Amy B. Chan Hilton
Journal Articles
- McGee, C. and A. B. Chan Hilton (2011). Analysis of Federal and
State Policies and Environmental Issues for
Bioethanol Production Facilities. Environmental
Science & Technology, 45(5),
1780-1791. dx.doi.org/10.1021/es1014696. Sponsored
access to paper.
- Nicklow, J.W., Reed, P., Savic, D.,
Dessalegne, T., Harrell, L., Chan-Hilton, A.,
Karamouz, M., Minsker, B., Ostfeld, A., Singh, A.,
and Zechman, E. State of the art for genetic
algorithms and beyond in water resources planning
and management. J. of Water Resources Planning
and Management, accepted. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000053
- Penagonda, V., A. Chan Hilton, G. Chen (2008). Impact of Lipopolysaccharide extraction on bacterial adhesion and transport. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology.
- Chen, G., A. Chan Hilton, and M. Williams, (2007). Surface free energy relationships in interpreting bacterial deposition in porous media, In, T. Camesano Edt. Modeling Bacterial Adhesion and Transport in the Environment, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C
- Li, Y. and Chan Hilton,
A.B. Optimal groundwater monitoring design using an ant
colony optimization Paradigm. Environmental
Modeling and Software, 22(1), 110-116, 2007.
- Chan Hilton, A. B. and Y.
Li. Reducing spatial sampling in long-term groundwater monitoring
networks using ant colony optimization. International Jounral of Computational
Intelligence Research, 1(1-2), 19-28, 2006.
- Chan Hilton, A. B. and T. B. Culver.
remediation design
under uncertainty using a robust genetic algorithm. Journal
of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 131(1),
25-34, 2005. Abstract
- Huang, W., B. Xu, and A. Chan Hilton.
Forecasting flow in
River using artificial neural networks. Journal of Hydrological
Processes, 18(13), 2545-2564, 2004.
- Chan Hilton, A. B. and T. B. Culver.
Sensitivity of optimal
remediation designs to residual water quality violations. Journal
of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 127(5), 316-323,
2001. Abstract
- Chan Hilton, A. B. and T. B. Culver.
methods for genetic algorithms in optimal pump-and-treat design. Journal
of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 126(3), 128-137,
2000. Abstract
- Chan Hilton, A. B., D. L. McGillivary, E. E.
Residence time of freshwater in Boston's Inner Harbor. Journal of
Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 124(2),
82-89, 1998. Abstract
- Sherif, S. A., S. P. Raju, M. M. Padki, and A.
B. Chan
(1993). A semi-empirical transient method for modelling frost formation
on a flat plate. International
Journal of Refrigeration, 16(5), 321-329.
Peer-Reviewed Book
- Chan Hilton, A. B., A. Aksoy, and T. B. Culver.
optimal design of groundwater remediation using genetic algorithms. In:
Smith, J. A. and S. Burns, eds. Physiochemical Groundwater
Remediation, Lewis Publishers, New York, 2001. Abstract
Papers in Conference
- Beckford, O. and A. Chan Hilton (2009). Temporal Analysis of Remediation Designs Using a Multiobjective Optimization Model Under Uncertainty. Proceedings of the 2009 ASCE EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Kansas City, MO, May 2009.
- Chan Hilton, A.B. (2008). Adaptation of Groundwater Physical Models and Activities for Enhanced Student Learning. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Davis, W. ed., June 22-25, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Beckford, O. and A. B. Chan Hilton (2008). Remediation System Optimization with Alternatives. Presented and in the Proceedings of the 2008 ASCE EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Honolulu, HI, May 2008
- Liu, X. and A. B. Chan Hilton (2008). Incorporating site characterization data into contaminant concentration interpolations for long-term monitoring optimization. Proceedings of the 2008 ASCE EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Honolulu, HI, May 2008
- Beckford, O. and A. B. Chan Hilton (2007). Modeling Fort Ord Site OU2 Remediation Systems using Optimization. Proceedings of the ASCE EWRI 2007 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 2007, Tampa, FL: ASCE, 2 pp.
- Liu, X. and A. B. Chan Hilton (2007). Optimization of Well Placement in Long-term Groundwater Monitoring Networks. Proceedings of the ASCE EWRI 2007 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 2007, Tampa, FL: ASCE, 2 pp.
- Chan Hilton, A. B. (2007). Adaptation of Groundwater Physical Models and Activities for Enhanced Student Learning. Proceedings of the ASEE Southeast Section Conference, April 2007, Louisville, KY, 8 pp., peer reviewed.
- Beckford, O. and A. B. Chan Hilton (2006). Remediation Optimization Model
Formulations for Fort Ord Site OU2. Proceedings of the ASCE EWRI 2006 World
Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 2006, Omaha, NE:
ASCE, 2 pp.
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. and Y. Li (2006). Adaptation of Groundwater
Physical Models and Activities. Proceedings
of the ASCE EWRI 2006 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress,
May 2006, Omaha, NE: ASCE, 2 pp.
- Li,
Y. and A. B. Chan Hilton (2006). Bayesian Statistics-Based
Procedure for the Groundwater Long-Term Monitoring Temporal
Problem. Proceedings of the
ASCE EWRI 2006 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress,
May 2006, Omaha, NE: ASCE, 6 pp.
- Li,
Y. and A. B. Chan Hilton (2006). An Algorithm for Groundwater
Long-Term Monitoring Spatial Optimization by Analogy to Ant Colony
Optimization. Proceedings of
the ASCE EWRI 2006 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress,
May 2006, Omaha, NE: ASCE, 6 pp.
- Chan
Hilton, A.B. and
Y. Li (2005). Optimal groundwater sampling network design through
ant colony optimization. Proceedings
of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference (GECCO 2005) (June 25-29, 2005, Washington, DC). ACM,
6 pp.
- Beckford,
O. and A.
B. Chan Hilton (2005). Development of a Remediation Optimization
Model for Fort Ord Site OU2. Proceedings
of the ASCE EWRI 2005 World Water &
Environmental Resources Congress, May 2005, Anchorage, AK: ASCE,
12 pp.
- Li,
Y. and A. B. Chan Hilton (2005). Analysis of the Primal and Dual
Problem for Long Term Groundwater Monitoring Spatial
Optimization. Proceedings
of the ASCE EWRI 2005
World Water &
Environmental Resources Congress, May 2005, Anchorage, AK: ASCE,
11 pp.
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. (2005). Adaptation of Groundwater Physical Models
and Activities
for Introduction to Environmental Engineering. Presented at the
National Science Foundation Engineering and Computing Education Grantee
Meeting, February 2005, Washington, DC., 1p.
- Beckford,
O. and A.
B. Chan Hilton
Comparing formulations for multi-objective groundwater remediation
design under uncertainty. Proceedings
of the ASCE EWRI 2004 World Water
& Environmental Resources Congress, June 27-July 1, 2004,
Salt Lake
City, UT: ASCE, CD-rom, 10 pp.
- Chan Hilton, A. B.
and S. Iyer (2004).
design of natural attenuation with active remediation systems under
uncertainty using genetic algorithms. Proceedings
of the ASCE EWRI 2004
World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, June 27-July
2004, Salt Lake City, UT: ASCE, CD-rom, 10 pp.
- Li,
Y., A. B. Chan Hilton, and L. Tong
(2004). Development
of ant colony optimization for long-term groundwater monitoring. Proceedings of
the ASCE EWRI 2004 World Water & Environmental
Resources Congress, June 27-July 1, 2004, Salt Lake City, UT:
CD-rom, 10 pp.
- McKenna, S. A., A. B.
Chan Hilton,
and M.
Lefrancois. Parameter adjustment of indicator variograms for
groundwater flow modeling using genetic algorithms. Proceedings
of the Probabilistic Approaches and Groundwater
Modeling Symposium, June 22-26, 2003, Philadelphia, PA: ASCE, 10
pp., 2003, Peer reviewed. Abstract
- Beckford, O., A. B.
Chan Hilton, and X.
Liu. Development of an
Enhanced Multi-objective Robust Genetic Algorithm for Groundwater
Remediation Design.
Proceedings of the ASCE
EWRI 2003 World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, June
22-26, 2003,
Philadelphia, PA: ASCE, 10 pp., 2003. Abstract -
Chan Hilton, A. B. and S. Iyer. Optimization of Natural
Attenuation with Active Remediation Under Uncertainty Using Genetic
of the Probabilistic
Approaches and Groundwater Modeling Symposium, June 22-26, 2003,
Philadelphia, PA: ASCE, 12 pp., 2003, Peer reviewed. Abstract -
Chan Hilton, A. B. and S. Iyer. Optimization of Natural
Attenuation with Active Remediation Under Uncertainty. Proceedings
of the Seventh In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, June
2-5, 2003, Orlando, FL: Batelle, 10 pp., 2003.
- Raghupathi,
L. N. and A. B. Chan Hilton.
Effect of physical
chemical aquifer uncertainty in groundwater remediation design using
robust GA. Proceedings of the First Annual Environmental
& Water Resources Systems Analysis (EWRSA) Symposium, May
19-22, 2002, Roanoke, VA: ASCE, 10 pp., 2002.
- Beckford,
O. and A. B. Chan Hilton.
Development of
Robust Genetic
Algorithms to Multi-Objective Groundwater Remediation Design Under
Uncertainty. Proceedings of the First Annual Environmental
& Water Resources Systems Analysis (EWRSA) Symposium, May
19-22, 2002, Roanoke, VA: ASCE, 10 pp., 2002.
