Scribbled down at our various meetings...
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Practiced for presentation
Update from Jeff-Fauna from Tony: he ordered the parts Friday (02/09/01)
Refinements to make to test:
Correction to specifications: G Force 678/9.81 = 69.1G
Test will be run for actual cycle
Percentage of bleach and water used
Other detergents
Pounds of clothes used
Can use thin metallic foil in plastic as:
Insulation against radiation from electrical parts
To ground the electrical circuits so people won't get shocked when they touch the panel
Jeff-Fauna: sending drawings of moldings (concepts 2, 3, and 4) to Tony to send to companies.
Still no material
Will use metallic force in electrical panel, use current grounding system
Still waiting for Loren to contact Dr. Shih about calculations
Still no word from Tony regarding appropriate date(s) for testing
Worked on presentation
Jeremy has made progress on the web page: will be putting up pictures of team members, as well as some of our calculations
Set next meeting time for Thursday
Went over presentation: progress report of what we have accomplished since the last presentation on 02/22/01
Each team member will come up with ideas for user manual
Jeff-Fauna emailed Tony about getting a copy of the current user manual
Next meeting 03/27/01
Modified calculations: much better safety factors
Will bolt the plastic to steel frame
Jeff-Fauna will send drawings of electrical panel via fax to Tony
Next meeting time, 03/29/01
Went over what needs to go into the report.
Also, what other details need to be added to the web page.
Jeff-Fauna and Loren will fax drawings of concept 2 for estimates for the molding costs.
Next meeting time: 7:30pm 04/03/01
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