Welcom to Xin Shan's webpage!
Contact information
2017 Florida State University Three-Minute Thesis Finalist (3%) and People Choice Award (1/14)
2015-2017 P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship
2015 Presidential Scholarship of IPE, Dean list (5%) in CAS
2014 National scholarship for graduates, and Dean list (5%) in UCAS
2012 Outstanding Undergraduates in Beijing
2011 National Scholarship, Outstanding student in Beijing
2010 Second Prize in Mitsui National Chemical Engineering Design Competition, First Prize in Central China Division
2015-present: reviewer for New Journal of Chemistry and RSC Advances.
2018 MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, 15-min presentation at Section EP 05.
2018 42nd International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, 30-min presentation.
2017 SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, published a conference proceeding.
2016-2018 Open House in the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and HPMI.
2014 Conference on the Green Energy and Resources Conference, was selected as the best poster award.
2014 Conference on Advances in Coating Materials, gave a 30-min presentation on ceramic coating materials.
2014 volunteering the 7th World Congress on Particle Technology, helped in VIP registration part.
2013 volunteering the 7th Sino-US Conference of Chemical Engineering, worked at the energy parallel session.
2012 volunteering the World Resources Forum, assisted to operate an international academic conference.