber, L., Suttell, N., & Pamidi, N. (submitted). Simulation of HTS Cable Termination Heat Sink Cooled by Gaseous Helium in Turbulent Regime using FEM, Applied Superconductivity Conference. Manuscript submitted for publication. 3. Suttell, N., Kim, C. H., Graber, L., Ordonez, J. C., & Pamidi, S. (submitted). Cryogenic Thermal Modeling of Helium Gas-Cooled Superconducting Cable System Components, Applied Superconductivity Conference. Manuscript submitted for publication. 4. Vargas, J. V. C., & Ordonez, J. C. (submitted). Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cell (AMFC) Stack Modeling and Simulation' to 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Manuscript submitted for publication. 5. Caballero, P., Brasz, J., Thorton, T., Ordonez, J. C., & Shih, C. (in press). A Chiller Control Algorithm for Multiple Variable-Speed Centrifugal Compressors. In 22nd International Compressor Engineering Conference -Purdue University (8 pages). West Lafayette, IN. 6. Graciano, V., Vargas, J. V. C., & Ordonez, J. C. (2014). Modeling and Simulation of Diesel, Biodiesel and Biogas Mixtures Driven Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (CI-ICE). In International Conference on Clean Energy 2014 (pp. 1-12). Istanbul, Turkey (Submitted). 7. Ordonez, J. C., Yang, S., Ordonez, C., Vargas, J. V. C., Solano, T., Bublitz, M., & Collins, E. (2014). Thermal Simulation of an Off-Grid Zero Emissions Building. In Proceedings of the ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability & 12th Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference ESFuelCell14 June 29-July 2, 2014 (pp. 1-7). Boston, Massachusetts. 8. Caballero, P., Yang, S., Rivera, A., & Ordonez, J. C. (2013). Finite Element Analysis of a High Performance Heat Sink with Complex Geometry in Power Electronic Building Blocks. In Proceedings of the ASME District F, Early Career Technical Conference. Birmingham, AL. 9. Nascimento, E. J. G., Abakporo, O. I., Rivera, A., & Ordonez, C. (2013). Cooling Channel Analysis to Enhance the Efficiency of Fuel Cells and Photovoltaic Panels. In Proceedings of the ASME District F, Early Career Technical Conference. Birmingham, AL. 10. Chiocchio, T., Schrattenecker, R., Yang, S., Ordonez, J., & Steurer, M. (2013). Developing a validated real-time system-level thermal simulation for future all-electric ships. In 2013 5th IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, ESTS 2013, April 22, 2013 - April 24 (pp. 76-81). Arlington, VA, United states: IEEE Computer Society. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ESTS.2013.6523715 11. Eziyi, I., Krothapalli, A., Osorio, J. D., Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2013). Effects of salinity and feed temperature on permeate flux of an air gap membrane distillation unit for seawater desalination. In 2013 1st IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, SusTech 2013, August 1, 2013 - August 2 (pp. 142-145). Portland, OR, United states: IEEE Computer Society. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SusTech.2013.6617311 12. Ordonez, J. C., Rivera, A., Yang, S., Shah, D., Delgado, D., Coleman, M., Dilay, E., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2013). Thermal Management Aspects of All-Electric Ships. In 2013 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS 2013) (pp. 55-61). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ESTS.2013.6523711 13. Ordonez, J. C., Ordonez, C., Ribeiro, K., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2013). Pumping Power Minimization in Regular Circular Banks of Tubes. In 22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013). Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. 14. Vargas, J. V. C., Mitchell, D. A., Mariano, A. B., Correa, D. O., & Ordonez, J. C. (2013). Modeling and simulation of the microalgae derived hydrogen process in compact photobioreactors. In 2013 1st IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech) (pp. 184-91). