Electrical Subsystems
Thruster Testing
November 10th, 2015

The sub currently has 6 Seabotix BTD 150 thrusters. These thrusters were tested using direct input into the arduinos and all but one of the thrusters were found to be working properly. The problem with the one non working thruster was traced back to a bad motor driver. This motor driver was replaced with a CanaKit UK1122 motor driver which is identical to the other motor drivers in the sub. After replacing this driver all 6 thrusters were functional.
Failed Pool Test
November 18th, 2015

On November 18th the team attempted to test the navigation of the system in the Morcom pool. Before the testing started a battery was plugged into the Zotac computer that fried the voltage regulator. The Zotac computer does not come with a battery and the battery used by previous years teams can not be found. The exact reason why the battery caused this malfunction is unknown. However to achieve 19 volts a 12 volt battery was wired in series with a 7.2 volt battery. It is believed that these two batteries may have had different current ratings and led to the fried voltage regulator.