Team 7: About
This senior design project
involves using a Solar Sausage to desalinate saline water. This is an
entrepreneurial project expanding on the work of Mr. Ian Winger, FSU
scientific research
specialist. The objective behind this project is to research different
thermal desalination techniques
and incorporate one into the solar sausage converting saline water into
potable drinking water.
Desalination is a technique most heavily used in Middle Eastern
Countries. It is a very energy
intensive process that relies on existing and reliable energy sources.
Madagascar is the preferred
location of choice based on the country’s scarcity to clean
drinking water sources as well as poor
conditions related to this issue. Madagascar is also preferred based on
its relative weather
conditions similar to Tallahassee where the testing will be conducted.
The end design and
prototype will hopefully be applicable to other regions in need meeting
similar standards and
deficiencies as Madagascar.
Mr. Ian
Winger will provide the
materials for the Solar Sausage. The team will complete the
construction, as well as the distillation apparatus. Temperatures
reached by the collector must be
around 100⁰C to be sufficient for evaporation to take place as well as
vapor condensation to occur
at a satisfactory rate. There are a lot of technical specifications
that need to be determined by the
group. The temperature to reach phase change must be determined as well
as the geometric
parameters that will provide a sufficient water supply for a single