Developing a Guidance Manual for reducing greenhouse gas emission, odors, and non-methane hydrocarbons from landfills.
Present and past research showed that Bio-Cells and Bio-Covers (consisting of a layer of glass cullets and compost/mulch) placed over landfill soil cover significantly reduced methane emissions relative to control areas. Recent research at the Leon County Landfill in Tallahassee, FL has also shown that biofilters containing compost media that were interfaced to landfill gas vents were capable of oxidizing only 7 to 18% of methane flowing through them. Laboratory tests, however, showed that biofilters can oxidize up to 70% of methane. Efforts have also been devoted towards the study of the reactivity of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from landfill vents and covers. The research group has additionally found that H2S participates readily in chemical reactions with iron M1 steel (obtained from recycled tires) and oxygen, and react to form either elemental sulfur or iron minerals.
During the execution of this research, two PhD dissertations and 5 Master theses at Florida State University and FAMU-FSU College of Engineering have used reduction data collected from the research at the Leon County Landfill. Several technical papers have been published in highly esteemed technical journals. The technical reports for the research efforts focus mainly on the methods of data collection and the analysis of the observed data. During recent investigations to inventory greenhouse gas emissions from landfills, the research team has noticed that several landfills they have visited did not practice any of techniques developed by the research team to mitigate emissions. The research team measured relatively high emissions from several landfills in the country. The lack of implementation of the techniques developed at the Leon County Landfill was due mainly to the fact that the published data was geared toward academia.
Researchers will use these published materials to develop Guidance Manuals that can be used by landfill operators and managers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions along with odors and NMOCs. The Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center (FREAC) at Florida State University will assist in the preparation and publication of the Guidance Manuals and the distribution of the manuals to state and federal regulators. A copy of the Guidance Manuals will also be sent directly to each landfill operator in the state. A downloadable version of the Guidance Manuals will also be available on the project website.
Research Team
Tarek Abichou, PhD., P.E., FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Jeff Chanton, Florida State University
Progress Reports
Papers Published By Research Group
- Methane Flux and Oxidation at Two Types of Intermediate Landfill Covers
- Methane Oxidation in Biofilters Measured by Mass-Balance and Stable Isotope Methods
- Use of a Biologically Active Cover to Reduce Landfill Methane Emissions and Enhance Methane Oxidation
- Effect of Temperature and Oxidation Rate on Carbon-isotope Fractionation During Methane Oxidation By Landfill Cover Materials
- Characterization of Methane Flux and Oxidation at a Solid Waste Landfill
- Methane Oxidation in Water-Spreading and Compost Biofilters
- Estimating Methane Emission and Oxidation from Earthen Landfill Covers
- Using a Modeling Approach To Estimate Methane Emissions and Oxidation from Landfills Within AP-42 Guidelines
- ET Covers: Construction & Tree Development Inside & Outside of Lysimeters
Final Report