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SusTech.2013.6617318 15. Dilay, E., Mariano, A. B., Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2012). Dimensionless Dynamic Model for the Simulation of Microalgae Biomass Production in Compact Photobioreactors. In 14th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, ENCIT2012-072 (pp. 1-10). Rio de Janeiro, RJ: ABCM. 16. Dilay, E., Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., Hovsapian, R., Chalfant, J., & Chryssostomidis, C. (2012). A mesh generation strategy for representing hull geometry in ESRDC ship thermal simulation and visualization. In 2012 Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulation, GCMS 2012, Part of SummerSim 2012 Multiconference, July 8, 2012 - July 11 (pp. 134-144). Genoa, Italy: The Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 17. Graber, L., Suttell, N., Shah, D., Crook, D., Kim, C. H., Ordonez, J. C., & Pamidi, S. (2012). Cryogenic Heat Sink for Helium Gas Cooled Superconducting Power Devices. In COMSOL Conference. Boston, MA. 18. Hovsapian, R. O., Shih, C., Ordonez, J., Vargas, J., & Costa, N. G. (2012). Enhancing senior capstone design course through international and multidisciplinary projects. In 119th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 10, 2012 - June 13. San Antonio, TX, United states: American Society for Engineering Education. 19. Martins, L. S., Sommer, E. M., Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2012). Parametric Analysis of an Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cell. In 14th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, ENCIT2012-250 (pp. 1-10). Rio de Janeiro: ABCM. 20. Ordonez, J. C., Souza, J. A., Shah, D., Vargas, J. V. C., & Hovsapian, R. (2012). Temperature and Pressure Drop Model for Gaseous Helium Cooled Superconducting DC Cable. In Applied Superconductivity Conference (pp. 1-5). Portland, OR. 21. Shah, D., Ordonez, J. C., Kim, C., Crook, D., Suttell, N., & Pamidi, S. (2012). Simulation and Optimization of Cryogenic Heat Sink for Helium Gas Cooled Superconducting Power Devices. In Applied Superconductivity Conference (pp. 1-5). Portland, OR. 22. Sommer, E. M., Martins, L. S., Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2012). The Effect of Different Platinum-Free Electrodes on the Performance of An Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cell. In VII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica, CONEM2012-1857 (pp. 1-10). São Luís, Maranhao Rio de Janeiro: ABCM. 23. Brinson, T. E., Ordonez, J. C., & Luongo, C. A. (2011). Optimization of an integrated SOFC-fuel processing system for aircraft propulsion. In Collocated with ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, FUELCELL 2011, August 7, 2011 - August 10 (pp. 399-408). Washington, DC, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/FuelCell2011-54505 24. Ordonez, J. C., Vargas, J., Shih, C., & Costa, N. G. (2011). Integration of capstone design experience with the international exchange program. In 118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 26, 2011 - June 29. Vancouver, BC, Canada: American Society for Engineering Education. 25. Souza, J. A., & Ordonez, J. C. (2011). Constructal Optimization of a High Conductivity Inserts in Plates with Internal Heat Generation. In Constructal Law Conference. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. 26. Souza, J. A., Ordonez, J. C., Hovsapian, R., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2011). Control Volume Based Thermodynamic Modeling Applied to the Thermal Management of a Notional All-electric Ship. In IEEE Electric Ship Technology Symposium. Alexandria, VA. 27. Straub, Q., & Ordonez, J. (2011). A methodology for the determination of the light distribution profile of a micro-algal photobioreactor. In ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2011, August 7, 2011 - August 10 (pp. 1201-1209). Washington, DC, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ES2011-54830 28. Vargas, J. V. C., Souza, J. A., Hovsapian, R., Ordonez, J. C., Chiocchio, T., Chalfant, J., & Chryssostomidis, C. (2011). ESRDC ship notional baseline Medium Voltage Direct Current (MVDC) architecture thermal simulation and visualization. In 4th Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulation Conference, GCMS 2011, June 27, 2011 - June 30 (pp. 150-160). The Hague, Netherlands: The Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 29. Zhao, H., Souza, J. A., & Ordonez, J. C. (2011). Vertical Cooling Arrangements for Electromagnetic Launchers. In Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering. Natal. 30. Brinson, T. E., Ordonez, J. C., & Luongo, C. A. (2010). Thermodynamic Modeling and Simulation of an Integrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack-Fuel Processing System for Propulsion Applications. In Annual Technical Symposium, Florida Center for Advanced Aeropropulsion. Tallahassee, FL. 31. Pereira, M. V. A., Vargas, J. V. C., Amico, S. C., Parise, J. A. R., Matos, R. S., & Ordonez, J. C. (2010). The optimal match of streams for maximum heat transfer from a gas fired absorption refrigeration unit. In 2010 ASHRAE Annual Conference, June 26, 2010 - June 30 (pp. 483-493). Albuquerque, NM, United states: Amer. Soc. Heating, Ref. Air-Conditioning Eng. Inc. 32. Ribeiro, R. L. L., Souza, J. A., Pulliam, R., Mariano, A. B., Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2010). The Transient Temperature Behavior in Compact Tubular. In 13th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences. Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. 33. Souza, J. A., O'Lary, F. M., Hovsapian, R., Ordonez, J. C., Vargas, J. V. C., & Chalfant, J. (2010). Visualization tool for notional all-electric ships data bases. In Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulation Symposium, GCMS 2010, Part of the 2010 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim 2010, July 12, 2010 - July 14 (pp. 106-112). Ottawa, ON, Canada: The Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 34. Souza, J. A., Ordonez, J. C., Hovsapian, R., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2010). Thermal Modeling of High-Temperature Superconducting DC Transmission Cable. In Applied Superconductivity Conference. Washington DC. 35. Dias, F. G., Souza, J. A., Ordonez, J. C., Vargas, J. V. C., Hovsapian, R., & Amy, J. V. (2009). Notional All-Electric Ship Thermal Simulation and Visualization. In IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, ESTS Proceedings. Baltimore New York: IEEE. 36. Martins, L., Wang, L., Tyler, T., Straub, Q., Brinson, T., Ordonez, J. C., & Li, H. (2009). Experimental Testing of a Hybrid Fuel Cell Based Power Train Under Typical Aircraft Loading. In Proceedings of the Annual Technical Symposium, Florida Center for Advanced Aeropropulsion. Orlando, Florida. 37. Martins, L. S., Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2009). Experimental validation of a simplified PEMFC simulation model. In ASME 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES2009, July 19, 2009 - July 23 (pp. 305-314). San Francisco, CA, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ES2009-90345 38. Ribeiro, R. L. L., Souza, J. A., Vargas, J. V. C., & Ordonez, J. C. (2009). Numerical Simulation of the Biomass Concentration of Microalgae Cultivated in a Self-Sustainable Photobioreactor. In 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. Gramado, RS, Brazil. 39. Sommer, E. M., Vargas, J. V. C., Sanches, L. S., Valentim, R. B., & Ordonez, J. C. (2009). Development and Experimental Validation of a Mathematical Model for Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cells (AMFC). In 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. Gramado, RS, Brazil. 40. Torrens, J. C. L., Vargas, J. V. C., Telles, E. C., Mariano, A. B., & Ordonez, J. C. (2009). Biodiesel from Microalgae: The Effect of Fuel Properties on Pollutants Emissions. In 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. Gramado, RS, Brazil. 41. Zhao, H., Souza, J. A., & Ordonez, J. C. (2009). 3D-Model for the Thermal Analysis of Electromagnetic Launchers. In Huntsville Simulation Conference. Huntsville, MS: Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 42. Dias, F. G., Vargas, J. V. C., Brioshi, M. L., Ordonez, J. C., & Hovsapian, R. (2008). Modeling and Simulation of the Heart Temperature Distribution in Cardiac Surgeries as a Function of the Coronary Blood Flow. In 12th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. 43. Morega, A. M., Ordonez, J. C., & Morega, M. (2008). A Constructal Approach to Power Distribution Networks Design. In International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ,08). Santander, Spain. 44. Ordonez, J. C., Cortes, H., Tracy, T., & Straub, Q. (2008). Hot Stream Energy Scavenging For Absorption Refrigeration. In XI International Environmental and Sustainable Development Seminar. Cartagena, Colombia. 45. Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., Hovsapian, R., & Dias, F. G. (2008). All electric ships, internal compartments and cabinets thermal and psychrometric simulation. In Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulation Symposium 2008, GCMS 2008, Part of the 2008 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim 2008, June 16, 2008 - June 19 (pp. 127-134). Edinburgh, United kingdom: The Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 46. Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., Hovsapian, R., & Dias, F. G. (2008). Modeling, simulation and optimization of a solar system for water heating and absorption cooling. In 2008 2nd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2008, August 10, 2008 - August 14 (pp. 489-498). Jacksonville, FL, United states: ASME. 47. Brinson, T. E., Ren, W., Ordonez, J. C., Luongo, C. A., & Baldwin, T. (2007). Fuel Cell-Based Powertrain System Modeling and Simulation for Small Aircraft Propulsion Applications. In Proc. of ASME Fifth International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering, and Technology Book of Abstracts. Brooklyn, NY. 48. Cartes, D., Ordonez, J., Harrington, J., Cox, D., & Meeker, R. (2007). Novel integrated energy systems and control methods with economic analysis for integrated community based energy systems. In 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting (pp. 6). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE. 49. Chiocchio, T., Leonard, R., Work, Y., Fang, R., Steurer, M., Monti, A., Khan, J., Ordonez, J., Sloderbeck, M., & Woodruff, S. L. (2007). A co-simulation approach for real-time transient analysis of electro-thermal system interactions on board of future all-electric ships. In Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2007, SCSC 2007, Part of the 2007 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim 2007, July 15, 2007 - July 18 (pp. 1409-1415). San Diego, CA, United states: The Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 50. Dias, F. G., Vargas, J. V. C., Brioschi, M., & Ordonez, J. C. (2007). A Thermodynamic Model to Predict Heart Thermal Response During Open Chest Procedures. In 19th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. Brasilia - DF, Brazil. 51. Matos, R. S., Vargas, J. V. C., Mainardes, R. L. S., & Ordonez, J. C. (2007). Overall Optimization of Fined Arrangements in Turbulent Forced Convection. In 19th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. Brasilia - DF, Brazil. 52. Morega, A., Ordonez, J. C., Vargas, J. V. C., Luongo, C. A., & Shih, C. (2007). Engineering Education Solutions to a Global Economy. In International Conference on Engineering Education – ICEE. Coimbra, Portugal. 53. Ordonez, J. C., Vargas, J. V. C., Morega, A., Luongo, C. A., & Shih, C. (2007). International Capstone Senior Design Projects. In Fifth LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology (LACCEI'2007. Tampico, Mexico. 54. Tracy, T., Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2007). First and second law thermodynamic analysis of a domestic scale trigeneration system. In 2007 Energy Sustainability Conference, June 27, 2007 - June 30 (pp. 759-766). Long Beach, CA, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ES2007-36184 55. Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., & Hovsapian, R. (2007). Modeling and simulation of the thermal and psychrometric transient response of all electric ships, internal compartments and cabinets. In Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2007, SCSC 2007, Part of the 2007 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim 2007, July 15, 2007 - July 18 (pp. 541-548). San Diego, CA, United states: The Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 56. Wechsatol, W., Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2007). Effects of Nano-Particles on Skin -Friction and Heat Transfer Coefficients and Boundary Layer Thickness of Laminar Nanofluid Flow Over a Flat Plate. In 19th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. Brasilia - DF, Brazil. 57. Berndsen, J. C., Vargas, J. V. C., Dilay, E., Dias, F. G., & Ordonez, J. C. (2006). Desenvolvimiento Experimental de um Sistema Trigenerador com Producao Simultanea de Calor, Electricidade e Frio. In Proceedings of the Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences - ENCIT. Curitiba, Brazil. 58. Ferreira, E. L., Vargas, J. V. C., Campos, M. C., Dias, F. G., Ordonez, J. C., & Brioschi, M. L. (2006). Development of an Air Heating and Humidifying System for Mechanical Ventilation of Intensive Care Unit Patients. In Proceedings of the Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences - ENCIT. Curitiba, Brazil. 59. Hovsapian, R., Ordonez, J. C., Vargas, J. V. C., & McLaren, P. G. (2006). Thermodynamic Analysis of a 5MW Dynamometer Set to Simulate Ship Propulsion and Propulsion Load of an All-electric Ship. In Proceedings of the Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences - ENCIT. Curitiba, Brazil. 60. Kosaraju, S., Ordonez, J. C., & Morega, A. M. (2006). A Numerical Study of the Effect of Channel Geometry on the Pressure Distribution in PEMFC Bipolar Plates. In Proceedings of the Fluent Users Group Meeting. Sinaia, Romania. 61. Masson, P. J., Tixador, P., Ordonez, J. C., Morega, A. M., & Luongo, C. A. (2006). Electro- Thermal Model for HTS Motor Design. In Applied Superconductivity Conference. Seattle. 62. Mathur, M., Negoias, A. P., Ordonez, J. C., & Morega, A. M. (2006). Thermal Stability of an HTS Armature Winding. In Proceedings of the Fluent Users Group Meeting. Sinaia, Romania. 63. Morega, A. M., & Ordonez, J. C. (2006). A higher resolution, local thermal analysis of an AC armature winding of a high temperature superconductor motor. In 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2006, November 5, 2006 - November 10. Chicago, IL, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/IMECE2006-13825 64. Morega, A., Ordonez, J. C., Negoias, A. P., & Hovsapian, R. (2006). Spherical Photovoltaic Cells A Constructal Approach to their Optimization. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM'06. Brasov, Romania. 65. Morega, A. M., & Ordonez, J. C. (2006). Constructal Design of Concurrent Power Distribution Networks. In Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference. Boston. 66. Morega, A. M., Ordonez, J. C., & Negoias, P. A. (2006). A Local Thermal Analysis of an AC Armature Winding of High Temperature Superconducting Motor. In Caius Iacob" National Conference of Fluid Mechanics and Technical Applications. Institute of Statistical Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Romanian Academy. Brasov, Romania. 67. Morega, A. M., Ordonez, J. C., Negoias, P. A., Morega, M., & Hovsapian, R. (2006). Optimal Electrical Design of Spherical Photovoltaic Cells. In Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference, Key Note Lecture. Prague. 68. Negoias, A. P., Morega, A. M., & Ordonez, J. C. (2006). Heat Transfer in Spherical Photovoltaic Cells. In ATEE-06. Bucharest. 69. Ordonez, J. C., Vargas, J. V. C., Morega, A. M., Luongo, C. A., & Shih, C. (2006). An International Component to Capstone Senior Design Projects. In Proceedings of the 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. San Diego, CA. 70. Pereira, M. V. A., Vargas, J. V. C., Dias, F. G., Ordonez, J. C., Parise, J. A. R., Campos, M., Martins, L. S., Fujii, H. Y. C., & Allage, R. (2006). Exergetic Analysis of a 5 TR Experimental Absorption Refrigeration Unit Powered by Liquefied Petroleum Gas (GLP) and Exhaust Gases. In Proceedings of the Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences - ENCIT. Curitiba, Brazil. 71. Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., Morega, A. M., Luongo, C. A., & Shih, C. (2006). Bringing International Components to Capstone Senior Design Projects - Preparation for a global economy. In Proceedings of the 5th ASEE Global Colloquium On Engineering Education. Engineering Education in the Americas and Beyond. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 72. Wechsatol, W., Lorente, S., Bejan, A., Ordonez, J. C., & Kosaraju, S. C. (2006). Optimization of Elemental Flow Passages of Fluid Flow Networks. In Proceedings of the 13th International Heat Transfer Conference. Sydney, Australia. 73. Morega, A., Ordonez, J. C., & Negoias, P. A. (2005). Higher Resolution Thermal Design of an HTS AC Armature Winding. In "Caius Iacob" National Conference of Fluid Mechanics and Technical Applications. Institute of Statistical Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Romanian Academy. Bucharest. 74. Morega, A., & Ordonez, J. C. (2005). Thermal Stability of an HTS AC Armature Winding. In FEMLAB Conference. Boston, MA. 75. Morega, A. M., Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2005). Thermal Model for the AC Armature Winding of a High Temperature Superconductor Airborne Motor. In 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2005, November 5, 2005 - November 11 (pp. 141-149). Orlando, FL, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/IMECE2005-82319 76. Ordonez, J. C., Vargas, J. V. C., & Chen, S. (2005). Optimal Heat Exchanger Area Allocation for Power and Refrigeration. In 18th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. ECOS. Trondheim, Norway. 77. Vargas, J. V. C., Bejan, A., Ordonez, J. C., & Amico, S. C. (2005). The optimal shape for a unit PEM fuel cell. In 3rd International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2005, May 23, 2005 - May 25 (pp. 459-471). Ypsilanti, MI, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 78. Books, N., Baldwin, T., Brinson, T., Ordonez, J. C., & Luongo, C. (2004). Analysis of Fuel Cell Based Power Systems Using EMTDC Electrical Power Simulator. In IEEE Thirty-Sixth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory. Atlanta. 79. Ordonez, J. C., & Chen, S. (2004). Maximum power extraction from a hot stream in the presence of phase change under limiting collecting temperatures. In Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference 2004, HT/FED 2004, July 11, 2004 - July 15 (pp. 113-120). Charlotte, NC, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 80. Ordonez, J. C., & Vargas, J. V. C. (2004). Constructal optimization of the coupling between a hot and a cold stream for power and refrigeration. In 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE, November 13, 2004 - November 19 (pp. 263-272). Anaheim, CA, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/IMECE2004-62102 81. Vargas, J. V. C., Ordonez, J. C., & Bejan, A. (2004). Fuel cells constructal optimization and research perspectives. In Second International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, June 14, 2004 - June 16 (pp. 67-78). Rochester, NY, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 82. Rivera, A., Ordonez, J. C., Chejne, F., & Hill, A. (1998). Refrigeración termoacústica (Thermoacoustic refrigeration). In Memorias Mercofrio' 98. ASBRAV. Porto Alegre, Brasil. 83. Chejne, F., Hill, A., Botero, E., Figueroa, E., Rojas, J. C., Perez, J. C., Isaza, C., Arenas, E., Sanchez, K., Valenzuela, F., Ordonez, J. C., Rivera, A., Carmona, M., Restrepo, J., & Hinestrosa, J. (1997). Rational use of energy. In Third Latin-American Congress : Electricity Generation and Transmission (pp. 677-680). Campos do Jordao, Brasil. 84. Isaza, C., Chejne, F., Florez, W. F., & Ordonez, J. C. (1997). Optimizacion de sistemas centralizados de refrigeracion con modelacion. In IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Aire Acondicionado y Refrigeración CIAR (pp. vol1, pp. 31-35). Santiago de Chile. 85. Chejne, F., Ordonez, J. C., & et Al. (1997). Ahorro de Energia en Centrales de Generación de Energia electrica Mediante el Monitoreo de Variables de Procesos. In Conferencia Energética Colombiana - ENERCOL 97. Santafé de Bogotá. 86. Chejne, F., Ordonez, J. C., Florez, W. F., & Botero, E. (1996). Análisis exergético y optimización de centrales térmicas. (Exergetic analysis and optimization of power plants). In III Conferencia de Termoenergética Industrial. Santa Clara, Cuba. Other Publications 1. J.C.Ordóñez, A.Rivera, F.Chejne, A.Hill. ``Refrigeración termoacústica". (Thermoacoustic refrigeration). Revista Acaire. Asociación Colombiana del Acondicionamiento de Aire y de la Refrigeración . Santafé de Bogotá. Edición No. 20 pp. 5-10. Mar-Jun, 1998 2. F.Chejne, J.C.Ordóñez, et al. ``Alternativas tecnológicas para el uso eficiente de la energía en la industria". (Technological alternatives for rational use of energy in industry). Memorias Quinta Jornada de Investigación - CIDI UPB. Medellín, Oct., 1997 3. F.Chejne, A.Rivera, J.C.Ordóñez. ``Lejos del equilibrio". (Far from equilibrium). Memorias de la Quinta Jornada de investigación UPB. Medellín, Oct., 1997 4. J.C.Ordóñez, A.Rivera, F.Chejne. ``Introducción a la Termoacústica". (Introduction to thermoacoustics). Memorias Cuarta Jornada de Investigación - CIDI UPB. Medellín, Oct. 1996 5. J.C.Ordóñez, A.Rivera, F.Chejne. ``Máquinas Termoacústicas". (Thermoacoustic Engines). Memorias Encuentro de Investigadores en Energía. Universidad Nacional sede Medellín. Nov. 1996 6. F.Chejne J. , W.F. Flórez E. , J.C. Ordóñez R., E.A. Botero G. ``Análisis exergético de centrales térmicas". (Exergetic analysis of power plants). Memorias de la Cuarta Jornada de Investigación, CIDI-UPB. Medellín, Colombia, 1996 7. F. Chejne, A. Hill, E. Botero, E. Figueroa, J.C. Rojas, J. C. Perez, C. Isaza, E. Arenas, K, Sanchez, S.Botero, F. Valenzuela, J.C.Ordóñez, A. Rivera, M. Carmona. ``Uso Racional de Energía". (Rational use of energy). Revista de Contaminación ambiental. Área de Estudios Ambientales CIDI'UPB. ISSN 0120-0674. Vol. 15. No.27. pp. 5-21, 1995 8. F.Chejne, J.C. Ordóñez, et al. ``Uso racional de Energía". (Rational use of energy). Memorias de la Tercera Jornada de investigación-CIDI UPB. Medellín, Oct. 24-25, 1995 9. F.Chejne, J.C. Ordóñez, A.Rivera et al. ``Uso racional de Energía Térmica". (Rational use of thermal energy). Memorias Primer curso de uso racional de energía organizado por ACIEM y EE.PP. de Medellín con la colaboración del CIDI-UPB. Medellín, Nov. 20-25, 1995 10. F. Chejne, W.F. Flórez, J.C. Ordóñez, E.A. Botero. ``Análisis exergético de centrales térmicas". (Exergetic analysis of power plants). XII Jornadas de Energía. II Seminario Internacional sobre Planeamiento Energético. Santafé de Bogotá. Sep., 1995 11. F.Chejne J., W.F. Flórez E., J.C. Ordóñez R., et al. ``Generación magnetohidrodinámica". (Magnetohydrodynamics power generation). Primera Jornada de Investigación. CIDI-UPB. Medellín, Oct., 1993 |
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