The Team

Alex Gomez - Mechanical Engineer
Alex is senior Mechanical Engineering student at Florida State University with a focus in dynamic systems and thermal fluids. He recently interned for L-3 Aviation Recorders in Sarasota Florida as a systems engineer.
BJ Heyward - Mechanical Engineer
Bj Heyward is a mechanical engineering senior at the Florida State University. He has aspirations to work in the automotive industry or in aerospace research. 

Danny Tamayo - Mechanical Engineer
Daniel Tamayo is a Senior Mechanical Engineering major with a specialty in Thermal Fluid Sciences. After graduation Daniel plans to go work in industry to use the skills he has developed to help innovate and develop future technologies.
Dashiel Hernandez - Mechanical Engineer
Dashiel Hernandez is a senior student at FSU/FAMU College of Engineering. Through the years he has developed a passion for aerospace studies and technologies as well as renewable energy processes. His plan for the future is to work on the aerospace industry as a designer.
Gregory McCutcheon - Mechanical Engineer
Gregory McCutcheon is a senior Mechanical Engineering student currently enrolled at Florida State University. After graduating in the spring of 2015 Gregory plans to obtain a full time job in the industry. 

Wesley Harper - Mechanical Engineer  
Wesley Harper was born and raised I Washington D.C, graduated from high school in 2011.
Currently enrolled in his last year as an Mechanical engineering major at Florida A&M University.
Wesley is also interested in working with planes for a career choice.
Faculty Advisor

Dr. Wei GuoPersonal Website  
Visualization Study of Quantum Turbulence in Superfluid Helium-4 Using Molecules as Tracers
Helium-Based Dark Matter Detector Research and Development
Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics in Liquid Helium

Dr. Chiang Shih Personal Website  
Experimental fluid mechanics
Steady and unsteady aerodynamics
Active flow and noise control

Dr. Nikhil Gupta Personal Website  
Dynamic modeling of legged and wheeled vehicles
Motion planning