Immediately check all dates listed in this syllabus for any conflicts.
Homework should be neat.
Working together on homework is encouraged, but copying is not allowed.
Homework must be handed in at the start of the lecture at which it is due. It may not be handed in at the departmental office or at the end of class. Homework that is not received at the start of class on the due date listed above cannot be made up unless permission to hand in late has been given before the homework is due, or it was not humanly possible to ask for such permission before the class. If there is a chance you may be late in class, hand the homework in to the instructor the day before it is due. (Shove it under his door if necessary.) This also applies to Web students: they must E-mail the homework before the time the class starts.
Copying of homework, assignments, or tests is never allowed and will result in a failing or zero grade for the copied work, and other actions. It will also result in a failing or zero grade of the person whose work is being copied if that person could reasonably have prevented the copying.
However, working together is typically allowed and encouraged for most homeworks, (and sometimes for other take-home assignments,) as long as you present the final results in your own words and using your own line of reasoning. Since close similarities between solutions will reduce credit, it is better not to formally put down anything until you have figured out the problem, and then let each person write their own solution. If it is unclear whether working together is allowed on any assignment, check with the instructor beforehand.
FSU students are dropped if not present the first day of classes. FAMU students are dropped if not attending at the end of the first week.
You should contact the instructor as soon as possible when the need for an excused absence arrives.
Excused absences include documented illness, deaths in the immediate family and other documented crises, call to active military duty or jury duty, religious holy days, and official University activities. Accommodations for these excused absences will be made and will do so in a way that does not penalize students who have a valid excuse. Consideration will also be given to students whose dependent children experience serious illness. See however the notification requirements below.
Please note that the College of Engineering has a restrictive
interpretation of what is considered a valid excuse for an
absence. See:
If an absence is to be excused, make sure you check beforehand. In
case of excused absence, the instructor will work with you to help you
make up for missed time and catch up, subject to the notification
requirements below.
Classes are not suspended at the College of Engineering unless they are suspended at both institutions. If you are required to attend a university event, you can receive an excused absence. Otherwise, your absence is considered unexcused.
You must notify me in the first week of the semester if you will need an excused absence during a scheduled examination for observance of a religious holy day. If you will need such an absence for a planned event, you must notify me at the start of the semester, or the day that the event is scheduled if later. If an emergency prevents you from attending a scheduled examination, you must notified me at your earliest opportunity, by e-mail (check that you get a timely response from me), phone, or in person. Please provide official documentation of event or emergency. In case the notification procedures are not followed, no make up examination will be given and a zero will be assigned.
A student having more than four unexcused absences will be dropped from the course and assigned the grade F. No exceptions. Tests and exams missed because of unexcused absence receive the grade 0. No exceptions.
Other projects and activities missed completely receive the grade 0 for those projects or activities. No exceptions except as may be noted elsewhere in this syllabus. Homework handed in after the due date and time will receive a zero or greatly reduced credit depending on circumstances and any regulations elsewhere in this syllabus.
Students must daily check their e-mail at the address they provided at the start of class. They must ensure that they receive an welcome e-mail at the beginning of the semester, or contact the instructor to correct their recorded e-mail address immediately.
Failure to properly complete homework, tests, assignments, etcetera due to changes in date, assignment, etcetera, that you did not know about due to failure to check e-mail, unexcused absence, lateness, or inattentiveness will not be excused and cannot be made up.
An undergraduate student may continue in the B.S. in ME degree program unless one or more of the following conditions arise;
Non-ME undergraduate students should contact their home department for corresponding regulations.
It is the policy of the College not to assign “plus and minus
(+/-)” grades for undergraduate engineering courses.
Any student who has repeated attempts in one or more engineering courses may be subject to academic sanctions including but not limited to warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal from their engineering program. Students should contact the department of their engineering major for more information regarding this policy.
Mechanical engineering student outcomes:
Engineering program outcomes/student learning outcomes:
Engineering academic learning compact:
Florida State University academic learning compact:
Students are expected to uphold their University Student Code of Conduct and/or Academic Honor Code. You must read this code if you have not yet done so.
Possible sanction for violations of your code of conduct and/or honor code include but are not limited to:
Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should:
For more information about services available to students with disabilities:
Learning Development and Evaluation Center (LDEC)
677 Ardelia Court
Florida A&M University
Nathaniel Holmes, Director
Donna Shell, Asst. Director
(850) 599-3180 (voice)
(850) 561-2512 (fax)
(850) 561-2783 (TDD)
Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC)
874 Traditions Way
108 Student Services Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4167
(850) 644-9566 (voice)
(850) 644-8504 (TDD)
The instructor might wave some regulation on a case-by-case basis depending on his subjective determination of fairness and appropriateness. This will occur only under exceptional circumstances and should not be assumed. Especially, never assume that a seemingly minor regulation will be waived because the instructor has waived it in the past. A second appeal to waive a minor regulation will probably indicate to the instructor that the regulation is not being taken seriously and most likely refused. Any appeal to the instructor will further be refused a priori unless it is made at the earliest possible moment by phone and/or by E-mail. Do not wait until you are back in town, say.
Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice.