of Electrical and Computer Engineering Phone (850) 410-6220 Fax (850) 410-6479 Professor Dr. Uwe Meyer-Baese email: |
FROM: Dr. U. Meyer-Baese
SUBJECT: CMAG source files
Short Description
This directory contains the source code for the 19-bit CMAG code as described in two upcoming papers. The directory contains the C-source code as well as the generated NOF tables. The following four tables are posted:
Mul/Add only 19-bit table: nof19l0.dat
CSD table in 19-bit: nof19l2.dat
Each line of these files contains the following 12 entries:
costs non-output fundamental sum (NOFS) 1-10 NOF values.
Use the optimal part of the RAG-n algorithm to generate the complete graph!
Use the magstat1.c program to compute the adder statistic in each tables.
If you like to generate the table yourself use the following steps:
1) Generate a CSD NOF table
using the program: csdnof1.c
2) Generate the code for all CMAGs using the work list wl19b05.dat and the program: magcg1.c The work list is sorted by the computation time. The generated program for all 235 CMAGs should look as the code: magwl.c
3) Run the CMAG computation using the program maggwl1.c that uses the same work list and the include file magwl.c generated in step 2.
Hint for PC user: Open the files with WordPad and store to get correct CR/LF.
Uwe Meyer-Baese, O. Gustafsson and A. Dempster, “The Canonical
Minimised Adder Graph Representation,” Proc. SPIE
Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., March 2008, Vol. 6979, pp. 69790P-1-12. Download PDF file here
Presenter in bold
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