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. and O. Beckford.
remediation design under uncertainty using genetic algorithms. Proceedings
of the World water and environmental resources congress, May 20-24,
2001, Orlando, FL: ASCE, 10 pp., 2001. Abstract
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. and T. B. Culver.
groundwater remediation design under uncertainty. Proceedings of
the joint conference on water resources engineering and water resources
planning and management, July 30-August 2, 2000, Minneapolis, MN:
ASCE, 2000. Abstract
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. and T. B. Culver. Dynamic
groundwater remediation design with genetic algorithms. Proceedings
of the 26th
annual conference on water resources planning and management, June
1999, Tempe, AZ: ASCE, 1999. Abstract
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. and T. B. Culver.
methods for optimal groundwater remediation design by genetic
algorithms. Proceedings of 1998 IEEE International Conference on
Man, and Cybernetics, October 11-14, 1998, San Diego, CA.
3937-3942, 1998. Invited paper. Abstract
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. and T. B. Culver.
bioremediation optimization using genetic algorithms. Water
Resources and the Urban
Environment. Proceedings of the 25th annual conference on water
planning and management (E. D. Loucks, ed.), June 6-10, 1998,
Chicago, IL: ASCE, 1998. Abstract
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. and T. B. Culver. Optimal
design of in situ groundwater bioremediation using genetic algorithms. Eos,
Supplement to AGU spring meeting, May 26-29, 1998. Boston, MA, 1998. Abstract
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. and E. E. Adams. Numerical
investigation of freshwater inflow effects on Boston's Inner Harbor.
Presented at the Fourth
Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling,
October 1995, San Diego, CA, 1995. Abstract
- Alber,
M., A. B. Chan, and M. S. Connor
(1993). Sources of
contaminants to Boston Harbor: Revised loading estimates. Geological
Society of America Fall Meeting, October 1993, Boston, MA.
- Padki,
M. M., S. A. Sherif, P. S. Raju and A.
B. Chan
(1990). A semi-empirical transient method for modeling frost formation
on a flat plate. Fifth AIAA/ASME
Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Seattle, Washington,
June 1990. HTD-Vol. 139, 15-24, New York: ASME.
- Padki,
M. M., S. A. Sherif, and A. B. Chan
(1989). Solar
Chimneys for Power Generation in Rural Areas. Seminar on Energy
Conservation Generation Through Renewable Resources, January 1989,
Ranchi, India.
- Loper,
D.E., W.M.
Landing, C.D. Pullman, A.B. Chan Hilton (2005). Degradation of
Water Quality at Wakulla Springs: Assessment and Recommendations, 84
pp. Available at http://www.1000fof.org/FL_Panhandle_Initiative/SPRINGS/WakullaPeerReportFinal.pdf
Selected Presentations
- Chan Hilton, A.
B. Groundwater management through biologically inspired
algorithms. Department seminar, Dept. of Chemcial and Biomedical
Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, March 2006. Invited
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. Environmental Engineering Management using
Biologically-Inspired Algorithms, Air Force Research Lab, Tyndall Air
Force Base, FL, August 2005. Invited presentation.
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. Optimization and Decision Making Tools for Performance
Monitoring, US Department of Energy Performance Monitoring Workshop,
Butte, MT, June 21-23, 2005. Invited presentations.
- Chan
Hilton, A. B.
Technical writing: Guide to effective communication. January 2005.
- Chan
Hilton, A.
B. Groundwater management through biologically-inspired
algorithms. FSU Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute, October
2004. Invited presentation.
- Chan
Hilton, A.
B. Technical communication: How to prepare and give
presentations. August 2004.
- Chan
Hilton, A.
B. Development and
applications of genetic
algorithms for multi-objective groundwater remediation design under
uncertainty. Auburn University, Auburn, AL, September 2003.
Invited presentation.
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. Genetic algorithms for
remediation design under uncertainty. U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, August
2002. Invited presentation
- Chan
Hilton, A. B. Optimal groundwater
design under
uncertainty using robust genetic algorithms. Sandia National
Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 2002. Invited presentation.
- New
Approaches to Modeling Flow and Fate and
in Karst Settings
of Karst Sites: Data Annual Workshop of the Hydrogeology
Consortium, Orlando, FL, November 2001.
- Modeling
Natural Attenuation Annual Workshop of the Hydrogeology Consortium,
Orlando, FL, November 2000.
- Alber,
M. and A. B. Chan (1994).
Sources of
Contaminants to
Boston Harbor: Revised Loading Estimates. Presented at the Ninth Annual
Massachusetts Bay and New EnglandCoastal Symposium, March 1994, Boston,