Biographical Sketches


The following information was provided by the members of the hedge trimmer design team:

Chris Burley

Chris Burley is a senior undergraduate student majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a math minor.  He originally transferred from the School of Architecture at Florida A&M University to the FAMU/FSU College of Engineering in 1996.  He is originally from the metro Atlanta area and, after graduation, plans to return there to work in the industry and pursue his Master's in Business Administration concentrating in Finance.

Darrell L. Childs

Darrell Childs is a senior mechanical engineering major from Bainbridge, Georgia.  He came to FAMU under the Life Gets Better Scholarship.  Through the first semester of his senior year, he achieved a GPA of 3.43 out of 4.00.  His interests initially resided in the areas of design and manufacturing.  However, through his coursework throughout his curriculum, his interests now lie in the areas of modeling, simulation, and computer programming.

Jonathan D. Walker

My E-mail address is I am a Senior Mechanical Engineering Student.  I enjoy music and the perfection of car audio systems.  I often search for LIGHT in the EAST!  I can be contacted at (850) 422-7317.  Remember if you need a brother to help you see the LIGHT contact me!


Imperial Nurseries, Inc.

Project Scope

Design Information

Design Drawings


Biographical Sketches