
Team Information
Code of Conduct

Upcoming Events

Final Presentation in AME Building

Code of Conduct

Mission Statement:

The goal of this project is to use team work and planning in order to quickly and effectively complete all of our tasks assigned for the project.  We will treat our work with the upmost importance and strive to give fair consideration to each group members proposed ideas.  Above all we will treat each other with respect to create a professional and productive work environment.


We will have at least one meeting a week, at 8:00 PM every Sunday night, in order to touch base and set new tasks and goals for the following week.  Other meetings will be necessary and will be scheduled at least a full 24 hours before it will take place.  Attendance to these meetings will be mandatory unless is excused by a majority of the group, in which case a volunteer will be selected to informed the absent member of the updates. 



The primary source of communication through the group will be through email.  Members will be required to check mail at least once a day in order to keep up with current updates of the project.  If, however, the member is willing to give his or her cell phone number, that will also be used as a source of communication.


Decision making process

At our meeting, any tasks assigned to us will be debated if necessary and the best course of action will be determined by a unanimous vote.  If a unanimous vote cannot be achieved within as reasonable amount of time, and majority vote will be accepted.



NSPE Code will be followed through the duration of our project.



Teamwork will be held in the highest importance and constant collaboration with group members will be required.  If problems arise through team members, it will first be tried to resolve at the group level before taking it to higher authority.

Project Roles

Andrew Whittington – Project leader

·        The project leader will be required to assign tasks and stay in constant communication with our sponsors.  He will oversee all work done and make adjustments deemed necessary by the majority of the group. 

Amy Eckerle – Team Organizer

·        The team Organizer will be in charge of scheduling meetings and delegating which tasks go to which person

Philip Witherspoon – Treasurer

·        The Treasurer will be responsible for handling the budget and deciding how much need to be spent and on what for the completion of the project.